2,554,206 research outputs found

    High energy leptons from muons in transit

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    The differential energy distribution for electrons and taus produced from lepton pair production from muons in transit through materials is numerically evaluated. We use the differential cross section to calculate underground lepton fluxes from an incident atmospheric muon flux, considering contributions from both conventional and prompt fluxes. An approximate form for the charged current differential neutrino cross section is provided and used to calculate single lepton production from atmospheric neutrinos. We compare the fluxes of underground leptons produced from incident muons with those produced from incident neutrinos and photons from muon bremsstrahlung. We discuss their relevance for underground detectors.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures v2: Revised to include the calculation of muon bremsstrahlung events in comparison to pair production events. 1 new figur

    Lamb wave near field enhancements for surface breaking defects in plates

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    Near field surface wave ultrasonic enhancements have previously been used to detect surface breaking defects in thick samples using Rayleigh waves. Here, we present analogous surface wave enhancements for Lamb waves propagating in plates. By tracking frequency intensities in selected regions of time-frequency representations, we observe frequency enhancement in the near field, due to constructive interference of the incident wave mode with those reflected and mode converted at the defect. This is explained using two test models; a square based notch and an opening crack, which are used to predict the contribution to the out-of-plane displacement from the reflected and mode converted waves. This method has the potential to provide a reliable method for the near field identification and characterisation of surface breaking defects in plates

    The Digitized Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS) II: Photometric Calibration

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    We present the photometric calibration technique for the Digitized Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS), used to create seamless catalogs of calibrated objects over large sky areas. After applying a correction for telescope vignetting, the extensive plate overlap regions are used to transform sets of plates onto a common instrumental photometric system. Photometric transformations to the Gunn gri system for each plate, for stars and galaxies, are derived using these contiguous stitched areas and an extensive CCD imaging library obtained for this purpose. We discuss the resulting photometric accuracy, survey depth, and possible systematic errors.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures. Accepted to AJ. Some figures shrunk or missing to limit file size; the full paper is available at http://www.sdss.jhu.edu/~rrg/science/papers/photometrypaper.ps.g

    Motion Sickness Symptomatology of Labyrinthine Defective and Normal Subjects During Zero Gravity Maneuvers

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    Motion sickness symptomology of labyrinthine defective and normal human subjects during zero gravity maneuver


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    Salah satu pembahasan dalam ilmu mawaris adalah pembahasan tentang penghalang dalam kewarisan. Penghalang dalam kewarisan ada tiga penyebabnya yaitu pembunuhan yang disengaja, beda agama dan perbudakan. Beda agama adalah apabila antara ahli waris dan pewaris salah satunya beragama Islam dan yang lain tidak beragama Islam. Tentang perbedaan agama antara pewaris dan ahli waris, dapat menggugurkan hak seseorang untuk mewarisi harta peninggalan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana kedudukan ahli waris non muslim dalam kewarisan Islam dan apakah pertimbangan Hakim dalam putusan nomor : 1578/Pdt.G/2010/PA.JT telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam serta Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti adalah library research (yurudis normatif). Yaitu suatu pendekatan alternatif yang menganalisa bahan-bahan pustaka di bidang hukum yang norma- normanya tertulis dan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptis analitis, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode dan teori ilmu-ilmu sosial tentang hukum untuk membantu peneliti dalam melakukan analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan yakni : (1) Hukum Islam menegaskan prinsip dalam kewarisan bahwa ahli waris non muslim tidak mempunyai kedudukan untuk mewarisi harta dari pewaris muslim, sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Al-Qur’an, Hadits serta Kompilasi Hukum Islam. (2) Dalam pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Timur dianggap telah terjadi kekeliruan mengenai pemahaman tentang kompetensi absolut Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur yang menetapkan masalah kewarisan Islam, karena pada dasarnya yang mempunyai kewenangan absolut ialah Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Timur. Hal tersebut menimbulkan dasar penolakan hakim Pengadilan Agama menolak gugatan perkara ahli waris, yang menyebabkan ahli waris non muslim memperoleh kembali hak kewarisannya. Hasil dari putusan tersebut ditinjau secara sudut pandang Islam sangat bertentangan dengan Al- Qur’an dan Hadits serta ketentuan menurut perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam, bahwa mengenai sistem kewarisan Islam tidak mengakui ahli waris non muslim sebagai ahli waris dari pewaris muslim

    Parity Breaking Medium and Squeeze Operators

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    The transition between a Minkowski space region and a parity breaking medium domain is thoroughly discussed. The requirement of continuity of the field operator content across the separating boundary of the two domains leads to Bogolyubov transformations, squeezed pairs states and squeeze operators that turn out to generate a functional SU(2) algebra. According to this algebraic approach, the reflection and transmission probability amplitude across the separating boundary are computed. The probability rate of the emission or absorption of squeezed pairs out of the vacuum (generalization of the Sauter-Schwinger-Nikishov formula) is obtained.Comment: 22 pages, slightly modified, arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1109.344

    Coaxial cable stripping device facilitates RF cabling fabrication

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    Coaxial cable stripping device assures clean, right angled shoulder for RF cable connector fabrication. This method requires minimal skill and creates a low voltage standing wave ratio and mechanical stability in the interconnecting RF Cables
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