120 research outputs found

    Economic development for an exploding population

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    A journal article on economic development for an expanding population.I could use this occasion to come up with lots of facts and figures on population explosion and economic development. Alternatively, I could expand on the nature and use of mathematical computer models of population or socioeconomic development, which is my field of research. I am not going to do either of these. What I am going to do is to look at the development needs and problems of a country faced with an exploding population from my personal point of view, and on the assumption that Rhodesia, or if you prefer Zimbabwe, will emerge from its present political problems with a stable government, whatever its political flavour might be. I do believe that this symposium was organised in the spirit of this assumption, and with this hope, for where there is no hope there is no way

    Корекція гемореологічних порушень у хворих на цукровий діабет з використанням низькоінтенсивного лазерного опромінення крові

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    In mammals, the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 acts as the central regulator of lymphatic cell fate. Its restricted expression in a subset of cardinal vein cells leads to a switch towards lymphatic specification and hence represents a prerequisite for the initiation of lymphangiogenesis. Murine Prox1-null embryos lack lymphatic structures, and sustained expression of Prox1 is indispensable for the maintenance of lymphatic cell fate even at adult stages, highlighting the unique importance of this gene for the lymphatic lineage. Whether this pre-eminent role of Prox1 within the lymphatic vasculature is conserved in other vertebrate classes has remained unresolved, mainly owing to the lack of availability of loss-of-function mutants. Here, we re-examine the role of Prox1a in zebrafish lymphangiogenesis. First, using a transgenic reporter line, we show that prox1a is initially expressed in different endothelial compartments, becoming restricted to lymphatic endothelial cells only at later stages. Second, using targeted mutagenesis, we show that Prox1a is dispensable for lymphatic specification and subsequent lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish. In line with this result, we found that the functionally related transcription factors Coup-TFII and Sox18 are also dispensable for lymphangiogenesis. Together, these findings suggest that lymphatic commitment in zebrafish and mice is controlled in fundamentally different ways

    Elderly Subjects Have a Delayed Antibody Response and Prolonged Viraemia following Yellow Fever Vaccination: A Prospective Controlled Cohort Study

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    Yellow fever vaccination (YF-17D) can cause serious adverse events (SAEs). The mechanism of these SAEs is poorly understood. Older age has been identified as a risk factor. We tested the hypothesis that the humoral immune response to yellow fever vaccine develops more slowly in elderly than in younger subjects.We vaccinated young volunteers (18–28 yrs, N = 30) and elderly travelers (60–81 yrs, N = 28) with YF-17D and measured their neutralizing antibody titers and plasma YF-17D RNA copy numbers before vaccination and 3, 5, 10, 14 and 28 days after vaccination. = 0.02, using a mixed linear model. Viraemia was more common in the elderly (86%, 24/28) than in the younger participants (60%, 14/30) (p = 0.03) with higher YF-17D RNA copy numbers in the elderly participants.We found that elderly subjects had a delayed antibody response and higher viraemia levels after yellow fever primovaccination. We postulate that with older age, a weaker immune response to yellow fever vaccine allows the attenuated virus to cause higher viraemia levels which may increase the risk of developing SAEs. This may be one piece in the puzzle of the pathophysiology of YEL-AVD

    Regulation of a progenitor gene program by SOX4 is essential for mammary tumor proliferation

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    In breast cancer the transcription factor SOX4 has been shown to be associated with poor survival, increased tumor size and metastasis formation. This has mostly been attributed to the ability of SOX4 to regulate Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT). However, SOX4 regulates target gene transcription in a context-dependent manner that is determined by the cellular and epigenetic state. In this study we have investigated the loss of SOX4 in mammary tumor development utilizing organoids derived from a PyMT genetic mouse model of breast cancer. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to abrogate SOX4 expression, we found that SOX4 is required for inhibiting differentiation by regulating a subset of genes that are highly activated in fetal mammary stem cells (fMaSC). In this way, SOX4 re-activates an oncogenic transcriptional program that is regulated in many progenitor cell-types during embryonic development. SOX4-knockout organoids are characterized by the presence of more differentiated cells that exhibit luminal or basal gene expression patterns, but lower expression of cell cycle genes. In agreement, primary tumor growth and metastatic outgrowth in the lungs are impaired in SOX4KO tumors. Finally, SOX4KO tumors show a severe loss in competitive capacity to grow out compared to SOX4-proficient cells in primary tumors. Our study identifies a novel role for SOX4 in maintaining mammary tumors in an undifferentiated and proliferative state. Therapeutic manipulation of SOX4 function could provide a novel strategy for cancer differentiation therapy, which would promote differentiation and inhibit cycling of tumor cells

    The Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy (SWAB) Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Neutropenia in Patients with Cancer

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    Introduction This guideline was written by a multidisciplinary committee with mandated members of the Dutch Society for Infectious Diseases, Dutch Society for Hematology, Dutch Society for Medical Oncology, Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology, and Dutch Society for Pediatrics. The guideline is written for adults and pediatric patients. Method The recommendations are based on the answers to nine questions formulated by the guideline committee. To provide evidence-based recommendations we used all relevant clinical guidelines published since 2010 as a source, supplemented with systematic searches and evaluation of the recent literature (2010-2020) and, where necessary, supplemented by expert-based advice. Results For adults the guideline distinguishes between high- and standard-risk neutropenia based on expected duration of neutropenia (> 7 days versus 7 days) and in children with neutropenia, ceftazidime, cefepime, and piperacillin-tazobactam are all first-choice options for empirical antibiotic therapy in case of fever. In adults with standard-risk neutropenia (duration of neutropenia <= 7 days) the MASCC score can be used to assess the individual risk of infectious complications. For patients with a low risk of infectious complications (high MASCC score) oral antibiotic therapy in an outpatient setting is recommended. For patients with a high risk of infectious complications (low MASCC score) antibiotic therapy per protocol sepsis of unknown origin is recommended.Immunogenetics and cellular immunology of bacterial infectious disease

    Immunogenicity of a bivalent Omicron BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccination in people with HIV in the Netherlands

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    Objective We evaluated the immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV (PWH). Design Prospective observational cohort study. Methods PWH aged ≥45 years received Wuhan-BA.1 mRNA-1273.214 and those &lt; 45 years Wuhan-BA.1 BNT162b2. Participants were propensity score-matched 1:2 to people without HIV (non-PWH) by age, primary vaccine platform (mRNA-based or vector-based), number of prior COVID-19 boosters and SARS-CoV-2 infections, and spike (S1)-specific antibodies on the day of booster administration. The primary endpoint was the geometric mean ratio (GMR) of ancestral S1-specific antibodies from day 0 to 28 in PWH compared to non-PWH. Secondary endpoints included humoral responses, T-cell responses, and cytokine responses up to 180 days post-vaccination. Results Forty PWH received mRNA-1273.214 (N = 35) or BNT162b2 (N = 5) following mRNA-based (N = 29) or vector-based (N = 11) primary vaccination. PWH were predominantly male (87% vs 26% of non-PWH) and median 57 years (interquartile range [IQR] 53–59). Their median CD4+ T-cell count was 775 (IQR 511–965) and the plasma HIV-RNA load was &lt; 50 copies/mL in 39/40. The GMR of S1-specific antibodies by 28 days post-vaccination was comparable between PWH (4.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.24–6.19) and non-PWH (4.07, 95% CI 3.42–4.83). S1-specific antibody responses were comparable between PWH and non-PWH up to 180 days, and T-cell responses up to 90 days post-vaccination. IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 cytokine concentrations increased 28 days post-vaccination in PWH. Conclusion A bivalent BA.1 booster vaccine was immunogenic in well-treated PWH, eliciting comparable humoral responses to non-PWH. However, T-cell responses waned faster after 90 days in PWH compared to non-PWH

    Immunogenicity of a bivalent Omicron BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccination in people with HIV in the Netherlands

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    Objective We evaluated the immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV (PWH). Design Prospective observational cohort study. Methods PWH aged ≥45 years received Wuhan-BA.1 mRNA-1273.214 and those &lt; 45 years Wuhan-BA.1 BNT162b2. Participants were propensity score-matched 1:2 to people without HIV (non-PWH) by age, primary vaccine platform (mRNA-based or vector-based), number of prior COVID-19 boosters and SARS-CoV-2 infections, and spike (S1)-specific antibodies on the day of booster administration. The primary endpoint was the geometric mean ratio (GMR) of ancestral S1-specific antibodies from day 0 to 28 in PWH compared to non-PWH. Secondary endpoints included humoral responses, T-cell responses, and cytokine responses up to 180 days post-vaccination. Results Forty PWH received mRNA-1273.214 (N = 35) or BNT162b2 (N = 5) following mRNA-based (N = 29) or vector-based (N = 11) primary vaccination. PWH were predominantly male (87% vs 26% of non-PWH) and median 57 years (interquartile range [IQR] 53–59). Their median CD4+ T-cell count was 775 (IQR 511–965) and the plasma HIV-RNA load was &lt; 50 copies/mL in 39/40. The GMR of S1-specific antibodies by 28 days post-vaccination was comparable between PWH (4.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.24–6.19) and non-PWH (4.07, 95% CI 3.42–4.83). S1-specific antibody responses were comparable between PWH and non-PWH up to 180 days, and T-cell responses up to 90 days post-vaccination. IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 cytokine concentrations increased 28 days post-vaccination in PWH. Conclusion A bivalent BA.1 booster vaccine was immunogenic in well-treated PWH, eliciting comparable humoral responses to non-PWH. However, T-cell responses waned faster after 90 days in PWH compared to non-PWH

    Immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV in the Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV (PWH).DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study.METHODS: PWH aged ≥45 years received Wuhan-BA.1 mRNA-1273.214 and those &lt; 45 years Wuhan-BA.1 BNT162b2. Participants were propensity score-matched 1:2 to people without HIV (non-PWH) by age, primary vaccine platform (mRNA-based or vector-based), number of prior COVID-19 boosters and SARS-CoV-2 infections, and spike (S1)-specific antibodies on the day of booster administration. The primary endpoint was the geometric mean ratio (GMR) of ancestral S1-specific antibodies from day 0 to 28 in PWH compared to non-PWH. Secondary endpoints included humoral responses, T-cell responses, and cytokine responses up to 180 days post-vaccination.RESULTS:Forty PWH received mRNA-1273.214 (N = 35) or BNT162b2 (N = 5) following mRNA-based (N = 29) or vector-based (N = 11) primary vaccination. PWH were predominantly male (87% vs 26% of non-PWH) and median 57 years (interquartile range [IQR] 53-59). Their median CD4+ T-cell count was 775 (IQR 511-965) and the plasma HIV-RNA load was &lt; 50 copies/mL in 39/40. The GMR of S1-specific antibodies by 28 days post-vaccination was comparable between PWH (4.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.24-6.19) and non-PWH (4.07, 95% CI 3.42-4.83). S1-specific antibody responses were comparable between PWH and non-PWH up to 180 days, and T-cell responses up to 90 days post-vaccination. IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 cytokine concentrations increased 28 days post-vaccination in PWH.CONCLUSION: A bivalent BA.1 booster vaccine was immunogenic in well-treated PWH, eliciting comparable humoral responses to non-PWH. However, T-cell responses waned faster after 90 days in PWH compared to non-PWH.</p

    Immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV in the Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the immunogenicity of a bivalent BA.1 COVID-19 booster vaccine in people with HIV (PWH).DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study.METHODS: PWH aged ≥45 years received Wuhan-BA.1 mRNA-1273.214 and those &lt; 45 years Wuhan-BA.1 BNT162b2. Participants were propensity score-matched 1:2 to people without HIV (non-PWH) by age, primary vaccine platform (mRNA-based or vector-based), number of prior COVID-19 boosters and SARS-CoV-2 infections, and spike (S1)-specific antibodies on the day of booster administration. The primary endpoint was the geometric mean ratio (GMR) of ancestral S1-specific antibodies from day 0 to 28 in PWH compared to non-PWH. Secondary endpoints included humoral responses, T-cell responses, and cytokine responses up to 180 days post-vaccination.RESULTS:Forty PWH received mRNA-1273.214 (N = 35) or BNT162b2 (N = 5) following mRNA-based (N = 29) or vector-based (N = 11) primary vaccination. PWH were predominantly male (87% vs 26% of non-PWH) and median 57 years (interquartile range [IQR] 53-59). Their median CD4+ T-cell count was 775 (IQR 511-965) and the plasma HIV-RNA load was &lt; 50 copies/mL in 39/40. The GMR of S1-specific antibodies by 28 days post-vaccination was comparable between PWH (4.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.24-6.19) and non-PWH (4.07, 95% CI 3.42-4.83). S1-specific antibody responses were comparable between PWH and non-PWH up to 180 days, and T-cell responses up to 90 days post-vaccination. IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-4 cytokine concentrations increased 28 days post-vaccination in PWH.CONCLUSION: A bivalent BA.1 booster vaccine was immunogenic in well-treated PWH, eliciting comparable humoral responses to non-PWH. However, T-cell responses waned faster after 90 days in PWH compared to non-PWH.</p

    A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion

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    Dense and aligned Collagen I fibers are associated with collective cancer invasion led by protrusive tumor cells, leader cells. In some breast tumors, a population of cancer cells (basal-like cells) maintain several epithelial characteristics and express the myoepithelial/basal cell marker Keratin 14 (K14). Emergence of leader cells and K14 expression are regarded as interconnected events triggered by Collagen I, however the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Using breast carcinoma organoids, we show that Collagen I drives a force-dependent loop, specifically in basal-like cancer cells. The feed-forward loop is centered around the mechanotransducer Yap and independent of K14 expression. Yap promotes a transcriptional program that enhances Collagen I alignment and tension, which further activates Yap. Active Yap is detected in invading breast cancer cells in patients and required for collective invasion in 3D Collagen I and in the mammary fat pad of mice. Our work uncovers an essential function for Yap in leader cell selection during collective cancer invasion.</p