223 research outputs found

    Simplicity of spectra for certain multidimensional continued fraction algorithms

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    In the current paper we prove simplicity for the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for triangle sequence and Selmer algorithm in dimension 3. We introduce a strategy that can be applied for a wide class of Markovian MCF

    Processing of chloride-containing productive solutions after uranium in situ leaching by ion exchange method

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    The uranium sorption from productive solutions containing chloride ions using anion-exchange resins was investigated. The VPAE ion exchanger had the highest values of the sorption capacity, which for the experiment in the static mode was 13 kg U m -3 , and for the experiment in the dynamic mode, it was equal to 36 kg U m -3 . The use of VPAE anion exchanger will make it possible for uranium recovery from productive solutions with an increased content of chloride without sacrificing the productivity of the sorption plant. The process of saturated resins regeneration by various reagents was investigated. The use of ammonium nitrate solution with sulfuric acid ensured maximum value of uranium recovery from the saturated resin phase (76-97%). © 2019, Gadjah Mada University. All rights reserved

    Uranium stripping from tri-n-butyl phosphate by hydrogen peroxide solutions

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    The processes of uranium stripping from 30% tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in "odorless" kerosene by H2O2 solutions both with and without NH4OH added were investigated in the temperature range of 20-50 C and with a volumetric ratio of 1 between the organic and aqueous phases. The uranium was selectively precipitated in the form of uranium peroxide during stripping from the organic phase by hydrogen peroxide. The stripping of uranium increased with increasing H2O2 content, increasing temperature and increasing concentration of NH3 in the range of 0-15 g/L. The use of a heated solution (40 C) that contained 4 mol H 2O2/mol U and NH3 12 g/L resulted in 99.7% of the uranium being stripped from TBP in the form of uranium peroxide. The uranium peroxide obtained by stripping is a highly pure product that exists in two different hydrated forms: UO4в̂™4H2O (92 mass %) and UO4в̂™2H2O. The mean particle diameter was 20.75 μm. The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the organic phase was studied by IR spectroscopy. No structural changes in TBP were observed after 30 cycles of extraction/stripping; thus, the use of hydrogen peroxide in this application is unrestricted. © 2013 Elsevier B.V


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    This review article presents the current data on vitamin D metabolism, «classical» and «nonclassical» functions which are most widely studied in recent years. Vitamin D inhibits cell proliferation and stimulates cell differentiation, inhibits adaptive immunity and promotes innate immunity. In recent years, proven the impact of vitamin D on the development and functioning of the nervous system, including the process of myelination. These effects can largely determine the role of vitamin D in the prevention and for a number of widespread diseases of modern man, including infectious pathology, autoimmune diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders, which explains the necessity of studying the therapeutic potential of vitamin D in a variety of human pathology. В обзорной статье представлены современные сведения о витамине D, его метаболизме, «классическим» и «неклассическим» функциям, которые наиболее широко изучаются в последнее время. Витамин D подавляет пролиферацию клеток и стимулирует клеточную дифференциацию, ингибирует адаптивный иммунитет и способствует врожденному иммунитету. В последние годы доказано влияние витамина D на развитие и функционирование нервной системы, включая процессы миелинизации. Эти эффекты во многом могут определять роль витамина D в профилактике и течении целого ряда широко распространенных заболеваний современного человека, включая инфекционную патологию, аутоиммунные заболевания, нервно-психические расстройства, что объясняет необходимость изучения терапевтического потенциала витамина D при различной патологии человека.


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    This review present current immunological, microbiological and molecular genetic features of Lyme disease. The mechanisms of borrelia’s dissemination and adaptation in the macroorganism are describe. The role of B. burgdorferi s.l. in the development of autoimmune diseases and non-Hodgkin-lymfomas is describe.В обзоре представлены современные микробиологические, иммунологические и молекулярно-генетические особенности иксодовых клещевых боррелиозов. Описаны механизмы диссиминации и адаптации боррелий в условиях макроорганизма. Освещена роль B. burgdorferi s.l. в развитии аутоиммунных заболеваний и неходжскинских лимфом


