304 research outputs found

    Dielectric relaxation behavior in antiferroelectric metal organic framework [(CH3)2NH2][FeIIIFeII(HCOO)6] single crystals

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    The fundamental aspects of the relaxation dynamics in niccolite-type, mixed valence metal–organic framework, multiferroic [(CH3)2NH2][Fe3+Fe2+(HCOO)6] single crystals have been reported using dielectric relaxation spectroscopy covering eight decades in frequency (10−2 ≤ f ≤ 106) in the temperature range 120 K ≤ T ≤ 250 K. The compound shows antiferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition near T = 154 K with the relaxor nature of electric ordering. The temperature dependent dielectric response in modulus representation indicates three relaxation processes within the experimental window. The variable range hopping model of small polarons explains the bulk non-Debye type conductivity relaxation. The fastest relaxation with activation energy Ea = 0.17 eV is related to progressive freezing of the reorientation motions of DMA+ cations. X-ray diffraction data revealed that complete freezing of orientational and translational motions of DMA+ cations occurs well below phase transition temperature. These experimental observations are fundamentally important for the theoretical explanation of relaxation dynamics in niccolite-type metal–organic frameworks

    Comparative Study of foF2 Measurements with IRI-2007 Model Predictions During Extended Solar Minimum

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    The unusually deep and extended solar minimum of cycle 2324 made it very difficult to predict the solar indices 1 or 2 years into the future. Most of the predictions were proven wrong by the actual observed indices. IRI gets its solar, magnetic, and ionospheric indices from an indices file that is updated twice a year. In recent years, due to the unusual solar minimum, predictions had to be corrected downward with every new indices update. In this paper we analyse how much the uncertainties in the predictability of solar activity indices affect the IRI outcome and how the IRI values calculated with predicted and observed indices compared to the actual measurements.Monthly median values of F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) derived from the ionosonde measurements at the mid-latitude ionospheric station Juliusruh were compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) model predictions. The analysis found that IRIprovides reliable results that compare well with actual measurements, when the definite (observed and adjusted) indices of solar activityare used, while IRI values based on earlier predictions of these indices noticeably overestimated the measurements during the solar minimum.One of the principal objectives of this paper is to direct attention of IRI users to update their solar activity indices files regularly.Use of an older index file can lead to serious IRI overestimations of F-region electron density during the recent extended solar minimum

    Dielectric relaxation and anhydrous proton conduction in [C2H5NH3][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)3] metal-organic frameworks

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), in which metal clusters are coupled by organic moieties, exhibit inherent porosity and crystallinity. Although these systems have been examined for vast potential applications, the elementary proton conduction in anhydrous MOFs still remains elusive. One of the approaches to deal with this problem is the utilization of protic organic molecules, to be accommodated in the porous framework. In this work we report the temperature-dependent crystal structure and proton conduction in [C2H5NH3][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)3] metal–organic frameworks using X-ray diffraction and broadband dielectric spectroscopic techniques. The detailed analysis of the crystal structure reveals disorder of the terminal ethylene groups in the polar phase (space group Pn). The structural phase transition from Pn to P21/n at T ≈ 363 K involves the distortion of the metal formate framework and ordering of EtA+ cations due to the reduction of the cell volume. The dielectric data have been presented in the dynamic window of permittivity formalism to understand the ferroelectric phase transition. The relaxation times have been estimated from the Kramers–Kronig transformation of the dielectric permittivity. A Grotthuss type mechanism of the proton conduction is possible at low temperatures with the activation energy of 0.23 eV. This type of experimental observation is expected to provide new prospective on the fundamental aspect of elementary proton transfer in anhydrous MOFs

    Clinical application of 1,5-anhydroglucitol measurements in patients with hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α maturity-onset diabetes of the young

