463 research outputs found

    On the Brink: A New Synaptic Vesicle Release Model at the Calyx of Held

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    How vesicle calcium sensors interact with calcium channels at synapses affects neurotransmitter release dynamics. In this issue of Neuron, Nakamura et al. (2015) propose that synaptic vesicles are tightly coupled around the perimeter of a voltage-gated calcium channel cluster

    Oxidative radioiodination damage to human lactoferrin

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    Total arrest of spontaneous and evoked synaptic transmission but normal synaptogenesis in the absence of Munc13-mediated vesicle priming

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    Synaptic vesicles must be primed to fusion competence before they can fuse with the plasma membrane in response to increased intracellular Ca2+ levels. The presynaptic active zone protein Munc13-1 is essential for priming of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles in hippocampal neurons. However, a small subpopulation of synapses in any given glutamatergic nerve cell as well as all gamma-aminobutyratergic (GABAergic) synapses are largely independent of Munc13-1. We show here that Munc13-2, the only Muncl 3 isoform coexpressed with Munc13-1 in hippocampus, is responsible for vesicle priming in Munc13-1 independent hippocampal synapses. Neurons lacking both Munc13-1 and Munc13- 2 show neither evoked nor spontaneous release events, yet form normal numbers of synapses with typical ultrastructural features. Thus, the two Munc13 isoforms are completely redundant in GABAergic cells whereas glutamatergic neurons form two types of synapses, one of which is solely Munc13-1 dependent and lacks Munc13-2 whereas the other type employs Munc13-2 as priming factor. We conclude that Munc13-mediated vesicle priming is not a transmitter specific phenomenon but rather a general and essential feature of multiple fast neurotransmitter systems, and that synaptogenesis during development is not dependent on synaptic secretory activity

    SynaptoPAC, an optogenetic tool for induction of presynaptic plasticity

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    Optogenetic manipulations have transformed neuroscience in recent years. While sophisticated tools now exist for controlling the firing patterns of neurons, it remains challenging to optogenetically define the plasticity state of individual synapses. A variety of synapses in the mammalian brain express presynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) upon elevation of presynaptic cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), but the molecular expression mechanisms as well as the impact of presynaptic LTP on network activity and behavior are not fully understood. In order to establish optogenetic control of presynaptic cAMP levels and thereby presynaptic potentiation, we developed synaptoPAC, a presynaptically targeted version of the photoactivated adenylyl cyclase bPAC. In cultures of hippocampal granule cells, activation of synaptoPAC with blue light increases action potential-evoked transmission, an effect not seen in hippocampal cultures of non-granule cells. In acute brain slices, synaptoPAC activation immediately triggers a strong presynaptic potentiation at mossy fiber terminals in CA3, but not at Schaffer collateral synapse in CA1. Following light-triggered potentiation, mossy fiber transmission decreases within 20 minutes, but remains enhanced still after 30 min. Optogenetic potentiation alters the short-term plasticity dynamics of release, reminiscent of presynaptic LTP. SynaptoPAC is the first optogenetic tool that allows acute light-controlled potentiation of transmitter release at specific synapses of the brain, and will enable to investigate the role of presynaptic potentiation in network function and the animal’s behavior in an unprecedented manner. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: SynaptoPAC is a novel optogenetic tool that allows increasing synaptic transmission by light-controlled induction of presynaptic plasticity

    Differential pH Dynamics in Synaptic Vesicles From Intact Glutamatergic and GABAergic Synapses

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    Synaptic transmission requires the presynaptic release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles (SVs) onto the postsynaptic neuron. Vesicular neurotransmitter transporter proteins, which use a V-ATPase-generated proton gradient, play a crucial role in packaging neurotransmitter into SVs. Recent work has revealed different proton dynamics in SVs expressing the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) or the vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) proteins. At the whole synapse level, this results in different steady-state pH and different reacidification dynamics during SV recycling (Egashira et al., 2016). In isolated SVs, the presence of VGAT causes a higher steady state pH, which is correlated with a faster proton efflux rate (Farsi et al., 2016). To address whether proton efflux from GABAergic and glutamatergic SVs in intact synapses differs, we applied a glutamatergic- or GABAergic neuron-specific expression strategy (Chang et al., 2014) to express a genetically encoded pH sensor (synaptophysin pHluorin; SypHy) and/or light-activated proton pump (pHoenix; (Rost et al., 2015). We confirm, with SypHy post-stimulation fluorescence dynamics, that the pH profile of recycling GABAergic SVs differs from that of recycling glutamatergic SVs (Egashira et al., 2016). Using light-activation of pHoenix in pH-neutral vesicles, we investigated the pH dynamics of actively filling vesicles, and could show that proton efflux from GABAergic SVs is indeed initially faster than glutamatergic SVs in intact synapses. Finally, we compared the filling rate of empty glutamatergic and GABAergic vesicles using pHoenix as a proton source, and find a slightly faster filling of glutamatergic vs. GABAergic SVs

