313 research outputs found

    Model Matematis Kenaikan Suhu Pada Butiran Selama Pengepresan Pada Pembuatan Tablet Effervescen Buah Markisa

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    The objective of this research was proposing mathematical models to predict the temperature increasing in the spherical form particles during compression on processing of the passion fruit effervescent tablet. The materials used in this research were passion fruit granule. The data of temperature increase on the materials during compression was recorded by the thermocouple. Result of the research was showed the temperature increase will be distributed by conduction to all position in the particle that can predict with the diffusion equation for dimensions three spherical coordinate. The temperature at the particle surface where friction among the contact points of the particle occurred was higher than Tg of materials of the effervescent tablet component. The particles temperature average increase during compression is 33.03oC

    Electro-gravimetric recovery of silver from aqueous solutions and its precursors

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    A simple electrolytic cell was used for electrochemical recovery of silver from aqueous solutions containing 100 mg/L Ag(I). Two different sets of electrodes were applied to find the enhanced recovery of silver. Rocks and ores samples were processed through fire assay method and acid digestion. A set of electrodes comprised of stainless steel anode and aluminum cathode gave maximum recovery (96.5%) of silver. This simple, robust, environment friendly and highly sensitive method was effectively applied to various ores and rock samples. The developed method with slight modifications can also be applied for the recovery of other metals. KEY WORDS: Boulangerite ore, Deposition, Electrolytic cell, Electrodes, Recovery, Silver Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2016, 30(2), 165-174DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v30i2.

    Rancang Bangun Server Learning Management System Menggunakan Load Balancer Dan Reverse Proxy

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    Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah beban pada web server adalah dengan menggunakan lebih dari satu web server. Trafik internet akan dikendalikan oleh load balancer yang akan membagi request yang diterimanya ke masing-masing web server. Selain load balancer bisa juga dipasang reverse proxy untuk men-cache halaman web sehingga bisa di-load lebih cepat lagi. Rancang bangun sistem yang diuji dalam tugas akhir ini meliputi dua web server Learning Management System (LMS) yang dikontrol oleh satu load balancer dan reverse proxy (cluster). Pengujian juga dilakukan pada server LMS single untuk dijadikan tolok ukur perbandingan. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengamati perbedaan performansi yang dicapai server LMS cluster dibandingkan dengan server LMS single. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa server LMS cluster mampu meningkatkan performansi secara signifikan ketika jumlah user yang mengakses berjumlah lebih dari 40 user. Peningkatan tersebut terutama terlihat pada parameter throughput, packet retransmission dan page load time yang mampu meningkat sampai 57.93%

    Kompetensi Guru dan Strategi Instruksional dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Belajar Siswa

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    The purpose of this research is to find out how the competence and instructional strategies of teachers in improving the quality of student learning. The method used is library research, in the form of literature review of relevant sources from books and research journals. The research results obtained information that teacher competence, pedagogic abilities and teacher motivation to students are components that play an important role in improving the quality of student learning, which ultimately determines the ability of teacher instructional strategies. The conclusion of a teacher's professionalism can be seen in his ability to apply instructional strategies in learning. The more competent and professional a teacher is, the more maximal the instructional strategy will be in an effort to improve the quality of student learning, Keywords: Teacher Competence, Teacher Professionalism, Instructional Strateg

    Politik Hukum Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Dan Hak Asasi Petani Sebagai Instrumen Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia

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    The legal politic of protecting Sustainable Food Agricultural Land as an effort to prevent the conversion of wet land and to protect the farmers' rights is difficult to do. However, the real effort is to establish a set of firm regulations. In some contexts, there are still some weaknesses in the policies made by the government in maintaining the land. Moreover, in its implementation, potential conflicts of interests between local governments that base their reasons on local autonomy and the central government that intends to protect food agricultural lands may happen. The legal politic of protecting Sustainable Food Agricultural Land as an effort to prevent the conversion of wet land and to protect the farmers' rights is difficult to do. However, the real effort is to establish a set of firm regulations. In some contexts, there are still some weaknesses in the policies made by the government in maintaining the land. Moreover, in its implementation, potential conflicts of interests between local governments that base their reasons on local autonomy and the central government that intends to protect food agricultural lands may happen