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    OBJECTIVE - 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) is a short-term marker of metabolic control in diabetes. Its renal loss is stimulated in hyperglycemic conditions by glycosuria, which results in a lowered plasma concentration. As a low renal threshold for glucose has been described in hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α) maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), the 1,5-AG level may be altered in these patients. The purpose of this study was to assess the 1,5-AG levels in patients with HNF-1α MODY and in type 2 diabetic subjects with a similar degree of metabolic control. In addition, we aimed to evaluate this particle as a biomarker for HNF-1α MODY. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We included 33 diabetic patients from the Polish Nationwide Registry of MODY. In addition, we examined 43 type 2 diabetic patients and 47 nondiabetic control subjects. The 1,5-AG concentration was measured with an enzymatic assay (GlycoMark). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to evaluate 1,5-AG as a screening marker for HNF-1α MODY. RESULTS - The mean 1,5-AG plasma concentration in diabetic HNF-1α mutation carriers was 5.9 μg/ml, and it was lower than that in type 2 diabetic patients (11.0 μg/ml, P = 0.003) and in nondiabetic control subjects (23.9 μg/ml, P < 0.00005). The ROC curve analysis revealed 85.7% sensitivity and 80.0% specificity of 1,5-AG in screening for HNF-1α MODY at the criterion of <6.5 μg/ml in patients with an A1C level between 6.5 and 9.0%. CONCLUSIONS - 1,5-AG may be a useful biomarker for differential diagnosis of patients with HNF-1α MODY with a specific range of A1C, although this requires further investigation. However, the clinical use of this particle in diabetic HNF-1α mutation carriers for metabolic control has substantial limitations

    Augmenter of liver regeneration enhances the success rate of fetal pancreas transplantation in rodents

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    Background. Treatment of fetal pancreas (FP) isografts with insulin- like growth factor-I greatly improves the rate of conversion to euglycemia in diabetic rats. Complete knowledge of other factors that may facilitate the engraftment and function of FP in vivo is still embryonic. Augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) is a newly described polypeptide growth factor found in weanling rat livers. ALR has trophic effects on regenerating liver. We studied the effects of in situ administration of this agent on FP isografts in rats. Methods. Streptozotocin-diabetic Lewis rats (blood glucose >300 mg/dl) received 16 FP isografts transplanted intramuscularly. ALR was delivered from day 1 through day 14, in doses of 40 or 400 ng/kg/d. Animals were followed for 3 months with serial weights and blood glucose monitoring. These animals were compared with those treated with vehicle alone. Results. Of the group treated with ALR at 40 ng/kg/day for 14 days, 89% (eight of nine) were euglycemic (P=0.0003). Of the group treated with ALR at 400 ng/kg/day for 14 days, 88% (seven of eight) were euglycemic (P=0.0007). Of the group treated with vehicle alone, none of the six were euglycemic. Euglycemia is defined here as glucose<200 mg/dl for 3 days. Pathology of the intramuscular transplant site showed patches of islet tissue embedded in fat. These patches demonstrated insulin immunoreactivity. Conclusions. Diabetes was reversed in a significantly greater proportion of FP + ALR-treated recipients than those animals treated with vehicle alone. Local delivery of growth factors my be used as an adjunct to FP transplantation to improve the rate of success. This in situ model may be useful to further evaluate other soluble factors

    Suppression of phase transitions and glass phase signatures in mixed cation halide perovskites

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    Cation engineering provides a route to control the structure and properties of hybrid halide perovskites, which has resulted in the highest performance solar cells based on mixtures of Cs, methylammonium, and formamidinium. Here, we present a multi-technique experimental and theoretical study of structural phase transitions, structural phases and dipolar dynamics in the mixed methylammonium/dimethylammonium MA1-xDMAxPbBr3 hybrid perovskites (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). Our results demonstrate a significant suppression of the structural phase transitions, enhanced disorder and stabilization of the cubic phase even for a small amount of dimethylammonium cations. As the dimethylammonium concentration approaches the solubility limit in MAPbBr3, we observe the disappearance of the structural phase transitions and indications of a glassy dipolar phase. We also reveal a significant tunability of the dielectric permittivity upon mixing of the molecular cations that arises from frustrated electric dipoles

