832 research outputs found

    Productivity of sugarcane plants of ratooning with fertilizing treatment

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan produktivitas tebu keprasan dengan perlakuan pemupukan input eksternal rendah, sehingga petani dapat meningkatkan keuntungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Blok Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan (4x3). Tebu varietas R 579 ditanam pada masing-masing plot percobaan seluas 5x5 meter2. Dosis pupuk: P0 = 3,6 kg/plot yaitu 100% dosis penggunaan pupuk kimia yang digunakan oleh petani. Selanjutnya dosis: P1 (75%) = 2,7 kg/plot, P2 (50%) = 1,8 kg/plot dan P3 (0,25%) = 0,9 kg/plot, masing-masing dilengkapi dengan 5 mL pupuk organik cair plot/tahun. Tanaman tebu dengan berbagai perlakuan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Produktivitas tertinggi dicapai pada dosis P2 (pupuk kimia 50% plus pupuk organik) adalah 21,67 kg/m2. Pupuk kimia dapat dihemat 700 kg/ha/tahun atau Rp 997.500 per tahun. Tambahan biaya pupuk cair organik Rp 100.000 per tahun hektar dan tenaga kerja Rp 100.000 per hektar, sehingga keuntungan tambahan petani dari tabungan pupuk Rp. 797.500 per tahun. Kata kunci: tanaman tebu, keprasan, pemupukan, keuntungan

    Tipologi Ekonomi Komoditas Perikanan dan Status Sektor Perikanan pada Pembangunan Wilayah di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tipologi sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Bandung Barat;menganalisis laju pertumbuhan sektor perikanan dalam lima tahun terakhir (2009-2013) Kabupaten BandungBarat; dan untuk menganalisis peran perikanan sektor pada pembangunan daerah Kabupaten Bandung Barat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan menggunakan beberapa teknik analisis,yaitu analisis Klassen Tipologi, analisis (LQ), analisis Localization Index (LI), analisis Spesialization Index(SI) dan Shift Share (SS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi terbaik dari komoditas di KabupatenBandung Barat adalah ikan patin / Pengasius hypophthalmus (jumlah rata-rata LQ komoditas 1,92). Poinkeunggulan daerah dengan menggunakan LQ (rata-rata nilai 1,82), LI (di bawah 0,5), dan SI (0,01 nilai0,07-0,09 / nilai di bawah 0,5). Titik LQ menunjukkan bahwa sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Bandung Baratadalah sektor basis, tetapi poin lain (LI dan SI) menunjukkan bahwa sektor perikanan bukanlah sektorpenggerak pada struktur perekonomian wilayah. Berdasarkan tipologi Klassen dan teknik Shift-Share, sektorperikanan di Kabupaten Bandung Barat merupakan sektor dengan pertumbuhan yang lambat dan kurangkompetitif (pada tipologi klassen berada di kuadran 2)

    Investor Sentiment Measurement of Merger and Acquisition Companies in Indonesia

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    This research is conducted about how to measure the investor sentiment, when the prospects of merger or acquisition have completed. The measurement is done by examining the likelihood of success or failure, which can determine the investment strategy, while holding a target when it is still occurred. It is to see whether the positive investor sentiment should increase or decrease when the probability of the acquisition’s success increases or decreases and that sentiment will also vary with events during the period of offering. The purpose of this paper is to make a probability model that will describe about the investor sentiment behavior during the merger and acquisition process in Indonesia. This model will also separate the effect of Indonesia markets and target company’s movement. The samples are taken from the companies that listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange from 2009 and 2012. The information that we used in this research is the public news from the Regulator Committee of Business Providers (Komite Penyelenggara Pengawasan Usaha/KPPU) and the available newspaper in Indonesia. The result shows that after the first announcement, the investor sentiment react very enthusiasm and the trend line of the sentiment tend to increase against the stock price and the market


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    Distribution network is part of power network closest to society, distribution network is grouped into two namely: primary and secondary distribution network. The primary distribution voltage used by pln is 20 kv, 12 kv and 6 kv. The primary distribution voltage which tends to be developed by pln is 20 kv. This study aims To determine the main cause of disturbance in power distribution network at Rayon Daya Makassar using FTA (Fault Tree Analisys). The results of this study can be seen from the considerable difference between the electrical energy delivered from the substation with the electrical energy generated from customer consumption. The cause of the interference is: JTM component (I1) of 55 disruptions (12.5%), JTM equipment (I2) of 30 disruptions (6.7%), disturbances Transformer (I3) as many as 8 interruptions (1.8%) , natural disturbance (I4) as much as 1 interference (0,2%), external disturbance (E1) counted 15 disturbance (3%), natural disaster (E2) counted 61 disturbance (13,7%), work of other party / E3) as many as 15 disruptions (0.33%), kites, banners or due to faulty electrical distribution network installation (E4) as many as 258 interruptions (58.2%). After conducting research on the causes of disruption of power distribution network at UPJ Rayon Daya Makassar and analyzed using Fault Tree Analyzes (FTA) it is known that the main cause of disturbance is human disturbance, in the form of playing kites, banners, and excavation of PDAM channel. It can be seen that during May 2016 until January 2017 there were 308 disruptions

