277 research outputs found
The estaciĂłn de las Delicias site (Madrid) and paleolithic research in the Manzanares valley
El yacimiento madrileño de las Delicias, excavado por Obermaier y Wernert en 1918, ha sido
durante dĂ©cadas uno de los mĂĄs notables del conjunto de localidades paleolĂticas clĂĄsicas del
valle del Manzanares. En el presente artĂculo se hace un repaso crĂtico de la documentaciĂłn
ofrecida por la antigua excavaciĂłn, se evalĂșan historiogrĂĄficamentelas distintasinterpretaciones
vertidas sobre la industria del yacimiento y se enumeran algunos de los objetivos sobre los
que construir un nuevo proyecto de excavaciĂłn sobrelos depĂłsitos aĂșn conservados del mismo.The archaeological site of Las Delicias (Madrid) excavated by Obermaier andWernert in 1918,
it has been one of the most important classic palaeolithic sites of the Manzanares valley for
years. In this paper we offer a critical review of all the data caming from ancient excavation,
together with an historiographical evaluation of the different interpretations based on lithic
industry of the site, and finally we want to set some objectives looking for a new archaeological
research in the DeliciaÂŽs remaining sediment
Reconstructing the Late Antiquity Episcopal Complex of Valentia
In Valencia, near the Cathedral, the Almoina Archaeological Center is the most important excavation area in the city. The buildings dated to Late Antiquity found here were the main ones of this period. The Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Mausoleum, the Memorial of Saint Vincent martyrdom, some reused Roman buildings (Curia, Asklepieion), some necropoleis and other minor constructions have been identified. We are also aware of a large but incomplete Episcopal Complex (we have not yet identified the bishopâs palace). Little by little this important quarter of the town has been reconstructed infographically. The virtual reconstruction project of Valencia was begun in 1999. In that year we presented the first proposal of the reconstruction of the city during the Roman Republican, Roman Empire and Late Antiquity periods. New and up-dated versions with new archaeological remains and the applications of technological advances were made in 2003 and 2007. For this work, which is still in progress, we have always followed the same methodology. We are now able to present the latest proposal (2016-2017) about the exterior and interior appearance of the main important quarter in Valentia around 600 AD
Normative data of Lower-limb muscle flexibility in futsal players
El objetivo de este estudio fue definir cuantitativamente los valores de referencia del perfil de flexibilidad en 20 jugadores profesionales de fĂștbol sala. Para ello se valorĂł la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares de la extremidad inferior a travĂ©s de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento articular pasivo mĂĄximo. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los jugadores de fĂștbol sala analizados presentan un perfil de flexibilidad de la extremidad inferior superior a los valores propuestos para poblaciĂłn general, a los valores encontrados en sujetos sanos sedentarios, asĂ como en personas fĂsicamente activas. De la misma forma, los valores de flexibilidad de los jugadores de fĂștbol sala seleccionados son superiores a los observados en otras modalidades deportivas.The purpose of this study was to quantitatively define the normative lower-limb flexibility data in 20 professional futsal players. For it, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different peak joint ROM assessment tests. The results of the current study demonstrate that the professional futsal players assessed have higher normative data of lower-limb flexibility than the previously stabilised flexibility normative data for general population, healthy sedentary adults, as well as for recreationally active adults. Likewise, the normative lower-limb flexibility data for the professional futsal players selected are higher than those reported for other sport modalities
Optimal data of lower-limb muscle flexibility in female futsal players
El objetivo fue definir cuantitativamente los valores del perfil Ăłptimo de flexibilidad en 20 jugadoras de fĂștbol sala. Para ello, se valorĂł la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares del miembro inferior a travĂ©s de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento pasivo mĂĄximo (ROM). Los resultados del presente estudio definen como ROM Ăłptimo los siguientes rangos para las jugadoras de campo: 43Âș-52Âș para gemelo, 48Âș-54Âș para sĂłleo, 148Âș-154Âș para glĂșteo mayor, 99Âș-118Âș para musculatura isquiosural, 46Âș-56Âș para aductores, 12Âș-20Âș para psoas iliaco y 116Âș-129Âș para cuĂĄdriceps. Para las porteras se han obtenido los siguientes rangos: 40Âș-46Âș para gemelo, 40Âș-47Âș para sĂłleo, 150Âș-155Âș para el glĂșteo mayor, 94Âș-118Âș para musculatura isquiosural, 45Âș-54Âș para aductores, 8Âș-12Âș para psoas iliaco y 115Âș-133Âș para cuĂĄdriceps. Teniendo en cuenta que se ha definido el percentil >80 como el ROM Ăłptimo, sĂłlo 4 jugadoras de campo y 2 porteras presentaban este ROM en cada movimiento evaluadoThe purpose of this study was to define the optimal lower-limb flexibility data for 20 female futsal players. Therefore, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different passive range of motion (ROM) assessment tests. The results of this study define the optimal ROM ranges for field players as: 43Âș-52Âș for the gastrocnemius, 48Âș-54Âș for the soleus, 148Âș-154Âș for the gluteus maximus, 99Âș-118Âș for the hamstrings, 46Âș-56Âș for the adductors, 12Âș-20Âș for the iliopsoas, and 116Âș-129Âș for the quadriceps. For goalkeepers have obtained the following ranges: 40Âș-46Âș for the gastrocnemius, 40Âș-47Âș for the soleus, 150Âș-155Âș for the gluteus, 94Âș-118Âș for the hamstrings, 45Âș-54Âș for the adductors, 8Âș-12Âș for the iliopsoas, and 115Âș-133Âș for the quadriceps. Keeping in mind that optimal ROM values were defined as >80th percentile, only 4 field players and 2 goalkeepers presented this ROM values in each movement assessed
Un passeig per les senyories de n'Alfons d'Aragó i Foix. El comtat de Ribagorça, la baronia d'Arenós, Aiora i el Marquesat de Villena
Redescobrir els paisatges vitals i les empremtes dâun personatge que fou, mĂ©s
de sis segles enrere, un dels nobles mĂ©s enlluernadors del Casal Reial dâAragĂł,
hauria de ser una tasca, de bon principi, gens complexa.
