16 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Proto Type Kuliah On-line Menggunakan Teknologi Active Optikal Network

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    Transformasi ilmu pengetahuan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Proses transformasi ilmu pengetahuan dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara.seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Tjutju Soendari [2]. Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi jaringan computer dan adanya perkembangan dalam fiber optik sebagai media yang dapat mengantarkan informasi secara real time dengan kapasitas data yang besar dan dalam waktu yang singkat, telah mendukung berkembangnya sistem kuliah on-line. Hal ini dapat menunjang proses perkuliahan yang memiliki kelas paralel seperti halnya proses perkuliahan yang ada di Telkom apllied science school yang memiliki lebih dari dua kelas untuk setiap mata kuliahnya sehingga dengan adanya system ini memungkinkan jumlah dosen yang dibutuhkan untuk system perkuliahan ini berkurang. Sistem perkuliahan on-line membutuhkan transfer data yang bersifat real time dengan kualitas gambar yang baik. Sebuah prototype perkuliahan on-line yang dibangun untuk menghubungkan 3 buah client yang berada pada ruangan yang berbeda tetapi saling terhubung kedalam sebuah jaringan, menunjukkan bahwa jaringan yang menggunakan teknologi Active Optikal Network berbasis active splitter menunjukkan nilai delay 4,54 ms sedangkan delay untuk jaringan berbasis kabel UTP adalah 54,5 ms. Sehingga perbandingan nilai delay ini menunjukkan kuliah on-line lebih baik jika menggunakan jaringan serat optik

    The Innovation of Glassfiber Reinforced Cement (GRC) Application in Buildings

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    One example of the innovation in building construction that is expansively used at present is Glassfiber Reinforced Cement (GRC). GRC is a cement product based on material mixed with fiberglass. GRC is one of the developments of concrete. This product easily and efficiently provides solutions to a variety of building designs. Additionally, its various forms can be applied to numerous types and functions of buildings. This research aimed to identify the suitability of GRC for several functions. The methods in this study employed a type of qualitative research, with data collection techniques in the form of observation and documentation in several examples of buildings that applied the GRC material innovation. Data analysis was obtained from observation related to GRC types, sizes, installation techniques, and functions in the building. Results showed that the GRC had various types, shapes, and sizes. It could be applied to the building exterior or interior. Each building used different GRC specifications tailored to meet needs and design of the building. GRC installation techniques could use the frame or without frames, adapted to the needs and types of GRC use

    Effect of Dimensions of Service Quality on Satisfaction of BPJS Patiests in Outpatient Health Center Bungah Gresik Installation

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    Health center is the first level health facility in the community; therefore, it must pay attention to the quality of service to patients. This study aims to determine the quality of service to the satisfaction of BPJS patients in outpatient facilities at the Bungah Gresik Health Center. Variables in this study are dimensions of service quality with patient satisfaction. The type of research used is quantitative analytical descriptive handled in February-April 2019 with a sample of 89 respondents. Data obtained through questionnaires and interviews, data analysis using a binary logistic regression statistical test. The results showed that 88.76% of respondents stated that the service quality of the Bungah health center was good and 77.53% of respondents said they were satisfied with the services of the Bungah health center. The results of statistical tests show there are influences between the dimensions of tangible, empathetic, and assurance of patient satisfaction with p-values of 0.022, 0.029, and 0.040. While the dimensions of reliability and responsiveness have no ef ect on patient satisfaction with a p-value of 0.389, and 0.316. Suggestions for Bungah health centers need to improve the quality of services by adding supporting facilities, human resources, and attention to patient complaints to improve patients’ pain

    Aplikasi Sistem Reminder Masa Kadaluarsa Berbasis GIS dengan Platform Android

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    Reminder merupakan salah satu fitur penting yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi Android. Melalui reminder, setiap orang mampu mengingat berbagai informasi penting yang ingin diingat. Aplikasi sistem reminder masa kadaluarsa dengan platform Android mampu memberikan user peringatan sesuai input expired reminder seperti makanan, minuman, obat-obatan, juga aktivitas yang ingin diingat dan dokumen reminder seperti STNK, SIM, KTP dan Paspor, kontrak reminder seperti kos, kontrak dan sewa tanah, event reminder seperti cathering (menjual makanan atau masakan). Aplikasi sistem reminder masa kadaluarsa juga dilengkapi fitur GIS (Geographic Information System) untuk menyimpan dan mengakses lokasi yang dibutuhkan user. Fitur GIS bisa diakses melalui 3 kategori reminder yaitu dokumen, kontrak dan event. Output aplikasi berupa notifikasi yang diinputkan sesuai waktu yang ingin diingat user, penyimpanan latitude dan longitude lokasi dan terdapat fitur get direction yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi lokasi. Kata kunci : reminder, masa kadaluarsa, GIS, Androi

    Alleged budgetary slack during the application of presidential instruction number 4 year 2020 on the regional income and expenditure budget (APBD) city of Denpasar

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    Budgetary slack is a budgeting activity that is not in accordance with the actual capabilities that can be achieved. Budgetary slack can have a negative impact, namely not achieving the best performance of a company or organization. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence regarding the alleged budgetary slack in the Denpasar City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget by adopting the Tri Hita Karana Culture as a moderating variable. The data used are primary data obtained from data collection carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) analysis technique and then tested the data using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program. The total population in this study was 174 respondents, with purposive sampling method obtained an observational sample of 108 respondents. Based on the research analysis conducted, the results show that the Tri Hita Karana Culture moderates the effect of budgetary participation on budgetary slack and moderates the effect of information asymmetry on budgetary slack

    A Review on Model of Integrating Renewable Distributed Generation into Bali’s Power Distribution Systems: Issues, Challenges, and Possible Solutions

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    Spurred by a global energy crisis, the use of renewable distributed generation (DG) with solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, micro-hydro power, and biomass power are gaining momentum and play major role in Bali’s distribution system as an alternative distribution system planning option. If distributed generation planning is optimal by selected optimization of multi-objective function under certain operating constraints and then their site and size are also selected optimally, the penetration of DGs is potentially beneficial. This paper would review techno-economic model objective, voltage profile improvement and power losses constraints as well as optimization based model using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm application in Bali’s distributed generation planning