6,305 research outputs found

    Convectively driven shear and decreased heat flux

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    We report on direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional, horizontally periodic Rayleigh-B\'enard convection, focusing on its ability to drive large-scale horizontal flow that is vertically sheared. For the Prandtl numbers (PrPr) between 1 and 10 simulated here, this large-scale shear can be induced by raising the Rayleigh number (RaRa) sufficiently, and we explore the resulting convection for RaRa up to 101010^{10}. When present in our simulations, the sheared mean flow accounts for a large fraction of the total kinetic energy, and this fraction tends towards unity as RaRa\to\infty. The shear helps disperse convective structures, and it reduces vertical heat flux; in parameter regimes where one state with large-scale shear and one without are both stable, the Nusselt number of the state with shear is smaller and grows more slowly with RaRa. When the large-scale shear is present with Pr2Pr\lesssim2, the convection undergoes strong global oscillations on long timescales, and heat transport occurs in bursts. Nusselt numbers, time-averaged over these bursts, vary non-monotonically with RaRa for Pr=1Pr=1. When the shear is present with Pr3Pr\gtrsim3, the flow does not burst, and convective heat transport is sustained at all times. Nusselt numbers then grow roughly as powers of RaRa, but the growth rates are slower than any previously reported for Rayleigh-B\'enard convection without large-scale shear. We find the Nusselt numbers grow proportionally to Ra0.077Ra^{0.077} when Pr=3Pr=3 and to Ra0.19Ra^{0.19} when Pr=10Pr=10. Analogies with tokamak plasmas are described.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 5 video

    Habitable Climates: The Influence of Eccentricity

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    In the outer regions of the habitable zone, the risk of transitioning into a globally frozen "snowball" state poses a threat to the habitability of planets with the capacity to host water-based life. We use a one-dimensional energy balance climate model (EBM) to examine how obliquity, spin rate, orbital eccentricity, and ocean coverage might influence the onset of such a snowball state. For an exoplanet, these parameters may be strikingly different from the values observed for Earth. Since, for constant semimajor axis, the annual mean stellar irradiation scales with (1-e^2)^(-1/2), one might expect the greatest habitable semimajor axis (for fixed atmospheric composition) to scale as (1-e^2)^(-1/4). We find that this standard ansatz provides a reasonable lower bound on the outer boundary of the habitable zone, but the influence of obliquity and ocean fraction can be profound in the context of planets on eccentric orbits. For planets with eccentricity 0.5, our EBM suggests that the greatest habitable semimajor axis can vary by more than 0.8 AU (78%!) depending on obliquity, with higher obliquity worlds generally more stable against snowball transitions. One might also expect that the long winter at an eccentric planet's apoastron would render it more susceptible to global freezing. Our models suggest that this is not a significant risk for Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars since such planets are buffered by the thermal inertia provided by oceans covering at least 10% of their surface. Since planets on eccentric orbits spend much of their year particularly far from the star, such worlds might turn out to be especially good targets for direct observations with missions such as TPF-Darwin. Nevertheless, the extreme temperature variations achieved on highly eccentric exo-Earths raise questions about the adaptability of life to marginally or transiently habitable conditions.Comment: References added, text and figures updated, accepted by Ap

    A possible dearth of hot gas in galaxy groups at intermediate redshift

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    We examine the X-ray luminosity of galaxy groups in the CNOC2 survey, at redshifts 0.1 < z < 0.6. Previous work examining the gravitational lensing signal of the CNOC2 groups has shown that they are likely to be genuine, gravitationally bound objects. Of the 21 groups in the field of view of the EPIC-PN camera on XMM-Newton, not one was visible in over 100 ksec of observation, even though three of the them have velocity dispersions high enough that they would easily be visible if their luminosities scaled with their velocity dispersions in the same way as nearby groups' luminosities scale. We consider the possibility that this is due to the reported velocity dispersions being erroneously high, and conclude that this is unlikely. We therefore find tentative evidence that groups at intermediate redshift are underluminous relative to their local cousins.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, reference added in section 1, typos corrected, published in Ap

    Generation of political priority for global surgery: a qualitative policy analysis