    Proteorhodopsins dominate the expression of phototrophic mechanisms in seasonal and dynamic marine picoplankton communities

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    The most abundant and ubiquitous microbes in the surface ocean use light as an energy source, capturing it via complex chlorophyll-based photosystems or simple retinal-based rhodopsins. Studies in various ocean regimes compared the abundance of these mechanisms, but few investigated their expression. Here we present the first full seasonal study of abundance and expression of light-harvesting mechanisms (proteorhodopsin, PR; aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis, AAnP; and oxygenic photosynthesis, PSI) from deep-sequenced metagenomes and metatranscriptomes of marine picoplankton (<1 µm) at three coastal stations of the San Pedro Channel in the Pacific Ocean. We show that, regardless of season or sampling location, the most common phototrophic mechanism in metagenomes of this dynamic region was PR (present in 65–104% of the genomes as estimated by single-copy recA), followed by PSI (5–104%) and AAnP (5–32%). Furthermore, the normalized expression (RNA to DNA ratio) of PR genes was higher than that of oxygenic photosynthesis (average ± standard deviation 26.2 ± 8.4 vs. 11 ± 9.7), and the expression of the AAnP marker gene was significantly lower than both mechanisms (0.013 ± 0.02). We demonstrate that PR expression was dominated by the SAR11-cluster year-round, followed by other Alphaproteobacteria, unknown-environmental clusters and Gammaproteobacteria. This highly dynamic system further allowed us to identify a trend for PR spectral tuning, in which blue-absorbing PR genes dominate in areas with low chlorophyll-a concentrations (<0.25 µgL−1). This suggests that PR phototrophy is not an accessory function but instead a central mechanism that can regulate photoheterotrophic population dynamics

    Lactic acidosis occurrence during exercises in the smoke chamber in a 53-year-old firefighter with no significant medical history

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    Lactic acidosis is a form of metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap, reduced rate of arterial blood pH under 7.35 mmol/l, and lactic acid concentration over 7 mmol/l. In the literature we can find some descriptions of the cases of lactic acidosis in patients with severe systemic diseases (cancer, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, sepsis, diabetes with cardiovascular disease and after organ transplantations). We present the case of lactic acidosis in a patient with no chronic disease - a firefighter in whom lactic acidosis has developed during standard exercises in the smoke chamber

    The effect of insulin and sulodexide (Vessel Due F) on diabetic foot syndrome. Pilot study in elderly patients