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pelayanan Publik Dasar Bidang Sosial Di Kota Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengimplementasian Peraturan Daerah No. 8 Tahun 2009 di Kota Makassar tentang pelayanan pemakaman dan pengabuan mayat, untuk menganalisis kualitas implementasi pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial di Kota Makassar, untuk mengkaji kepuasan masyarakat pengguna pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial di Kota Makassar, serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas implementasi pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial secara parsial dan bersama-sama terhadap tingkat kepuasan masyarakat pengguna di Kota Makassar. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dipilih tipe penelitian gabungan antara metode penelitian kualitatif dan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang terkait dengan pengimplementasian Perda No. 8 Tahun 2009 di Kota Makassar melalui pendekatan sumber (Institutional Research). Sementara itu metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang terkait dengan kualitas dan kepuasan masyarakat serta pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat pengguna pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial dalam wilayah Kota Makassar melalui pendekatan khalayak (Audience Research). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengimplementasian Perda No. 8 Tahun 2009 di Kota Makassar telah berjalan sesuai dengan model pengimplementasian kebijakan publik, terkhusus apabila dikaitkan dengan prinsip “empat tepat” yaitu (1) tepat menjawab permasalahan, (2) tepat pelaksanaan, (3) tepat sasaran, dan (4) tepat lingkungan. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kualitas implementasi pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial di Kota Makassar yang diukur dari perspektif pengguna layanan yaitu masyarakat Kota Makassar berturut-turut didominasi oleh responden yang menyatakan berkualitas, sangat berkualitas dan tidak berkualitas. Begitu pula kepuasan masyarakat pengguna terhadap pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial di Kota Makassar berturut-turut didominasi oleh responden yang menyatakan puas, disusul responden yang menyatakan sangat puas, dan responden menyatakan tidak puas. Hasil analisis pengaruh kualitas implementasi pelayanan publik dasar bidang sosial secara parsial menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif terhadap tingkat kepuasan masyarakat, namun apabila dianalisis secara bersama-sama menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 indikator yang dianalisis dua diantaranya memiliki pengaruh utama, yaitu keandalaan dan empati, sedangkan 3 indikator lainnya, yaitu bukti fisik, daya tanggap dan kemampuan pelayan merupakan faktor pendukung kualitas pelayanan terhadap tingkat kepuasan masyarakat


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    Bendungan Karalloe dimanfaatkan untuk menampung pasokan air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daerah Irigasi Kelara-Karalloe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dimensi tubuh bendungan dan analisis stabilitas tubuh bendungan. Hasil penelitian tubuh bendungan ini menggunakan tipe Bendungan Urugan Batu Dengan Lapis Permukaan Beton (CFRD), maka didapatkan dimensi tubuh bendungan berdasarkan Q1000th sebesar 1411,687 m3/dtk, tinggi bendungan 81,80 m, lebar puncak 12,70 m panjang bendungan 339,90 m, elevasi muka air normal +248,30 m, area genangan 154,05 ha, elevasi muka air banjir +253,80 m, volume tampungan efektif 30,70 m3, kemiringan hulu 1,4 H : 1,0 V, Kemiringan hilir 1,5 H : 1,0 V dengan volume tampungan total 41,75 m3. Terjadi perbedaan yang signifikan antara studi perencanaan baru dengan perencanaan yang ada. Stabilitas bendungan terhadap rembesan dan stabilitas lereng terhadap longsoran dinyatakan aman dan memenuhi syarat. Stabilitas lereng hulu dan hilir bendungan memiliki angka keamanan dalam kondisi muka air banjir yang lebih besar dari pada angka keamanan dalam kondisi koson

    Evaluasi Program Magang dengan Model Evaluasi Kirkpatrick

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    This study aims to assess the evaluation of apprenticeship programs using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model at PT Jambi Prima Coal. This study used a quantitative method with a gradual pre- and post-test evaluation approach to apprentice participants at four levels, namely 1) the level of satisfaction of the participants with the implementation of the training, as measured by a questionnaire for the participants; 2) the participants' level of understanding of the training material, as measured by the pre-test and post-test questions for the participants; 3) changes in the work behavior of the training participants after returning to work, as measured by a questionnaire for the participants' superiors and subordinates; 4) the impact of changes in the work behavior of the training participants on the company's productivity level, as measured by the reduction in waste due to decreased absenteeism and tardiness of staff led by the training participants. The first three levels of data are processed using Kirkpatrick's weighting formula. The results of the evaluation show that the satisfaction level of the participants ranges from 77-83%. The pre-test average value was 46.58%, while the post-test average value was 58.50%. Of the 20 participants, 16 people had better work behavior according to their superiors, and all of them according to their subordinates. The data shows that there is no decrease in the lateness rate but there is a decrease in the absenteeism rate. In conclusion, the satisfaction level of the training participants showed a positive reaction, most of the participants showed an increase in understanding of the material, most of the training participants were quite able to apply the training material well in the workplace and there was a decrease in absenteeism which had an impact on saving the company.   Keywords: Training, Apprentice Evaluation, Kitkpatrick Mode

    “Seaside” Sebuah Alternatif Konsep Permukiman

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    This article represents literature study about a town design model on Florida's northwest coats. The idea of Seaside is started with the notion of reviving Northwest Florida's building tradition and involvement of Andreas Duany designer urban and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk with new urbanismn concepts and also seaside development of Robert Davis in Seaside area. Writer also tries to study excess from sideside design and aspect that is left behind in this design mode
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