Alfons dâAragĂł i Foix (c. 1332-1412) Ă©s el primogĂšnit de lâinfant en Pere,
fill del rei en Jaume II, comte de Ribagorça i de les muntanyes de Prades.
NâAlfons dâAragĂł obtĂ© i col·lecta un feix de senyories certament important. Unes per herĂšncia del seu pare, lâinfant Pere, unes altres com a dot matrimonial, mentre que dâaltres havien estat concedides, per compensar els seus
serveis, pels reis dâAragĂł i de Castella.Gisbert Santonja, JA. (2013). Un passeig per les senyories de n'Alfons d'AragĂł i Foix. El comtat de Ribagorça, la baronia d'ArenĂłs, Aiora i el Marquesat de Villena. Revista de la Safor. (4). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1294552978
Museu ArqueolĂČgic de la Ciutat de DĂ©nia
El Museu ArqueolĂČgic de DĂ©nia se crea en el año 1957. Su entidad titular es el M. I. Ayuntamiento de DĂ©nia. Presenta el desarrollo de la ciudad desde sus orĂgenes, en el siglo II a. C., hasta el siglo XVIII. Trata algunos aspectos de la comarca, debido a la incidencia de su territorio en la gestaciĂłn del nĂșcleo urbano, asĂ como a destacadas actuaciones del Servicio Municipal de ArqueologĂa en diversos yacimientos de la Marina Alta. Sintetiza dos mil años de historia urbana. Presenta una selecciĂłn de materiales arqueolĂłgicos de los fondos del Museo, y gran parte de su contenido es el resultado de los primeros cinco años de actuaciones arqueolĂłgicas en DĂ©nia y su entorno. Apenas ha sufrido cambios desde la inauguraciĂłn de la exposiciĂłn permanente, en 1987. Ăsta, ahora, con treinta años de vida y casi dos millones de visitantes a lo largo de tres dĂ©cadas, se halla inmersa en el diseño de un proceso de renovaciĂłn
Thermal and thermo-oxidative stability of reprocessed poly(ethylene terephthalate)
An exhaustive assessment of the behaviour of virgin and mechanically reprocessed poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) facing thermal and thermo-oxidative decomposition processes is presented in this work, as an approach for the energetic valorisation of post-consumer PET goods. Multi-rate linear-non-isothermal thermogravimetric (TGA) experiments under inert (Ar) and reactive (O2) conditions were performed to virgin PET and its recyclates in order to simulate the thermal behaviour of the materials facing pyrolysis and combustion processes. The release of gases was monitored by evolved gas analysis of the fumes of the TGA experiment, by in-line Fourier-transform infrared (IR) analysis, with the aid of 2D-correlation IR characterisation. A kinetic analysis methodology, consisting in the combination of six different methods (namely Flynn-Wall-Ozawa, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose, Vyazovkin, Master-Curves and Perez-Maqueda criterion along with Coats-Redfern equation) was applied. Its validity for being used for both constant and variable kinetic parameters was discussed. The kinetic model that described both thermal and thermo-oxidative decompositions of PET and its recyclates was of the type An: nucleation and growth of gas bubbles in the melt. Novel parameters and functions were proposed to characterise the thermal stability along the reprocessing cycles, as well as the variation of the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor during thermal and thermo-oxidative decompositions. The reliability of a simplified kinetic triplet with constant activation parameters was suitable only under thermal decomposition. The usability of PET after reprocessing showed a threshold in the thermal performance from the second recyclate on. During thermal and thermo-oxidative processes, reprocessed PET behaved similarly to virgin PET, and thus current energetic valorisation technologies could be assimilable for all materials
Castells de la Safor. Lascia la Spina, Cogli la Rosa
Hem esperat el primer fred de la tardor, que enguany ha albirat desprĂšs de
Tots Sants, per a escriure aquestes lletres. El cos em demanava cercar, amb la
gelor, una certa temprança dâesperit davant una qĂŒestiĂł, la dels nostres castells, que em provoca episodis dâansietat. RĂ bia davant dâallĂČ inevitable, davant lâestat dâinfortuni dâun segment important del nostre patrimoni edificat,
domesticat i, alhora, salvatge, per lâacciĂł i la saba viva de la natura que els
circumda i integra.Gisbert Santonja, JA. (2011). Castells de la Safor. Lascia la Spina, Cogli la Rosa. Revista de la Safor. (3):25-49. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1292952549
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