258 research outputs found

    Management Of Commercial Makyung Kelantan

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    Makyung is a form of Malay traditional theatre that incorporates elements of ritual, dance, instrumental music with songs, dialogue, stylised acting, improvisations within a storyline

    Primadona ceriakan makyung semakin menghilang

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    Makyung adalah tarian Melayu memaparkan kombinasi tarian, muzik, drama dan komedi dipercayai berasal dari Bukit Sekam, Patani sejak kurun ke-16. Ketika itu kerajaan Patani cukup gemilang sebagai antara pusat budaya paling aktif dan kaya dengan kesenian Melayu di wilayah Nusantara. Persembahan makyung dalam bentuk teater tradisional, begitu popular dan dihargai masyarakat Melayu ketika itu. Ia bukan sahaja dipersembahkan di Patani, malah melebar ke Kelantan dan Terengganu serta berkembang sehingga Sumatera dan Riau di Indonesia

    Pengurusan Pementasan Teater Komersil Mak Yong di Kelantan, 1950an dan 1960an

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    Mak Yong pada amnya ialah sebuah teater tradisional Melayu yang mengandungi aspek-aspek ritual, cerita, tarian, lakonan yang distailisasikan dan penuh improvisasi, muzik instrumental lagu serta dialog

    Wall thinning and creep damage analysis in boiler tube and optimization of operating conditions

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    The boiler tubes are operated continuously at high temperature and pressure. During operation,scales are formed in boiler tube due to tube geometries, flue gas and steam temperature. The remaining wall thickness decreases due to the formation of scale which eventually causes failure of the boiler tubes. In this investigation an iterative technique was used to determine the temperature distribution across the tube with the operating time. The operating time was considered up to 160,000 hours. The remaining life of the steam generator tube was found by finding hoop stress and Larson Miller Parameter from the Larson Miller Parameter curve for SA213-T22 material. By utilizing finite element modelling software, ANSYS 9/ANSYS 11 the temperature distribution across the steam generator tube was evaluated. The increase of heat transfer rate across the wall caused the oxide scale thickness to grow more rapidly than normal condition. It was also observed that due to formation of scale the thermal conductivity in the boiler tubes was affected and the remaining life of boiler tubes was decreased and accelerated creep damage. The ANSYS result was analyzed by Minitab 16 to determine the main and interactive effects of operating conditions. Steam temperature was influencing most the wall thinning and creep damage in comparison to the flue gas temperature. The interactive effects of both the parameters were also prominent. Moreover, the optimum operating condition was identified in order to maximizing the remnant life of the tubes while minimizing the creep rupture damage


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    Logistic, Gompertz, Richards and Weibull growth curves were evaluated for their suitability as mathematical and empirical models to represent cumulative germination. By avoiding the limitations associated with the method of moments and single-value germination indices, the fitted models provided superior description of the time course of germination. The four-parameter Weibull model gave the best fit across a relatively wide range of seed species and germination conditions, and the resulting parameter estimates reflected identifiable aspects of the germination process. The nonlinear estimation of the germination response included a parameter summary, together with their asymptotic standard errors and correlation matrix, along with an approximate band for the expectation function, pairwise plots of the parameter inference region, and profile t plots. Evaluation of the fitted models also included information on lack of fit and residual structure. Empirical results and hypothesis testing were demonstrated with reference to a replicated experiment designed to determine the effects of reduced water potential on germination of onion seeds


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    The rangeland environment in southern Idaho has been heavily impacted by human activities. Invasion by exotic plant species, frequent fires, grazing pressure, and other ecological disturbances have greatly affected the structure and dynamics of grasshopper populations. Quantification of spatial patterns of grasshopper density and species composition is important in order to determine their influence on grassland ecosystems, as well as evaluating managerial decisions concerning vegetation manipulations, grazing practices, and spraying programs. A spatial statistical approach to modeling the heterogeneity of grasshopper populations is presented, and the impact of vegetation and grazing treatments on grasshopper density is investigated. Empirical applications are demonstrated with reference to repeated field surveys conducted over several years in south central Idaho

    Spatial assessment on ambient air quality status: a case study in Klang, Selangor

