240 research outputs found

    A Treatise on Diversity in a Dominant Culture University

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    The authors examine progress in strengthening the Diversity agenda in a school of education within a private Christian university. This agenda is informed by external academic accrediting organizations and principles of social justice congruent with the historical roots of the university. Special emphasis is placed on the unique challenges of confronting how privilege manifests itself in seemingly homogeneous environments. The ultimate goal of the authors is to promote moving beyond cosmetic compliance with accreditation obligations towards a metabolized second order change reflecting internal paradigm shifts in which social justice is a central motivating factor in one’s vocation

    Towards the interpretability of deep learning models for human neuroimaging

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    Brain-age (BA) estimates based on deep learning are increasingly used as neuroimaging biomarker for brain health; however, the underlying neural features have remained unclear.We combined ensembles of convolutional neural networks with Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to detect which brain features contribute to BA. Trained on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of a population-based study (n=2637, 18-82 years), our models estimated age accurately based on single and multiple modalities, regionally restricted and whole-brain images (mean absolute errors 3.37-3.86 years). We find that BA estimates capture aging at both small and large-scale changes, revealing gross enlargements of ventricles and subarachnoid spaces, as well as lesions, iron accumulations and atrophies that appear throughout the brain. Divergence from expected aging reflected cardiovascular riskfactors and accelerated aging was more pronounced in the frontal lobe. Applying LRP, our study demonstrates how superior deep learning models detect brain-aging in healthy and at-risk individuals throughout adulthood

    Towards the interpretability of deep learning models for multi-modal neuroimaging: Finding structural changes of the ageing brain

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    Brain-age (BA) estimates based on deep learning are increasingly used as neuroimaging biomarker for brain health; however, the underlying neural features have remained unclear. We combined ensembles of convolutional neural networks with Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to detect which brain features contribute to BA. Trained on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of a population-based study (n=2637, 18-82 years), our models estimated age accurately based on single and multiple modalities, regionally restricted and whole-brain images (mean absolute errors 3.37-3.86 years). We find that BA estimates capture aging at both small and large-scale changes, revealing gross enlargements of ventricles and subarachnoid spaces, as well as white matter lesions, and atrophies that appear throughout the brain. Divergence from expected aging reflected cardiovascular risk factors and accelerated aging was more pronounced in the frontal lobe. Applying LRP, our study demonstrates how superior deep learning models detect brain-aging in healthy and at-risk individuals throughout adulthood

    Building a Sustainable Model for Developing Digital Fluency in Higher Education Faculty on a Shoestring Budget

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    Building on experience with a campus digital fluency initiative, a sustainable professional development model has been developed that is transferable to mentoring the next generation of leaders in many areas in higher education. Data from four years of faculty development in digital fluency will be shared along with how to get buy-in from administration and motivation for faculty to change current teaching styles to incorporate more technology into existing pedagogy

    Digital Fluency Initiative and Faculty Development

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    A faculty-led peer mentoring program integrating education technologies and complementary pedagogies to facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes

    From Cosmetic to Metabolized Change: Promoting Paradigm Shifts in a Dominant Culture University

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    The authors provide three case examples modeling the implementation of the Diversity agenda in a school of education within a private Christian university. The second article in a series, the case studies demonstrate contextual application of confronting privilege as it manifests itself in a seemingly homogeneous environment. As the authors document programmatic, personal, and pedagogical methods informed by principles of social justice and equity, the intent is to move beyond cosmetic compliance with accreditation obligations towards a metabolized second order change within students and faculty

    A Peer Training Model to Promote Digital Fluency Among University Faculty: Program Components & Initial Efficacy Data

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    The Digital Fluency Initiative: A faculty-led peer mentoring program integrating education technologies and complementary pedagogies to facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes

    Engineering and geological features of soils fundamentals buildings and engineering networks of the Dnipro city

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    The analysis of engineering and geological properties of soils both in the natural state and under the influence of human economic activity is performed in the work. The researches from the point of view of conditions of construction and operation of buildings and constructions of engineering infrastructure of the city of Dnipro are proved. As a result of the analysis of specific geomorphological zones, specific examples of violations of the operation of buildings on subsidence soils, a number of measures are proposed for maintenance and operation of buildings and structures located in areas composed of subsidence soils, on the example of specific areas exposed to past man-made events. An analytical assessment of the ecological catastrophe on the territory of the Topolya 1 railway in 1997 is provided. The paper considers a principled approach to the principles and conditions of operation of buildings and structures on specific subsidence soils of the city of Dnipro.В роботі виконано аналіз інженерно-геологічних властивостей грунтів як в природньому стані, так і під впливом господарської діяльності людини. Доведені дослідження з точки зору умов будівництва і експлуатації будівель та споруд інженерної інфрастуктури міста Дніпро. Внаслідок аналізу конкретних геоморфологічних зон, конкретних прикладів порушень умов експлуатації будівель на просідальних грунтах, пропонується ряд заходів по утриманню і експлуатації будівель і споруд, розташованих на територіях, складених просідальними грунтами, на прикладі конкретних районів, які піддавалися в минулому негативним подіям техногенного характреру. Надається аналітична оцінка екологічної катастрофи на території ж/м "Тополя -1" у 1997 році. В роботі розглядається принциповий підхід до принципів і умов експлуатації будівель і споруд на специфічних просідальних грунтах міста Дніпро

    Machine Learning for Health: Algorithm Auditing & Quality Control

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    Developers proposing new machine learning for health (ML4H) tools often pledge to match or even surpass the performance of existing tools, yet the reality is usually more complicated. Reliable deployment of ML4H to the real world is challenging as examples from diabetic retinopathy or Covid-19 screening show. We envision an integrated framework of algorithm auditing and quality control that provides a path towards the effective and reliable application of ML systems in healthcare. In this editorial, we give a summary of ongoing work towards that vision and announce a call for participation to the special issue Machine Learning for Health: Algorithm Auditing & Quality Control in this journal to advance the practice of ML4H auditing

    In need of mediation: The relation between syntax and information structure

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    This paper defends the view that syntax does not directly interact with information structure. Rather, information structure affects prosody, and only the latter has an interface with syntax. We illustrate this point by discussing scrambling, focus preposing, and topicalization. The position entertained here implies that syntax is not very informative when one wants to narrow down the interpretation of terms such as “focus”, “topic”, etc