94 research outputs found

    Intron with transgenic marker (InTraM) facilitates high-throughput screening of endogenous gene reporter lines

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    The generation and maintenance of genome edited zebrafish lines is typically labor intensive due to the lack of an easy visual read‐out for the modification. To facilitate this process, we have developed a novel method that relies on the inclusion of an artificial intron with a transgenic marker (InTraM) within the knock‐in sequence of interest, which upon splicing produces a transcript with a precise and seamless modification. We have demonstrated this technology by replacing the stop codon of the zebrafish fli1a gene with a transcriptional activator KALTA4, using an InTraM that enables red fluorescent protein expression in the heart

    Quantification of DNA-associated proteins inside eukaryotic cells using single-molecule localization microscopy

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    Development of single-molecule localization microscopy techniques has allowed nanometre scale localization accuracy inside cells, permitting the resolution of ultra-fine cell structure and the elucidation of crucial molecular mechanisms. Application of these methodologies to understanding processes underlying DNA replication and repair has been limited to defined in vitro biochemical analysis and prokaryotic cells. In order to expand these techniques to eukaryotic systems, we have further developed a photo-activated localization microscopy-based method to directly visualize DNA-associated proteins in unfixed eukaryotic cells. We demonstrate that motion blurring of fluorescence due to protein diffusivity can be used to selectively image the DNA-bound population of proteins. We designed and tested a simple methodology and show that it can be used to detect changes in DNA binding of a replicative helicase subunit, Mcm4, and the replication sliding clamp, PCNA, between different stages of the cell cycle and between distinct genetic backgrounds

    3D super-resolution fluorescence microscopy maps the variable molecular architecture of the nuclear pore complex

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    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large macromolecular machines that mediate the traffic between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In vertebrates, each NPC consists of ∌1000 proteins, termed nucleoporins, and has a mass of over 100 MDa. While a pseudo-atomic static model of the central scaffold of the NPC has recently been assembled by integrating data from isolated proteins and complexes, many structural components still remain elusive due to the enormous size and flexibility of the NPC. Here, we explored the power of 3D super-resolution microscopy combined with computational classification and averaging to explore the 3D structure of the NPC in single human cells. We show that this approach can build the first integrated 3D structural map containing both central as well as peripheral NPC subunits with molecular specificity and nanoscale resolution. Our unbiased classification of over ten thousand individual NPCs indicates that the nuclear ring and the nuclear basket can adopt different conformations. Our approach opens up the exciting possibility to relate different structural states of the NPC to function in situ

    Engineering synthetic antibody binders for allosteric inhibition of prolactin receptor signaling

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    Background: Many receptors function by binding to multiple ligands, each eliciting a distinct biological output. The extracellular domain of the human prolactin receptor (hPRL-R) uses an identical epitope to bind to both prolactin (hPRL) and growth hormone (hGH), yet little is known about how each hormone binding event triggers the appropriate response. Findings: Here, we utilized a phage display library to generate synthetic antibodies (sABs) that preferentially modulate hPRL-R function in a hormone-dependent fashion. We determined the crystal structure of a sAB-hPRL-R complex, which revealed a novel allosteric mechanism of antagonism, whereby the sAB traps the receptor in a conformation more suitable for hGH binding than hPRL. This was validated by examining the effect of the sABs on hormone internalization via the hPRL-R and its downstream signaling pathway. Conclusions: The findings suggest that subtle structural changes in the extracellular domain of hPRL-R induced by each hormone determine the biological output triggered by hormone binding. We conclude that sABs generated by phage display selection can detect these subtle structural differences, and therefore can be used to dissect the structural basis of receptor-ligand specificity. Keywords: Prolactin signaling, Synthetic antibody, Phage display, Alloster

    Single-molecule imaging to characterise the transport mechanism of the Nuclear Pore Complex

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    In the eukaryotic cell, a large macromolecular channel, known as the Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC), mediates all molecular transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm. In recent years, single-molecule fluorescence (SMF) imaging has emerged as a powerful tool to study the molecular mechanism of transport through the NPC. More recently, techniques such as Single-Molecule Localisation Microscopy (SMLM) have enabled the spatial and temporal distribution of cargos, transport receptors and even structural components of the NPC to be determined with nanometre accuracy. In this protocol, we describe a method to study the position and/or motion of individual molecules transiting through the NPC with high spatial and temporal precision

    Svep1 stabilises developmental vascular anastomosis in reduced flow conditions

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    Molecular mechanisms controlling the formation, stabilization and maintenance of blood vessel connections remain poorly defined. Here we identify blood flow and the large extracellular protein Svep1 as co-modulators of vessel anastomosis during developmental angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos. Both loss of Svep1 and blood flow reduction contribute to defective anastomosis of intersegmental vessels. The reduced formation and lumenisation of the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV) is associated with a compensatory increase in Vegfa/Vegfr pERK signalling, concomittant expansion of apelin-positive tip cells, but reduced expression of klf2. Experimentally, further increasing Vegfa/Vegfr signalling can rescue the DLAV formation and lumenisation defects, while its inhibition dramatically exacerbates the loss of connectivity. Mechanistically, our results suggest that flow and Svep1 co-regulate the stabilization of vascular connections, in part by modulating the Vegfa/Vegfr signalling pathway

    Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs

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    Many disease-causing missense mutations affect intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of proteins, but the molecular mechanism of their pathogenicity is enigmatic. Here, we employ a peptide-based proteomic screen to investigate the impact of mutations in IDRs on protein-protein interactions. We find that mutations in disordered cytosolic regions of three transmembrane proteins (GLUT1, ITPR1, and CACNA1H) lead to an increased clathrin binding. All three mutations create dileucine motifs known to mediate clathrin-dependent trafficking. Follow-up experiments on GLUT1 (SLC2A1), the glucose transporter causative of GLUT1 deficiency syndrome, revealed that the mutated protein mislocalizes to intracellular compartments. Mutant GLUT1 interacts with adaptor proteins (APs) in vitro, and knocking down AP-2 reverts the cellular mislocalization and restores glucose transport. A systematic analysis of other known disease-causing variants revealed a significant and specific overrepresentation of gained dileucine motifs in structurally disordered cytosolic domains of transmembrane proteins. Thus, several mutations in disordered regions appear to cause "dileucineopathies.