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    Klang as the center of economic and industrial zone in Malaysia has been exposed to poor air quality condition over the years. This study was conducted to evaluate the spatial variation pattern of air quality status in Klang, Selangor by using a four years (2010-2013) secondary database from the Malaysian Department of Environment (DOE). The finding shows that carbon monoxide (CO) had a strong correlation with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (r = 0.76, p < 0.001), while Air Pollutant Index (API) had moderate correlation with particulate matter (PM10) (r = 0.64, p < 0.001). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicates that the most significant air pollutants were NO2, CO and PM10. Statistical Process Control (SPC) reveals that several PM10 data beyond the limitations of SPC and the national guidelines. This study shows that active collaboration among all relevant environmental departments and agencies should be implemented for the effective management of air quality.Keywords: air quality; correlation; principal component analysis; statistical process control

    Antibacterial Activity of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles against MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Different Clinical Infections

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    In this study, 180 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from patients suffering from various infections, including urinary tract infections, burns, ear infections, tonsillitis, and pneumonia. Specimens were taken from patients hospitalized in Al-Hakim General Hospital, Al-Sadr Medical City, and the Burn Center in Najaf Al-Ashraf, and they were transferred to the Microbiology Laboratory in the Biology Department in the College of Science. P. aeruginosa have been isolated from Specimens taken from patients with these various infections. Isolation methods were different, including culture on MacConkey medium, blood agar, as well as various biochemical and Vitek tests. Susceptibility testing was also performed on these bacteria for six families according to CLSI. These families are penicillins, aminoglycosides, carbopenems, cephalosporins, fluoroquinins, and lipopeptides. It was noted that forty isolates were multi-resistant to these antibiotics. It was also revealed that resistant isolates formed biofilms using a flat microliter. The effectiveness of domestic and imported magnesium oxide nanoparticles on resistant isolates was conducted. These two types were taken at concentrations of 100, 150, and 200 μg/ml. Imported MgO nanoparticles were more effective than domestic ones. It was also observed that the effect of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on resistant bacteria increased with increasing concentration. Antibiotics resistant to Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria were also taken and mixed with imported and local magnesium oxide nanoparticles with an optimal concentration of (200) μg/ml. The effect of magnesium oxide nanoparticles combined with antibiotics was greater than if the nanoparticles were alone

    Improving the efficiency of Monte Carlo Bayesian calibration of hydrologic models via model pre-emption

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    Final published version available at: Shafii, M., Tolson, B., & Shawn Matott, L. (2015). Improving the efficiency of Monte Carlo Bayesian calibration of hydrologic models via model pre-emption. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17(5), 763–770. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2015.043Bayesian inference via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) sampling are popular methods for uncertainty analysis in hydrological modelling. However, application of these methodologies can incur significant computational costs. This study investigated using model pre-emption for improving the computational efficiency of MCMC and SMC samplers in the context of hydrological modelling. The proposed pre-emption strategy facilitates early termination of low-likelihood simulations and results in reduction of unnecessary simulation time steps. The proposed approach is incorporated into two samplers and applied to the calibration of three rainfall-runoff models. Results show that overall pre-emption savings range from 5 to 21%. Furthermore, results indicate that pre-emption savings are greatest during the pre-convergence 'burn-in' period (i.e., between 8 and 39%) and decrease as the algorithms converge towards high likelihood regions of parameter space. The observed savings are achieved with absolutely no change in the posterior set of parameters.Bryan Tolson's NSERC Discovery Gran

    Uncertainty-based multi-criteria calibration of rainfall-runoff models: a comparative study

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00477-014-0855-xThis study compares formal Bayesian inference to the informal generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) approach for uncertainty-based calibration of rainfall-runoff models in a multi-criteria context. Bayesian inference is accomplished through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling based on an auto-regressive multi-criteria likelihood formulation. Non-converged MCMC sampling is also considered as an alternative method. These methods are compared along multiple comparative measures calculated over the calibration and validation periods of two case studies. Results demonstrate that there can be considerable differences in hydrograph prediction intervals generated by formal and informal strategies for uncertainty-based multi-criteria calibration. Also, the formal approach generates definitely preferable validation period results compared to GLUE (i.e., tighter prediction intervals that show higher reliability) considering identical computational budgets. Moreover, non-converged MCMC (based on the standard Gelman-Rubin metric) performance is reasonably consistent with those given by a formal and fully-converged Bayesian approach even though fully-converged results requires significantly larger number of samples (model evaluations) for the two case studies. Therefore, research to define alternative and more practical convergence criteria for MCMC applications to computationally intensive hydrologic models may be warranted.NSERC Discovery Gran