2,569 research outputs found

    Heavy flavours in AA collisions: production, transport and final spectra

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    A multi-step setup for heavy-flavour studies in high-energy nucleus-nucleus (AA) collisions --- addressing within a comprehensive framework the initial Q-Qbar production, the propagation in the hot medium until decoupling and the final hadronization and decays --- is presented. The initial hard production of Q-Qbar pairs is simulated using the POWHEG pQCD event generator, interfaced with the PYTHIA parton shower. Outcomes of the calculations are compared to experimental data in pp collisions and are used as a validated benchmark for the study of medium effects. In the AA case, the propagation of the heavy quarks in the medium is described in a framework provided by the relativistic Langevin equation. For the latter, different choices of transport coefficients are explored (either provided by a perturbative calculation or extracted from lattice-QCD simulations) and the corresponding numerical results are compared to experimental data from RHIC and the LHC. In particular, outcomes for the nuclear modification factor R_AA and for the elliptic flow v_2 of D/B mesons, heavy-flavour electrons and non-prompt J/\psi's are displayed.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figure

    Different Growth Partitioning and Shoot Production of Talinum triangulare Treated with Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer

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    Talinum triangulare or waterleaf is an underutilized tropical plant, mostly found as weeds, and has been used more as medicinal plant than as vegetable in Indonesia.  The study of Talinum triangulare cultivation has been explored to increase the shoot production as functional vegetables.  The effects of organic fertilizer applications   at 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 of the standard rate on waterleaf growth were tested in a Leuwikopo research station, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Standard rate of organic fertilizer consisted of 12.3 t..ha-1 of cow manure, 226.8 kg. .ha-1 of guano, and 5.5 t.ha-1 of rice hull ash that is equal to 100 kg urea, 60 kg SP-36 and 100 kg KCl.ha-1.  Net assimilation rate (NAR) of the organic fertilizer-treated plants was lower than the inorganic fertilizer-treated with plant at two to four weeks after planting (WAP). However, the plants treated with 0.75-1.25 organic fertilizer had a higher NAR than those treated with inorganic fertilizer at four to six WAP.  Plants treated with 0.75 rate of organic fertilizer had similar relative growth rate (RGR) to plants treated with the inorganic fertilizer at two to four WAP, whereas plants treated with 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 standard rate had higher RGR than plants treated with inorganic fertilizer at 4-6 WAP.   Plants treated with 1.50 organic fertilizer rate had 34.55% more marketable shoots compared to those treated with inorganic fertilizer whereas those treated with 0.50 rate of organic fertilizer had 179.54% at 6 WAP.  The percentage of marketable shoots to total fresh weight of the organic fertilizer-treated plants was lower than the inorganic fertilizer-treated plants.Keywords: Talinum triangulare, leafy vegetables, organi

    Refa (Rehabilitasi Friedreich\u27s Ataxia) sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Penderita di Kecamatan Ampel Boyolali

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    Genetic disorders are the most common coordination in the world is Fridreich \u27s ataxia (FA). In Indonesia FA obtained Boyolali Ampel area. FA is progressive and has not found specific drugs for FA. Symptoms and accompanying complications can be treated with physical exercise. Physical exercise can reduce the progression of symptoms and helps maintain body functions as long as possible. The level of knowledge of patient and public awareness about the FA in Boyolali Ampel sub-district is still lacking. Improving the quality of life and slow the worsening condition of the patient FA. Divided into three phases, namely the preparation, implementation, and follow-up. In the implementation phase given counseling or education, provide motivation and physical exercise through video playback, provide physical exercise posters, and pocket books to be handgrip patients, provision of aids to patients, perform a physical examination, and renovate one of the stalls where people work. In the follow-up stage of the final observation assessment to measure the success of this program and reinforce the benefits of patients. Improved quality of life is evident from the scores of healthy physical (exercise 58.33% to 93.33%, the cleanliness of 66.7% to 85%, and the nutritional 71.67% to 78.33%), healthy social (65% to 75%), a healthy spiritual (85% to 91, 67%), support family members as the cadre (71.67% to 93.33%), the increase in scores independence and decrease depression scores. Worsening condition of the patient can be slowed as evidenced by an increase in the percentage of physical exercise. Physical exercise and family support is very influential in improving the quality of life of patients

    HEP Applications Evaluation of the EDG Testbed and Middleware

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    Workpackage 8 of the European Datagrid project was formed in January 2001 with representatives from the four LHC experiments, and with experiment independent people from five of the six main EDG partners. In September 2002 WP8 was strengthened by the addition of effort from BaBar and D0. The original mandate of WP8 was, following the definition of short- and long-term requirements, to port experiment software to the EDG middleware and testbed environment. A major additional activity has been testing the basic functionality and performance of this environment. This paper reviews experiences and evaluations in the areas of job submission, data management, mass storage handling, information systems and monitoring. It also comments on the problems of remote debugging, the portability of code, and scaling problems with increasing numbers of jobs, sites and nodes. Reference is made to the pioneeering work of Atlas and CMS in integrating the use of the EDG Testbed into their data challenges. A forward look is made to essential software developments within EDG and to the necessary cooperation between EDG and LCG for the LCG prototype due in mid 2003.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Conference (CHEP03), La Jolla, CA, USA, March 2003, 7 pages. PSN THCT00