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    Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności stosowania insuliny wraz z sulodeksydem (mieszanina 80% pochodnych heparyny i 20% siarczanu dermatanu) w leczeniu owrzodzeń stóp oraz określenie ich wpływu na mikrokrążenie skórne i neuropatię cukrzycową. Chorzy z zaawansowaną neuropatią cukrzycową i owrzodzeniem stopy losowo przydzielono do grupy leczonej insuliną (I) z sulodeksydem (S) (n = 12) lub do grupy kontrolnej leczonej insuliną z placebo (P) (n = 6) przez 10 tygodni. Za pomocą metody dopplerowskiego lasera oceniano skórny przepływ krwi w stopach (LDF, laser doppler flow) w spoczynku oraz po 30- i 60-sekundowym niedokrwieniu. Ocenie poddano również przewodnictwo nerwowe na podstawie czuciowych i ruchowych potencjałów wywołanych. U chorych na cukrzycę skórny przepływ po niedokrwieniu był 2,5 raza krótszy w kończynie z owrzodzeniem niż w stopie zdrowej. Obserwowano znamienny wzrost przepływów skórnych po 30- i 60-sekundowym niedokrwieniu po zakończeniu terapii (grupa IS, owrzodzenie stopy, LDF - 60 s; od 99,1 &plusmn; 14,3 do 218,6 &plusmn; 28,6 PU, p < 0,001, grupa od 110,5 &plusmn; 13,0 do 164,8 &plusmn; 15,4 PU, p < 0,05). Czas przekrwienia reaktywnego uległ wydłużeniu w grupie IS (IS: od 30,3 &plusmn; 2,9 do 43,9 &plusmn; 2,2 s, p < 0,001; IP: od 28,7 &plusmn; 3,0 do 33,3 &plusmn; 3,3 s, NS). W grupie IS 92% owrzodzeń stóp uległo zagojeniu w ciągu 46,4 dnia, natomiast w grupie IP 83% w ciągu 63,0 dnia. Badania przewodnictwa nerwowego nie wykazały różnic nasilenia neuropatii w obrębie grup i pomiędzy grupami. W stopach z owrzodzeniami sulodeksyd i insulina poprawiają przepływ skórny w odpowiedzi na niedokrwienie, nie wpływając na przewodnictwo nerwowe. Kliniczne efekty działania sulodeksydu, sumując się z działaniami insuliny, mogą istotnie skracać czas niezbędny do całkowitego wyleczenia owrzodzenia. Ostateczne potwierdzenie przedstawionych wstępnych wyników wymaga dalszych badań klinicznych.To assess the efficacy of insulin plus sulodexide (a mixture of 80% heparin-like substances and 20% dermatan sulphate) on diabetic ulcers, and its influence on foot skin microcirculation and diabetic neuropathy. Two groups of diabetic patients, suffering from severe neuropathy and ulceration, were randomly assigned to insulin (I) plus sulodexide (S) (n = 12) or insulin plus placebo (P) (n = 6) therapy, for 10 weeks. Laser Doppler assessment of foot skin flow (LDF), at rest and 30 or 60 s after arterial occlusion, and nerve conduction tests (sensorial evoked and motoric conduction potentials) have been evaluated in both groups. Postischaemic flow was 2.5 times shorter in ulcerated vs. non-ulcerated feet in diabetic patients. A significant increase in flows after 30 and 60 s ischaemia was detected in both groups at the end of therapy (IS group, ulcerated foot, LDF = 60 s: from 99.1 &#177; 14.3 to 218.6 &#177; 28.6 PU, P < 0.001. IP group = from 110.5 &#177; 13.0 to 164.8 &#177; 15.4 PU, P < 0.05). The length of reactive hyperaemia was higher in IS vs. IP group (IS: from 30.3 &#177; 2.9 to 43.9 &#177; 2.2 s, P < 0.001; IP: from 28.7 &#177; 3.0 to 33.3 &#177; 3.3 s, ns). Ninety-two percent of ulcers heals in a mean time of 46.4 days (IS group) vs. 83% and 63.0 days, respectively, in IP group. Nerve conduction studies have not demonstrated within- and between-group differences. Sulodexide and insulin improve the postischaemic skin flow in ulcerated feet, without affecting nerve conduction tests. The effect of sulodexide results additive to insulin; it is clinically relevant, in the view of the possibility of reducing the time needed to completely heal ulcers. The ultimate validation of these preliminary results requires extensive trials

    High Throughput Discovery of Lightweight Corrosion-Resistant Compositionally Complex Alloys

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    Compositionally complex alloys hold the promise of simultaneously attaining superior combinations of properties such as corrosion resistance, light-weighting, and strength. Achieving this goal is a challenge due in part to a large number of possible compositions and structures in the vast alloy design space. High throughput methods offer a path forward, but a strong connection between the synthesis of a given composition and structure with its properties has not been fully realized to date. Here we present the rapid identification of light weight highly corrosion-resistant alloys based on combinations of Al and Cr in a Cantor-like base alloy (Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni). Previously unstudied alloy stoichiometries were identified using a combination of high throughput experimental screening coupled with key metallurgical and electrochemical corrosion tests, identifying alloys with excellent passivation behavior. Importantly, the electrochemical impedance modulus of the exposure-modified, air-formed film at the corrosion potential was found as an accurate non-destructive predictor of corrosion and passivation characteristics. Multi-element EXAFS analyses connected more ordered type chemical short range order in the Ni-Al 1st nn shell to poorer corrosion. This report underscores the utility of high throughput exploration of compositionally complex alloys for the identification and rapid screening of vast stoichiometric space