897 research outputs found

    Square-rich fixed point polynomial evaluation on FPGAs

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    Polynomial evaluation is important across a wide range of application domains, so significant work has been done on accelerating its computation. The conventional algorithm, referred to as Horner's rule, involves the least number of steps but can lead to increased latency due to serial computation. Parallel evaluation algorithms such as Estrin's method have shorter latency than Horner's rule, but achieve this at the expense of large hardware overhead. This paper presents an efficient polynomial evaluation algorithm, which reforms the evaluation process to include an increased number of squaring steps. By using a squarer design that is more efficient than general multiplication, this can result in polynomial evaluation with a 57.9% latency reduction over Horner's rule and 14.6% over Estrin's method, while consuming less area than Horner's rule, when implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. When applied in fixed point function evaluation, where precision requirements limit the rounding of operands, it still achieves a 52.4% performance gain compared to Horner's rule with only a 4% area overhead in evaluating 5th degree polynomials

    Magnetic field and temperature sensing with atomic-scale spin defects in silicon carbide

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    Quantum systems can provide outstanding performance in various sensing applications, ranging from bioscience to nanotechnology. Atomic-scale defects in silicon carbide are very attractive in this respect because of the technological advantages of this material and favorable optical and radio frequency spectral ranges to control these defects. We identified several, separately addressable spin-3/2 centers in the same silicon carbide crystal, which are immune to nonaxial strain fluctuations. Some of them are characterized by nearly temperature independent axial crystal fields, making these centers very attractive for vector magnetometry. Contrarily, the zero-field splitting of another center exhibits a giant thermal shift of -1.1 MHz/K at room temperature, which can be used for thermometry applications. We also discuss a synchronized composite clock exploiting spin centers with different thermal response.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Simultaneous measurement of quality factor and wavelength shift by phase shift microcavity ring down spectroscopy

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    Optical resonant microcavities with ultra high quality factors are widely used for biosensing. Until now, the primary method of detection has been based upon tracking the resonant wavelength shift as a function of biodetection events. One of the sources of noise in all resonant-wavelength shift measurements is the noise due to intensity fluctuations of the laser source. An alternative approach is to track the change in the quality factor of the optical cavity by using phase shift cavity ring down spectroscopy, a technique which is insensitive to the intensity fluctuations of the laser source. Here, using biotinylated microtoroid resonant cavities, we show simultaneous measurement of the quality factor and the wavelength shift by using phase shift cavity ring down spectroscopy. These measurements were performed for disassociation phase of biotin-streptavidin reaction. We found that the disassociation curves are in good agreement with the previously published results. Hence, we demonstrate not only the application of phase shift cavity ring down spectroscopy to microcavities in the liquid phase but also simultaneous measurement of the quality factor and the wavelength shift for the microcavity biosensors in the application of kinetics measurements

    Mode Bifurcation and Fold Points of Complex Dispersion Curves for the Metamaterial Goubau Line

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    In this paper the complex dispersion curves of the four lowest-order transverse magnetic modes of a dielectric Goubau line (ϵ>0,μ>0\epsilon>0, \mu>0) are compared with those of a dispersive metamaterial Goubau line. The vastly different dispersion curve structure for the metamaterial Goubau line is characterized by unusual features such as mode bifurcation, complex fold points, both proper and improper complex modes, and merging of complex and real modes

    Room-temperature near-infrared silicon carbide nanocrystalline emitters based on optically aligned spin defects

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    Bulk silicon carbide (SiC) is a very promising material system for bio-applications and quantum sensing. However, its optical activity lies beyond the near infrared spectral window for in-vivo imaging and fiber communications due to a large forbidden energy gap. Here, we report the fabrication of SiC nanocrystals and isolation of different nanocrystal fractions ranged from 600 nm down to 60 nm in size. The structural analysis reveals further fragmentation of the smallest nanocrystals into ca. 10-nm-size clusters of high crystalline quality, separated by amorphization areas. We use neutron irradiation to create silicon vacancies, demonstrating near infrared photoluminescence. Finally, we detect, for the first time, room-temperature spin resonances of these silicon vacancies hosted in SiC nanocrystals. This opens intriguing perspectives to use them not only as in-vivo luminescent markers, but also as magnetic field and temperature sensors, allowing for monitoring various physical, chemical and biological processes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    All-optical dc nanotesla magnetometry using silicon vacancy fine structure in isotopically purified silicon carbide

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    We uncover the fine structure of a silicon vacancy in isotopically purified silicon carbide (4H-28^{28}SiC) and find extra terms in the spin Hamiltonian, originated from the trigonal pyramidal symmetry of this spin-3/2 color center. These terms give rise to additional spin transitions, which are otherwise forbidden, and lead to a level anticrossing in an external magnetic field. We observe a sharp variation of the photoluminescence intensity in the vicinity of this level anticrossing, which can be used for a purely all-optical sensing of the magnetic field. We achieve dc magnetic field sensitivity of 87 nT Hz1/2^{-1/2} within a volume of 3×1073 \times 10^{-7} mm3^{3} at room temperature and demonstrate that this contactless method is robust at high temperatures up to at least 500 K. As our approach does not require application of radiofrequency fields, it is scalable to much larger volumes. For an optimized light-trapping waveguide of 3 mm3^{3} the projection noise limit is below 100 fT Hz1/2^{-1/2}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; additional experimental data and an extended theoretical analysis are added in the second versio