313 research outputs found

    DNA-protein interaction at the replication termini of plasmid R6K.

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    Understanding the molecular mechanism of specific and polarized termination of DNA replication at a sequence-specific replication terminus requires detailed analyses of the interaction of terminator protein (ter) with specific DNA sequences (tau), constituting the replication terminus. Such analyses should provide the structural basis of the functional polarity of replication inhibition observed in vivo and in vitro at tau sites. With this objective in mind, we have purified the replication terminator protein of Escherichia coli to homogeneity and have analyzed the interaction of the protein with the replication termini of R6K, using chemical probes and by site-directed mutagenesis. The results show that one monomer of ter protein binds to a single tau site with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 5 x 10(-9) moles/liter. Furthermore, a combination of alkylation interference and protection, hydroxyradical footprinting, and site-directed mutagenesis has revealed the phosphate groups and base residues of the tau core sequence that make contacts with ter protein and those residues that are important for both DNA-protein interaction and for termination of replication in vivo. The overall picture that emerges from these analyses reveals that ter forms an asymmetric complex with a tau sequence. Thus, the asymmetric ter-tau complex provides a structural basis for the functional polarity of the arrest of a moving replication fork at a tau site

    Pathobiology of Hodgkin Lymphoma

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    Despite its well-known histological and clinical features, Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) has recently been the object of intense research activity, leading to a better understanding of its phenotype, molecular characteristics, histogenesis, and possible mechanisms of lymphomagenesis. There is complete consensus on the B-cell derivation of the tumor in most cases, and on the relevance of Epstein-Barr virus infection and defective cytokinesis in at least a proportion of patients. The REAL/WHO classification recognizes a basic distinction between lymphocyte predominance HL (LP-HL) and classic HL (cHL), reflecting the differences in clinical presentation and behavior, morphology, phenotype, and molecular features. cHL has been classified into four subtypes: lymphocyte rich, nodular sclerosing, with mixed cellularity, and lymphocyte depleted. The borders between cHL and anaplastic large-cell lymphoma have become sharper, whereas those between LP-HL and T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma remain ill defined. Treatments adjusted to the pathobiological characteristics of the tumor in at-risk patients have been proposed and are on the way to being applied

    Endovascular therapy for advanced post-thrombotic syndrome: Proceedings from a multidisciplinary consensus panel

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    Patients with advanced post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) and chronic iliac vein obstruction suffer major physical limitations and impairment of health-related quality of life. Currently there is a lack of evidence-based treatment options for these patients. Early studies suggest that imaging-guided, catheter-based endovascular therapy can eliminate iliac vein obstruction and saphenous venous valvular reflux, resulting in reduced PTS severity; however, these observations have not been rigorously validated. A multidisciplinary expert panel meeting was convened to plan a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate endovascular therapy for the treatment of advanced PTS. This article summarizes the findings of the panel, and is expected to assist in developing a National Institutes of Health-sponsored clinical trial and other studies to improve the care of patients with advanced PTS

    Peripheral T cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified: the stuff of genes, dreams and therapies

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    Peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCL) account for about 12% of lymphoid tumours worldwide. Almost half show such morphological and molecular variability as to hamper any further classification, and to justify their inclusion in a waste-basket category termed “not otherwise specified (NOS)”. The latter term is used for neoplasms with aggressive presentation, poor response to therapy and dismal prognosis. In contrast to B cell lymphomas, PTCL have been the subject of only a limited number of studies to elucidate their pathobiology and identify novel pharmacological approaches. Herewith, the authors revise the most recent contributions on the subject based on the experience they have gained in the extensive application of microarray technologies. PTCL/NOS are characterised by erratic expression of T cell associated antigens, including CD4 and CD52, which have recently been proposed as targets for ad hoc immunotherapies. PTCL/NOS also show variable Ki-67 marking, with rates >80% heralding a worse prognosis. Gene expression profiling studies have revealed that PTCL/NOS derive from activated T lymphocytes, more often of the CD4+ type, and bear a signature composed of 155 genes and related products that play a pivotal role in cell signalling transduction, proliferation, apoptosis and matrix remodelling. This observation seems to pave the way for the use of innovative drugs such as tyrosine kinase and histone deacetylase inhibitors whose efficacy has been proven in PTCL primary cell cultures. Gene expression profiling also allows better distinction of PTCL/NOS from angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma, the latter being characterised by follicular T helper lymphocyte derivation and CXCL13, PD1 and vascular endothelial growth factor expression