    Drug release mechanisms of chemically cross-linked albumin microparticles: effect of the matrix erosion

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    Albumin (BSA) microparticles were developed as a biotechnological alternative for drug delivery. Vitamin B12 (Vit-B12) was used as a model drug. The microparticles were obtained from maleic anhydride-functionalized BSA and N′,N′-dimethylacrylamide (DMAAm) in a W/O emulsion without and with PVA. The microparticles produced at 15 min of stirring without PVA showed the best results in terms of size, homogeneity, and sphericity. In such a case, BSA played a role as a surface active agent, replacing PVA. For longer stirring times, BSA was unable to act as an emulsifier. These microparticles showed an uncommon release profile, consisting of a two-step release mechanism, at the pH range studied. Considering that a two-step release mechanism is occurring, the experimental data were adjusted by applying modified power law and Weibull equations in order to describe release mechanism n and release rate constant k, respectively. Each one of the release stages was related to a specific value of n and k. The second stage was driven by a super case II transport mechanism, as a result of diffusion, macromolecular relaxation, and erosion. A third model, described by Hixson–Crowell, confirmed the erosion mechanism. Vit-B12 diffusion kinetics in aqueous solutions (i.e., without the microparticles) follows a one-step process, being k dependent on the pH, confirming that the two-step release mechanism is a characteristic profile of the developed microparticles. The microparticles released only 2.70% of their initial drug load at pH 2, and 58.53% at pH 10

    Rainbow connection numbers of some classes of s-overlapping r-uniform hypertrees with size t

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    The rainbow connection concept was developed to determine the minimum number of passwords required to exchange encrypted information between two agents. If the information exchange involves divisions managing more than two agents, the rainbow connection concept can be extended to a hypergraph. In 2014, Carpentier et al. expanded the rainbow connection concept of graphs to hypergraphs. They implemented it on a minimally connected hypergraph, an r r -uniform complete hypergraph, an r r -uniform cycle hypergraph, and an r r -uniform complete multipartite hypergraph. However, they did not determine the rainbow connection numbers of hypertrees. A hypergraph H \mathcal{H} is called a hypertree if there exists a host tree T T such that each edge of H \mathcal{H} induces a subtree in T T . Therefore, in this article, we consider the rainbow connection numbers of some classes of s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertrees with size t t . For r2 r\geq 2 , 1\leq s < r , and t1 t\geq 1 , an s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertree with size t t is an r r -uniform connected hypertree, with s s being the maximum cardinality of the vertex set obtained from the intersection of each pair of edges. We provide the best lower bound of the rainbow connection number of a connected hypergraph. Then, we determine the rainbow connection numbers of six classes of s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertrees with size t t

    Optimasi Sistem Keamanan Transfer Data dengan Mengaplikasikan Konsep Terhubung Pelangi pada Graf

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    Pada era digital saat ini, inovasi teknologi berkembang semakin pesat. Hal ini seiring dengan tujuan manusia untuk mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Salah satu komponen pendukung berbasis teknologi yang diperlukan dalam pencapaian SDGs tersebut adalah sistem komunikasi publik secara digital, yang selanjutnya disebut sistem komunikasi digital. Dalam hal ini, sistem transfer data merupakan salah satu bentuk sistem komunikasi digital yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Dapat dilihat dengan jelas, cakupan sistem komunikasi digital sangat luas, masif, dan terbuka. Oleh karena itu, keamanan pada sistem transfer data merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam sistem komunikasi digital saat ini. Untuk menjaga keamanan data yang ditransfer, pengirim data akan menggunakan sandi (password) pada data tersebut. Namun untuk mengantisipasi bocornya sandi tersebut, maka pengirim data perlu memasang sandi secara berlapis. Banyaknya lapisan sandi pada data tersebut dapat ditentukan dengan konsep terhubung pelangi pada graf. Konsep ini dikembangkan oleh Chartrand dkk. pada tahun 2008 untuk mengatasi kelemahan dalam pengamanan pengiriman informasi antar agen rahasia Amerika Serikat. Artikel ini merupakan hasil studi literatur. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, pembahasan dalam artikel ini dimulai dengan pemaparan tentang terminologi graf dan konsep terhubung pelangi pada graf. Selanjutnya, dalam artikel dibahas tentang bilangan terhubung pelangi dari beberapa kelas graf dan hasil operasi graf yang merepresentasikan kompleksitas sistem jaringan komunikasi