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    Background Despite the high burden of surgical conditions, the provision of surgical services has been a low global health priority. We examined factors that have shaped priority for global surgical care. Methods We undertook semi-structured interviews by telephone with members of global surgical networks and ministries of health to explore the challenges and opportunities surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and other proponents face in increasing global priority for surgery. We did a literature review and collected information from reports from organisations involved in surgery. We used a policy framework consisting of four categories—actor power, ideas, political contexts, and characteristics of the issue itself—to analyse factors that have shaped global political priority for surgery. We did a thematic analysis on the collected information. Findings Several factors hinder the acquisition of attention and resources for global surgery. With respect to actor power, the global surgery community is fragmented, does not have unifying leadership, and is missing guiding institutions. Regarding ideas, community members disagree on how to address and publicly position the problem. With respect to political contexts, the community has made insuffi cient eff orts to capitalise on political opportunities such as the Millennium Development Goals. Regarding issue characteristics, data on the burden of surgical diseases are limited and public misperceptions surrounding the cost and complexity of surgery are widespread. However, the community has several strengths that portend well for the acquisition of political support. These include the existence of networks deeply committed to the cause, the potential to link with global health priorities, and emerging research on the cost-eff ectiveness of some procedures. Interpretation To improve global priority for surgery, proponents will need to create an eff ective governance structure that facilitates achievement of collective goals, generate consensus on solutions, and fi nd an eff ective public positioning of the issue that attracts political support

    The Deuterium-Burning Mass Limit for Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets

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    There is no universally acknowledged criterion to distinguish brown dwarfs from planets. Numerous studies have used or suggested a definition based on an object's mass, taking the ~13-Jupiter mass (M_J) limit for the ignition of deuterium. Here, we investigate various deuterium-burning masses for a range of models. We find that, while 13 M_J is generally a reasonable rule of thumb, the deuterium fusion mass depends on the helium abundance, the initial deuterium abundance, the metallicity of the model, and on what fraction of an object's initial deuterium abundance must combust in order for the object to qualify as having burned deuterium. Even though, for most proto-brown dwarf conditions, 50% of the initial deuterium will burn if the object's mass is ~(13.0 +/- 0.8)M_J, the full range of possibilities is significantly broader. For models ranging from zero-metallicity to more than three times solar metallicity, the deuterium burning mass ranges from ~11.0 M_J (for 3-times solar metallicity, 10% of initial deuterium burned) to ~16.3 M_J (for zero metallicity, 90% of initial deuterium burned).Comment: "Models" section expanded, references added, accepted by Ap

    Habitable Climates

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    According to the standard liquid-water definition, the Earth is only partially habitable. We reconsider planetary habitability in the framework of energy-balance models, the simplest seasonal models in physical climatology, to assess the spatial and temporal habitability of Earth-like planets. We quantify the degree of climatic habitability of our models with several metrics of fractional habitability. Previous evaluations of habitable zones may have omitted important climatic conditions by focusing on close Solar System analogies. For example, we find that model pseudo-Earths with different rotation rates or different land-ocean fractions have fractional habitabilities that differ significantly from that of the Earth itself. Furthermore, the stability of a planet's climate against albedo-feedback snowball events strongly impacts its habitability. Therefore, issues of climate dynamics may be central in assessing the habitability of discovered terrestrial exoplanets, especially if astronomical forcing conditions are different from the moderate Solar System cases.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Several references added. 41 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Antiretroviral therapy for refugees and internally displaced persons: a call for equity.

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    Available evidence suggests that refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in stable settings can sustain high levels of adherence and viral suppression. Moral, legal, and public health principles and recent evidence strongly suggest that refugees and IDPs should have equitable access to HIV treatment and support. Exclusion of refugees and IDPs from HIV National Strategic Plans suggests that they may not be included in future national funding proposals to major donors. Levels of viral suppression among refugees and nationals documented in a stable refugee camp suggest that some settings require more intensive support for all population groups. Detailed recommendations are provided for refugees and IDPs accessing antiretroviral therapy in stable settings

    Stellar Hydrodynamics in Radiative Regions

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    We present an analysis of the response of a radiative region to waves generated by a convective region of the star; this wave treatment of the classical problem of ``overshooting'' gives extra mixing relative to the treatment traditionally used in stellar evolutionary codes. The interface between convectively stable and unstable regions is dynamic and nonspherical, so that the nonturbulent material is driven into motion, even in the absence of ``penetrative overshoot.'' These motions may be described by the theory of nonspherical stellar pulsations, and are related to motion measured by helioseismology. Multi-dimensional numerical simulations of convective flow show puzzling features which we explain by this simplified physical model. Gravity waves generated at the interface are dissipated, resulting in slow circulation and mixing seen outside the formal convection zone. The approach may be extended to deal with rotation and composition gradients. Tests of this description in the stellar evolution code TYCHO produce carbon stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), an isochrone age for the Hyades and three young clusters with lithium depletion ages from brown dwarfs, and lithium and beryllium depletion consistent with observations of the Hyades and Pleiades, all without tuning parameters. The insight into the different contributions of rotational and hydrodynamic mixing processes could have important implications for realistic simulation of supernovae and other questions in stellar evolution.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa