194 research outputs found

    Octopus maya white body show sex-specific transcriptomic profiles during the reproductive phase, with high differentiation in signaling pathways

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    White bodies (WB), multilobulated soft tissue that wraps the optic tracts and optic lobes, have been considered the hematopoietic organ of the cephalopods. Its glandular appearance and its lobular morphology suggest that different parts of the WB may perform different functions, but a detailed functional analysis of the octopus WB is lacking. The aim of this study is to describe the transcriptomic profile of WB to better understand its functions, with emphasis on the difference between sexes during reproductive events. Then, validation via qPCR was performed using different tissues to find out tissue-specific transcripts. High differentiation in signaling pathways was observed in the comparison of female and male transcriptomic profiles. For instance, the expression of genes involved in the androgen receptor-signaling pathway were detected only in males, whereas estrogen receptor showed higher expression in females. Highly expressed genes in males enriched oxidation-reduction and apoptotic processes, which are related to the immune response. On the other hand, expression of genes involved in replicative senescence and the response to cortisol were only detected in females. Moreover, the transcripts with higher expression in females enriched a wide variety of signaling pathways mediated by molecules like neuropeptides, integrins, MAPKs and receptors like TNF and Toll-like. In addition, these putative neuropeptide transcripts, showed higher expression in females' WB and were not detected in other analyzed tissues. These results suggest that the differentiation in signaling pathways in white bodies of O. maya influences the physiological dimorphism between females and males during the reproductive phase

    The Indoor Radon Concentration within the Tunnels of the Cholula Pyramid Through a Nuclear Tracks Methodology

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    Global organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (US-EPA) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) recognize that radon gas as one of the main contributors to environmental radiation exposure for humans. Accordingly, a study and analysis of the indoors radon concentrate in the Cholula Pyramid contributes to understand the Radon dynamic inside of the Pyramid tunnels and to evaluate the radiological health risk to visitors, archaeologists, anthropologists and persons who spend extended periods inside the Pyramid. In this paper, the radon measurements along the Pyramid tunnels are presented. The Nuclear Track Methodology (NTM) was chosen for the measurements, using a close end-cup device developed at the Dosimetry Application Project (DAP) of the Physics Institute UNAM, following very well established protocols for the chemical etching and reading with the Counting Analysis Digital Imaging System (CADIS). The Cholula Pyramid consists of eight stages of constructions, each built in different periods of time. Cholula Pyramid is recognized as the pyramid with the largest base in the World, with 400 meters per side and 65 meters high. The tunnels of the pyramid were built in 1931 by architect Ignacio Marquina, with the aim of exploring and studying the structure. The results show an important indoor radon concentration in the measured tunnels, several times higher than levels recommended by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). The recommendation will be to mitigate the radon concentration levels, in order to avoid unnecessary exposition to the people

    In vitro Evaluation of Phthalimide Derivatives Against Cancer Cell lines

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    Los cánceres de pulmón, próstata e hígado se encuentran entre los más prevalentes en los hombres. El cáncer de mama, de cuello uterino y de tiroides se encuentran entre los más prevalentes en mujeres (OMS, 2019). El tratamiento del cáncer generalmente incluye quimioterapia y radioterapia; sin embargo, los medicamentos contra el cáncer disponibles tienen una selectividad baja y causan efectos adversos graves, como nefrotoxicidad, neurotoxicidad y mielosupresión (Matsuo et al., 2010). Por tanto, el diseño y desarrollo de compuestos como nuevos agentes anticancerígenos frente a los tipos de cáncer de mayor incidencia son de vital importancia en el campo de la salud. Los derivados de ftalimida son compuestos prometedores para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes anticancerígenos (Li et al., 2011; Grigalius y Petrikaite, 2017; Kamal et al., 2002). Basado en lo anterior, Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la actividad antiproliferativa de 43 derivados de ftalimida contra una línea celular de cáncer principal en hombres (HepG2) y dos líneas celulares de cáncer principales en mujeres (HeLa y 4T1). Además, se determinó la citotoxicidad de los compuestos contra una línea celular de fibroblasto murino normal (3T3). Los resultados mostraron que los compuestos C16, E11 y E16 presentaron la mejor actividad antiproliferativa contra las líneas celulares HeLa y 4T1. El compuesto H16 solo disminuyó la proliferación celular en un 32% contra la línea celular HepG2. Los compuestos H5, H16, E2, E16 y C1 no afectaron a la proliferación de la línea celular 3T3. Demostrando que sería importante continuar con el análisis de este tipo de compuestos frente a diferentes cánceres para encontrar nuevos compuestos con mejor actividad que los actualmente disponibles en el mercado

