1,037 research outputs found

    Ordering our world: the quest for traces of temporal organization in autobiographical memory

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    An experiment examined the idea, derived from the Self Memory System model (Conway & Pleydell-Pearce, 2000), that autobiographical events are sometimes tagged in memory with labels reflecting the life era in which an event occurred. The presence of such labels should affect the ease of judgments of the order in which life events occurred. Accordingly, 39 participants judged the order of two autobiographical events. Latency data consistently showed that between-era judgments were faster than within-era judgments, when the eras were defined in terms of either: (a) college versus high school, (b) academic quarter within year, or (c) academic year within school. The accuracy data similarly supported the presence of a between-era judgment effect for the college versus high school dichotomy

    Hereditary stable tubes in module categories

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    The concepts of a self-hereditary stable tube T and a hereditary stable tube T in a module category modA are introduced, where A is a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field. Characterisations of self-hereditary stable tubes and hereditary stable tubes are given, and illustrative examples of such tubes are presented. Some open problems are presented

    Nonstandard additively finite triangulated categories of Calabi-Yau dimension one in characteristic 3

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    We prove that there exist nonstandard K-linear triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposable objects and Calabi-Yau dimension one over an arbitrary algebraically closed field K of characteristic 3, using deformed preprojective algebras of generalized Dynkin type

    Gene expression during preimplantation mouse development

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    To develop a resource for the identification and isolation of genes expressed in the early mammalian embryo, large and representative cDNA libraries were constructed from unfertilized eggs, and two-cell, eight-cell, and blastocyst-stage mouse embryos. Using these libraries, we now report the first stages at which the cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1 beta, and interferon (IFN)-gamma are transcribed in the developing embryo and the presence of IL-7 transcripts in the unfertilized egg. Transcripts for IL-1 alpha, -2, -3, -4, or -5 were not detected at these stages. To identify novel genes expressed on activation of the embryonic genome, the egg and eight-cell stage-specific cDNA libraries were subtracted from the two-cell library, yielding a specialized cDNA library enriched for transcripts expressed at the two-cell stage. Sequence and Southern blot analysis of several of these cDNAs expressed predominantly at the two-cell stage of embryogenesis revealed them to be from novel genes, thereby providing the first molecular tools with which to approach the study of gene expression in the early mammalian embryo

    Fast Vertical Beam Instability in the CTF3 Combiner Ring

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    The CLIC Test Facility CTF3 is being built at CERN by an international collaboration, in order to demonstrate the main feasibility issues of the CLIC two-beam technology by 2010. The facility includes an 84 m combiner ring, which was installed and put into operation in 2007. High-current operation has shown a vertical beam break-up instability, leading to high beam losses over the four turns required for nominal operation of the CTF3 ring. Such instability is most likely due to the vertically polarized transverse mode in the RF deflectors used for beam injection and combination. In this paper we report the experimental data and compare them with simulations. Possible methods to eliminate the instability are also outlined
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