    Loss of AP-3 function affects spontaneous and evoked release at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses

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    Synaptic vesicle (SV) exocytosis mediating neurotransmitter release occurs spontaneously at low intraterminal calcium concentrations and is stimulated by a rise in intracellular calcium. Exocytosis is compensated for by the reformation of vesicles at plasma membrane and endosomes. Although the adaptor complex AP-3 was proposed to be involved in the formation of SVs from endosomes, whether its function has an indirect effect on exocytosis remains unknown. Using mocha mice, which are deficient in functional AP-3, we identify an AP-3-dependent tetanus neurotoxin-resistant asynchronous release that can be evoked at hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) synapses. Presynaptic targeting of the tetanus neurotoxin-resistant vesicle soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) is lost in mocha hippocampal MF terminals, whereas the localization of synaptobrevin 2 is unaffected. In addition, quantal release in mocha cultures is more frequent and more sensitive to sucrose. We conclude that lack of AP-3 results in more constitutive secretion and loss of an asynchronous evoked release component, suggesting an important function of AP-3 in regulating SV exocytosis at MF terminals

    CtBP1-Mediated Membrane Fission Contributes to Effective Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles

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    Compensatory endocytosis of released synaptic vesicles (SVs) relies on coordinated signaling at the lipid-protein interface. Here, we address the synaptic function of C-terminal binding protein 1 (CtBP1), a ubiquitous regulator of gene expression and membrane trafficking in cultured hippocampal neurons. In the absence of CtBP1, synapses form in greater density and show changes in SV distribution and size. The increased basal neurotransmission and enhanced synaptic depression could be attributed to a higher vesicular release probability and a smaller fraction of release-competent SVs, respectively. Rescue experiments with specifically targeted constructs indicate that, while synaptogenesis and release probability are controlled by nuclear CtBP1, the efficient recycling of SVs relies on its synaptic expression. The ability of presynaptic CtBP1 to facilitate compensatory endocytosis depends on its membrane-fission activity and the activation of the lipid-metabolizing enzyme PLD1. Thus, CtBP1 regulates SV recycling by promoting a permissive lipid environment for compensatory endocytosis

    Titration of syntaxin1 in Mammalian synapses reveals multiple roles in vesicle docking, priming, and release probability.

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    Synaptic vesicles undergo sequential steps in preparation for neurotransmitter release. Individual SNARE proteins and the SNARE complex itself have been implicated in these processes. However, discrete effects of SNARE proteins on synaptic function have been difficult to assess using complete loss-of-function approaches. We therefore used a genetic titration technique in cultured mouse hippocampal neurons to evaluate the contribution of the neuronal SNARE protein Syntaxin1 (Stx1) in vesicle docking, priming, and release probability. We generated graded reductions of total Stx1 levels by combining two approaches, namely, endogenous hypomorphic expression of the isoform Stx1B and RNAi-mediated knockdown. Proximity of synaptic vesicles to the active zone was not strongly affected. However, overall release efficiency of affected neurons was severely impaired, as demonstrated by a smaller readily releasable pool size, slower refilling rate of primed vesicles, and lower release probability. Interestingly, dose-response fitting of Stx1 levels against readily releasable pool size and vesicular release probability showed similar Kd (dissociation constant) values at 18% and 19% of wild-type Stx1, with cooperativity estimates of 3.4 and 2.5, respectively. This strongly suggests that priming and vesicle fusion share the same molecular stoichiometry, and are governed by highly related mechanisms

    RIM-BP2 primes synaptic vesicles via recruitment of Munc13-1 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses

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    All synapses require fusion-competent vesicles and coordinated Ca(2+)-secretion coupling for neurotransmission, yet functional and anatomical properties are diverse across different synapse types. We show that the presynaptic protein RIM-BP2 has diversified functions in neurotransmitter release at different central murine synapses and thus contributes to synaptic diversity. At hippocampal pyramidal CA3-CA1 synapses, RIM-BP2 loss has a mild effect on neurotransmitter release, by only regulating Ca(2+)-secretion coupling. However, at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses, RIM-BP2 has a substantial impact on neurotransmitter release by promoting vesicle docking/priming and vesicular release probability via stabilization of Munc13-1 at the active zone. We suggest that differences in the active zone organization may dictate the role a protein plays in synaptic transmission and that differences in active zone architecture is a major determinant factor in the functional diversity of synapses
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