    Immunohistochemical localization of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 and α2-Macroglobulin in retinal and choroidal tissue of proliferative retinopathies

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    The immunolocalization of the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and its ligand α 2-Macroglobulin (α2M) was examined in tissues from human donor eyes of normal, diabetic and sickle cell disease subjects. Streptavidin alkaline phosphatase immunohistochemistry was performed with a mouse anti-human LRP1 and rabbit anti-human α2M antibodies. Retinal and choroidal blood vessels were labeled with mouse anti-human CD34 antibody in adjacent tissue sections. Mean scores for immunostaining from the pathological and control eyes were statistically compared.LRP1 immunoreactivity was very weak to negative in the neural retina of normal subjects except in scattered astrocytes. LRP1 expression in diabetic eyes was detected in the internal limiting membrane (ILM), astrocytes, inner photoreceptor matrix, choriocapillaris and choroidal stroma. The ligand α2M, however, was limited mainly to blood vessel walls, some areas of the inner nuclear layer (INL), photoreceptors, RPE-Bruch's membrane-choriocapillaris complex, intercapillary septa, and choroidal stroma. In sickle cell eyes, avascular and vascular retina as well as choroidal neovascularization (CNV) were analyzed. In avascular areas, LRP1 immunoreactivity was in innermost retina (presumably ILM, astrocytes, and Muller cells) and INL as well as RPE-Bruch's membrane-choriocapillaris complex and choroidal stroma α2M was very weak in avascular peripheral retina compared to vascularized areas and limited to stroma in choroid. In contrast, in areas with CNV, LRP1 immunoreactivity was significantly decreased in overlying retina and in RPE-Bruch's membrane and choroidal stroma compared to the controls, while α2M was elevated in RPE-Bruch's membrane near CNV compared to normal areas in sickle cell choroid. The mean scores revealed that LRP1 and α2M in neural retina were significantly elevated in astrocytes and ILM in diabetic eyes (p ≤ 0.05), whereas in sickle cell eyes scores were elevated in ILM and INL (p ≤ 0.05). In addition, α2M immunoreactivity was in photoreceptors in both ischemic retinopathies. In choroid, the patterns of LRP1 and α2M expression were different and not coincident.This is the first demonstration of the presence of LRP1 and α2M in human proliferative retinopathies. Elevated LRP1 expression in sickle cell neural retina and diabetic inner retina and choroid suggests that LRP1 plays an important role in ischemic neovascular diseases. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.Fil: Barcelona, Pablo Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Luna, J. D.. Fundación VER. Departamento de Oftalmología; ArgentinaFil: Chiabrando, Gustavo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Juarez, P. C.. Fundación VER. Departamento de Oftalmología; ArgentinaFil: Bhutto IA. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: McLeod, D. S.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Sanchez, Maria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Lutty, G. A.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados Unido

    Study of secondary muons detected within the tunnels of the Cholula pyramid

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    The pyramid of Cholula was built at the beginning of 100 B.C. and during of period of 500 years it was finished, had several new constructions, based on the previous constructions. The primarily material of construction is the adobe. Early in 1931 archaeological excavations began with the intention of exploring the interior of the pyramid, excavations were stopped in 1971, and to date no further excavations have been carried out. This work shows the first measurements of muons, particles that are very penetrating, these are generated by primary cosmic rays that was incoming in the atmosphere and these generates a rain of secondary particles, among them the muons. To measure this kind of particles was implemented a detector system, it is formed by a scintillator plastic coupled to a tube photomultiplier; the signals were acquired by mean of an oscilloscope. The detector was collocated near of the center of the pyramid; the location belongs to the maxima concentration in mass over the detector. Graphs of the charge distribution, maximum amplitude and characteristic rise times of the generated pulses in a plastic scintillator are shown, this is scintillator was synthesized in the materials laboratory of the FCFM-BUAP. In addition the optical characterization of the same was realized