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    The article presents the results of a survey of 77 patients with confirmed acute tick-borne infection in the age of 1 year to 17 years. Three patients (5%) selected Borrelia miyamotoi. Identified clinical and laboratory features of infection caused by Borrelia miyamotoi. It is shown that Borrelia miyamotoi causes the development of recurrent febrile conditions without erythema migrans at the background of marked cerebral symptoms. In this regard, necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of this disease with tick borne encephalitis.В статье представлены результаты обследования 77 больных с подтвержденной острой клещевой инфекцией в возрасте от 1 года до 17 лет. У 3 пациентов (5%) выделена Borrelia miyamotoi. Выявлены клинико-лабораторные особенности инфекции, вызванной Borrelia miyamotoi. Показано, что Borrelia miyamotoi вызывает развитие рецидивирующих лихорадочных состояний без мигрирующей эритемы на фоне выраженной общемозговой симптоматики. В связи с этим необходимо проведение дифференциальной диагностики данного заболевания с клещевым энцефалитом

    Features of regulation of heart activity at the evaluation of functional health indicators

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    The article is devoted to assessing the functional indicators of the cardiovascular system in people of different age groups, based on functional tests. It is shown that the central nervous system and humoral factors have different effects on the functioning of the heart, depending on the age and physical fitness of the person. Based on the analysis of the results of the tests, we can conclude that there are changes in the functional state of the subjects.Статья посвящена оценке функциональных показателей сердечно – сосудистой системы у людей разных возрастных групп, на основе проведения функциональных проб. Показано, что центральная нервная система и гуморальные факторы оказывают различное влияние на работу сердца, в зависимости от возраста и физической подготовки человека. На основе анализа результатов проведённых проб можно сделать вывод, о наличие изменений функционального состояния испытуемых

    Cytokines and neuron-specific proteins in pediatric viral encephalitis and convulsive syndrome. I. Viral encephalitis

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    Convulsive syndrome in children is manifested in the three forms: febrile convulsions in acute infections, symptomatic convulsions during acute neuroinfection, as well as onset of epilepsy requiring careful differentiation to prescribe adequate therapy. A threat of convulsive syndrome spreads beyond complications related to ongoing infection, because its development is associated with the risk of emerging symptomatic epilepsy in the future. Postencephalitic epilepsy developing in children within the first years after viral encephalitis has been specifically highlighted. A necessity to identify groups at risk of developing epilepsy gave a momentum to seek out for biomarkers of epileptogenesis reflecting the features of systemic and local inflammatory process in the central nervous system during the immune response to infection. Cytokines mainly mediating inflammation are currently examined being studied as candidate biomarkers of the risk of epilepsy. On the other hand, neuron-specific proteins known as inflammation biomarkers identified in various diseases of the central nervous system are being investigated to reveal brain cell injury in neuroinfections and epilepsy. Here we review publications assessing a potential to use inflammation biomarkers (cytokines and neuron-specific proteins) to diagnose and monitor pediatric neurological diseases associated with convulsive syndrome. The first part of the review describes the results of determining the inflammation biomarkers in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid during acute viral encephalitis/encephalopathy associated with various neurotropic viruses (herpes viruses, flaviviruses, enteroviruses). A significance of diverse biomarkers in predicting an outcome and long-term disease consequences are discussed


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    The paper considers the issue of providing electricity to villages, remote from the power line, where the main sources of electricity are worn and outdated diesel generators. The calculation of the installation of autonomous hybrid power (ASEU) 100 kW in rural settlement Tungokochen Trans-Baikal Territory. To choose the most effective components of a photovoltaic system. It is shown that the economic benefit of using this project.В работе рассмотрен вопрос обеспечения электроэнергией сел, удаленных от линии электропередачи, где основными источники электроэнергии являются изношенные и устаревшие дизель-генераторы. Проведен расчет установки автономной гибридной электростанции (АГЭУ) мощностью 100 кВт в сельском поселении Тунгокочен Забайкальского края. Подобраны наиболее эффективные составляющие части фотоэлектрической системы. Показана экономическая выгода использования данного проекта

    Quantitative electroencephalography indicators in children with acute purulent meningitis

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    The aim of the present work was to assess the state of brain bioelectrical activity in children during the acute period of bacterial purulent meningitis, with quantitative mathematical analysis of the changes found. The studies included 31 children on days 1 and 6 from onset of illness: 16 children (8.9 ± 2.4 years) admitted to the Pediatric Scientifi c Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases with laboratory confi rmation of diagnoses of purulent meningitis (due to Neisseria meningitidis) (n = 11) or Streptomyces pneumoniae (n = 2) or unidentifi ed pathogen (n = 3)), along with 15 healthy childre