42 research outputs found

    Cyclic peptide production using a macrocyclase with enhanced substrate promiscuity and relaxed recognition determinants

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    This project was supported by grants from the ERC (no. 339367, MJ), BBSRC IBCatalyst (no. BB/M028526/1, MJ, WEH), BBSRC FoF (no. BB/M013669/1, MJ, WEH), IBioIC Exemplar (no. 2014-2-4, MJ, WEH), an AstraZeneca studentship (MJ, WEH, LT, KR), the Academy of Finland (no. 259505, DPF) and the SULSA leaders award (WEH). The authors like to thank the Aberdeen Proteomics Facility and the Aberdeen School of Natural and Computing Sciences MS Facility for LCMS analysis. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section, Fig. S1–S60 and Tables S1–S3. See DOI: 10.1039/c7cc05913bPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exploring a Tetrahydroquinoline Antimalarial Hit from the Medicines for Malaria Pathogen Box and Identification of its Mode of Resistance as PfeEF2

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    New antimalarial treatments with novel mechanism of action are needed to tackle Plasmodium falciparum infections that are resistant to first-line therapeutics. Here we report the exploration of MMV692140 ( 2 ) from the Pathogen Box, a collection of 400 compounds that was made available by Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) in 2015. Compound 2 was profiled in in vitro models of malaria and was found to be active against multiple life-cycle stages of Plasmodium parasites. The mode of resistance, and putatively its mode of action, was identified as Plasmodium falciparum translation elongation factor 2 ( Pf eEF2), which is responsible for the GTP-dependent translocation of the ribosome along mRNA. The compound maintains activity against a series of drug-resistant parasite strains. The structural motif of the tetrahydroquinoline ( 2 ) was explored in a chemistry program with its structure-activity relationships examined, resulting in the identification of an analog with 30-fold improvement of antimalarial asexual blood stage potency

    Protein Kinase C Activation Has Distinct Effects on the Localization, Phosphorylation and Detergent Solubility of the Claudin Protein Family in Tight and Leaky Epithelial Cells

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    We have previously shown that protein kinase C (PKC) activation has distinct effects on the structure and barrier properties of cultured epithelial cells (HT29 and MDCK I). Since the claudin family of tight junction (TJ)-associated proteins is considered to be crucial for the function of mature TJ, we assessed their expression patterns and cellular destination, detergent solubility and phosphorylation upon PKC stimulation for 2 or 18 h with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). In HT29 cells, claudins 1, 3, 4 and 5 and possibly claudin 2 were redistributed to apical cell–cell contacts after PKC activation and the amounts of claudins 1, 3 and 5, but not of claudin 2, were increased in cell lysates. By contrast, in MDCK I cells, PMA treatment resulted in redistribution of claudins 1, 3, 4 and 5 from the TJ and in reorganization of the proteins into more insoluble complexes. Claudins 1 and 4 were phosphorylated in both MDCK I and HT29 cells, but PKC-induced changes in claudin phosphorylation state were detected only in MDCK I cells. A major difference between HT29 and MDCK I cells, which have low and high basal transepithelial electrical resistance, respectively, was the absence of claudin 2 in the latter. Our findings show that PKC activation targets in characteristic ways the expression patterns, destination, detergent solubility and phosphorylation state of claudins in epithelial cells with different capacities to form an epithelial barrier

    Breakfast habits and factors influencing food choices at breakfast in relation to socio-demographic and family factors among European adolescents. The HELENA Study §

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    A B S T R A C T Breakfast consumption has been shown to be an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Little is known however about factors influencing breakfast consumption and food choices at breakfast in adolescents. The aim of the present study was therefore to describe breakfast habits, and factors influencing food choices at breakfast within the framework of the EU-funded HELENA Study, in 3528 adolescents from ten European cities. Additionally, socio-demographic differences in breakfast habits and in influencing factors were investigated. Half of the adolescents (and fewer girls than boys) indicated being regular breakfast consumers. Girls with mothers with a high level of education, boys from 'traditional' families and boys who perceived low family affluence were positively associated with breakfast consumption. Boys whose parents gave encouragement and girls whose peers ate healthily were more likely to be regular breakfast consumers. 'Hunger', 'taste', 'health concerns' and 'parents or guardian' were the most important influences on the adolescents' food choices at breakfast. Adolescents from southern Europe and girls reported to be more influenced by personal and socio-environmental factors. Sociodemographic differences, in particular regional and gender differences, need to be considered in discussions surrounding the development of nutritional intervention programs intended for adolescents.