    Characterization of SpPol4, a unique X-family DNA polymerase in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    As predicted by the amino acid sequence, the purified protein coded by Schizosaccharomyces pombe SPAC2F7.06c is a DNA polymerase (SpPol4) whose biochemical properties resemble those of other X family (PolX) members. Thus, this new PolX is template-dependent, polymerizes in a distributive manner, lacks a detectable 3′→5′ proofreading activity and its preferred substrates are small gaps with a 5′-phosphate group. Similarly to Polμ, SpPol4 can incorporate a ribonucleotide (rNTP) into a primer DNA. However, it is not responsible for the 1–2 rNTPs proposed to be present at the mating-type locus and those necessary for mating-type switching. Unlike Polμ, SpPol4 lacks terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase activity and realigns the primer terminus to alternative template bases only under certain sequence contexts and, therefore, it is less error-prone than Polμ. Nonetheless, the biochemical properties of this gap-filling DNA polymerase are suitable for a possible role of SpPol4 in non-homologous end-joining. Unexpectedly based on sequence analysis, SpPol4 has deoxyribose phosphate lyase activity like Polβ and Polλ, and unlike Polμ, suggesting also a role of this enzyme in base excision repair. Therefore, SpPol4 is a unique enzyme whose enzymatic properties are hybrid of those described for mammalian Polβ, Polλ and Polμ

    Antimony-Doped Tin(II) Sulfide Thin Films

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    Thin-film solar cells made from earth-abundant, inexpensive, and nontoxic materials are needed to replace the current technologies whose widespread use is limited by their use of scarce, costly, and toxic elements. Tin monosulfide (SnS) is a promising candidate for making absorber layers in scalable, inexpensive, and nontoxic solar cells. SnS has always been observed to be a p-type semiconductor. Doping SnS to form an n-type semiconductor would permit the construction of solar cells with p-n homojunctions. This paper reports doping SnS films with antimony, a potential n-type dopant. Small amounts of antimony (1%) were found to greatly increase the electrical resistance of the SnS. The resulting intrinsic SnS(Sb) films could be used for the insulating layer in a p-i-n design for solar cells. Higher concentrations (5%) of antimony did not convert the SnS(Sb) to low-resistivity n-type conductivity, but instead the films retain such a high resistance that the conductivity type could not be determined. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis reveals that the highly doped films contain precipitates of a secondary phase that has chemical bonds characteristic of metallic antimony, rather than the antimony–sulfur bonds found in films with lower concentrations of antimony.United States. Dept. of Energy. Sunshot Initiative (Contract DE-EE0005329)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CBET-1032955

    Risks of dengue secondary infective biting associated with aedes aegypti in home environments in Monterrey, Mexico

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    Abstract. Secondary dengue virus infections are a major risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever. Recent exposure to infectious bites of Aedes aegypti (L.) females in previously diagnosed dengue cases fulfills the epidemiological model of dengue hemorrhagic fever. A study was comprised of 357 (89.2%) dengue and 43 (10.8%) dengue hemorrhagic fever cases confirmed by laboratory tests and clinical manifestations. An entomological survey was done in homes and backyards. Concurrently, a questionnaire was used to assess the impact of healthpromotion campaigns through knowledge of the vector and its epidemiological role. Seventy-six (28.4%) of the 268 (67.0%) total wet or dry oviposition sites were positive for the presence of larvae or pupae, while adult Ae. aegypti were found in 32 (8.0%). One hundred thirty-two (33%) householders who formerly had dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever had knowledge of either larval or adult dengue vector stages. According to gender distribution, 145 (36.2%) and 14 (3.5%) of the males confirmed with cases of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever lived in houses with 17.9 and 2% of the Ae. aegypti larval and pupal habitats. Houses with females who had dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever were 212 (53%) and 29 (7.3%), with containers with immature Ae. aegypti in 19.4 and 7%, respectively. Lack of sustainability of government-targeted health education campaigns is the major problem for involving communities in prevention and control of dengu

    Body mass index and dental caries in children and adolescents : a systematic review of literature published 2004 to 2011

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    The objectiveThe authors undertook an updated systematic review of the relationship between body mass index and dental caries in children and adolescents.MethodThe authors searched Medline, ISI, Cochrane, Scopus, Global Health and CINAHL databases and conducted lateral searches from reference lists for papers published from 2004 to 2011, inclusive. All empirical papers that tested associations between body mass index and dental caries in child and adolescent populations (aged 0 to 18 years) were included.ResultsDental caries is associated with both high and low body mass index.ConclusionA non-linear association between body mass index and dental caries may account for inconsistent findings in previous research. We recommend future research investigate the nature of the association between body mass index and dental caries in samples that include a full range of body mass index scores, and explore how factors such as socioeconomic status mediate the association between body mass index and dental caries.<br /
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