    Trends and correlates of HIV-1 resistance among subjects failing an antiretroviral treatment over the 2003-2012 decade in Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Despite a substantial reduction in virological failures following introduction of new potent antiretroviral therapies in the latest years, drug resistance remains a limitation for the control of HIV-1 infection. We evaluated trends and correlates of resistance in treatment failing patients in a comprehensive database over a time period of relevant changes in prescription attitudes and treatment guidelines. METHODS: We analyzed 6,796 HIV-1 pol sequences from 49 centres stored in the Italian ARCA database during the 2003-2012 period. Patients (n = 5,246) with viremia > 200 copies/mL received a genotypic test while on treatment. Mutations were identified from IAS-USA 2013 tables. Class resistance was evaluated according to antiretroviral regimens in use at failure. Time trends and correlates of resistance were analyzed by Cochran-Armitage test and logistic regression models. RESULTS: The use of NRTI backbone regimens slightly decreased from 99.7% in 2003-2004 to 97.4% in 2010-2012. NNRTI-based combinations dropped from 46.7% to 24.1%. PI-containing regimens rose from 56.6% to 81.7%, with an increase of boosted PI from 36.5% to 68.9% overtime. In the same reference periods, Resistance to NRTIs, NNRTIs and PIs declined from 79.1% to 40.8%, from 77.8% to 53.8% and from 59.8% to 18.9%, respectively (p < .0001 for all comparisons). Dual NRTI + NNRTI and NRTI + PI resistance decreased from 56.4% to 33.3% and from 36.1% to 10.5%, respectively. Reduced risk of resistance over time periods was confirmed by a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations associated with NRTIs, NNRTIs and PIs at treatment failure declined overtime regardless of specific class combinations and epidemiological characteristics of treated population. This is likely due to the improvement of HIV treatment, including both last generation drug combinations and prescription guidelines

    RANKL Is a Downstream Mediator for Insulin-Induced Osteoblastic Differentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Several reports have shown that circulating insulin level is positively correlated with arterial calcification; however, the relationship between insulin and arterial calcification remains controversial and the mechanism involved is still unclear. We used calcifying vascular smooth muscle cells (CVSMCs), a specific subpopulation of vascular smooth muscle cells that could spontaneously express osteoblastic phenotype genes and form calcification nodules, to investigate the effect of insulin on osteoblastic differentiation of CVSMCs and the cell signals involved. Our experiments demonstrated that insulin could promote alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, osteocalcin expression and the formation of mineralized nodules in CVSMCs. Suppression of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) with small interfering RNA (siRNA) abolished the insulin-induced ALP activity. Insulin induced the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (Akt). Furthermore, pretreatment of human osteoblasts with the ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059, but not the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, LY294002, or the Akt inhibitor, 1L-6-hydroxymethyl-chiro-inositol 2-(R)-2-O-methyl-3-O-octadecylcarbonate (HIMO), abolished the insulin-induced RANKL secretion and blocked the promoting effect of insulin on ALP activities of CVSMCs. Recombinant RANKL protein recovered the ALP activities decreased by RANKL siRNA in insulin-stimulated CVSMCs. These data demonstrated that insulin could promote osteoblastic differentiation of CVSMCs by increased RANKL expression through ERK1/2 activation, but not PI3K/Akt activation