    Cognitieve revalidatie voor kinderen en jongeren met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel:wat zijn de effectieve componenten?

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    Veel kinderen en jongeren met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel (nah) ervaren problemen met cognitief functioneren, zoals een verminderd geheugen of slechtere concentratie. Dit artikel is gebaseerd op bevindingen en inzichten uit het proefschrift ‘executive functions of children and adolescents: novel perspectives on assessment and intervention’. Een belangrijk doel van het promotietraject was beter inzicht te krijgen in hoe we cognitieve functies en bijbehorende problemen bij kinderen en jongeren met nah kunnen verbeteren. Cognitieve problemen bij kinderen en jongeren kunnen mogelijk worden behandeld met cognitieve revalidatie. Interventies voor cognitieve revalidatie kunnen worden gecategoriseerd op basis van hun hoofdcomponenten: 1) strategiegebruik en/of metacognitie, 2) herhaald oefenen, en 3) externe hulpmiddelen. Resultaten van een literatuurstudie naar cognitieve revalidatie laten zien dat door interventies die zijn gebaseerd op metacognitie en/of strategiegebruik vooral adaptief gedrag en sociaal functioneren verbeteren. Interventies op basis van herhaald oefenen verbeterden de prestaties op taken die vergelijkbaar zijn met de geoefende taken. Multi-componenten-interventies die deze twee componenten combineren, leken te leiden tot verbeteringen in zowel cognitief als adaptief gedrag en sociaal functioneren. Externe hulpmiddelen verbeterden het functioneren in het specifieke gebied waarop het hulpmiddel was gericht, bijvoorbeeld het geheugen. De beschikbare gegevens suggereren dat interventies bestaande uit meerdere componenten, zoals een combinatie van metacognitie- en/of strategiegebruik en herhaald oefenen, veelbelovend zijn, omdat deze kunnen leiden tot verbeteringen in zowel het cognitieve als psychosociale functioneren van kinderen en adolescenten met nah

    International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity,”

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    Background: Physical inactivity is a global concern, but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international comparisons. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was developed as an instrument for cross-national monitoring of physical activity and inactivity. Methods: Between 1997 and 1998, an International Consensus Group developed four long and four short forms of the IPAQ instruments (administered by telephone interview or self-administration, with two alternate reference periods, either the "last 7 d" or a "usual week" of recalled physical activity). During 2000, 14 centers from 12 countries collected reliability and/or validity data on at least two of the eight IPAQ instruments. Test-retest repeatability was assessed within the same week. Concurrent (inter-method) validity was assessed at the same administration, and criterion IPAQ validity was assessed against the CSA (now MTI) accelerometer. Spearman's correlation coefficients are reported, based on the total reported physical activity. Results: Overall, the IPAQ questionnaires produced repeatable data (Spearman's clustered around 0.8), with comparable data from short and long forms. Criterion validity had a median of about 0.30, which was comparable to most other self-report validation studies. The "usual week" and "last 7 d" reference periods performed similarly, and the reliability of telephone administration was similar to the self-administered mode. Conclusions: The IPAQ instruments have acceptable measurement properties, at least as good as other established self-reports. Considering the diverse samples in this study, IPAQ has reasonable measurement properties for monitoring population levels of physical activity among 18-to 65-yr-old adults in diverse settings. The short IPAQ form "last 7 d recall" is recommended for national monitoring and the long form for research requiring more detailed assessment