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Karyawan Terbaik Carrefour Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Saw)

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    Carrefour is a company engaged in the field of trade. Carrefour during this procedure uses only the standard recommends employees per Division to include in the determination of the best employees. The assessment is done to determine the best employees of the company must comply with aspects such as mastery of insight into carrefour, mastery of the insight into the activities of the shops, the mastery of an insight into the management of the store, the ability to respond to and answer questions. The company is sometimes difficult in making a decision, especially if some of the existing employees have skills that are not much different the existing problems on the determination of the best employees. Therefore required a decision support system in the determination of the best employees. This research method using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) are often also known the term weighted summation method. The concept of the method is to find a weighted summation of the SAW of rating performance on any alternative on all attributes. The method of matrix the normalization process requires SAW decision (x) to a scale that can be compared with all the alternative rating. Development of a system that used to use the waterfall. The results of this research in the form of a system that will help employees admin section in performing data processing employees, can automate the penginputan employees and can provide solutions for the employee admin section

    Implementasi Pembelajaran PPKn dalam Menanamkan Nilai Karakter Peserta Didik

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    The purpose of this study was to determine PPKN learning strategies in instilling character values in students. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 19 Bone in XI. Data collection techniques using the approach of observation, interviews, and documentation. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Data reduction was carried out then analyzed and verified using source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that, PPKN learning strategies in instilling character values in students are by identifying changes in students' behavior and personality, choosing an appropriate approach system in the learning process, choosing and establishing teaching and learning policies and techniques to guide teachers in carry out teaching activities, establish conditions for success as a benchmark for success standards so that they can be used as a guide for teachers to evaluate the results of teaching and learning activities. In conclusion, the implementation of Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning in instilling character values in students at SMAN 19 Bone, namely through the stages of learning in class, such as praying together before starting lessons, applying discipline by arriving on time, giving assignments and motivating students after learning is finished. Keywords: Character, Character Values Education, PPKN Learning

    Hidrolisis Selulosadari Bahan Pod Husk Kakao Menggunakan Asam Klorida

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    The aims of this experiment were to obtain the best concentration of HCl and the optimum length of boiling time in producing liquid sugar from cacao pod husk. Analysis of data of extracted cellulose (Phase I) used completely randomized design (CRD), which consisted of 3 NaOH concentrations tested namely : 10%, 12% and 14%. Each treatment was replieated 4 times, and therefore there were 12 experimental units used. Analysis of variance showing significant or highly significant effects were subsequently analysed by HSD at 5% or 1%, respectively. Experimental design used in the hydrolysis of cellulose (Phase II) was randomized block design (RBD) with four levels of hydrochloric acid (HCl) tested, namely: K1 = 1%; K2 = 1.5%; K3 = 2% and K4 = 2.5%. Treatments were grouped based on the length of pod husk cellulose hydrolysis time in hydrochloric acid solution, namely R1 = 2 hours, R2 = 4 hours, R3 = 6 hours, R4 = 8 hours, R5 = 10 hours and R6 = 12 hours. Each treatment was replicated three times in each group, and therefore there were 72 experimental units observed. Analysis of variance showing significant or highly significant effects were subsequently analysed by HSD at 5% or 1%, respectively. The best NaOH concentration was obtained at 12% and the optimum length of boiling time was 8 hours


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    Major natural disasters that struck Indonesia have undermined many traditional and modern building technology . In general the structure of the multi-storey building in the form of an open frame structure without shear walls of reinforced concrete with brick walls as fillers. Evaluation of the structural components to be seen how different reinforcement detailing structural elements of reinforced concrete beams were evaluated according to (SNI 1726 : 2012) and (SNI 2847 : 2013) , knowing the strength of the reinforcement installed in the field by calculating the analysis looks for existing bending and shear beam . The evaluation was done on the structure of the 10 floor hotel in Semarang with Special Moment Frame System bearers (SRPMK) . The results showed that the whole drift rate to a 10th Floor Hotel at Semarang meet the requirements (Δ) 25 mm , clean spaces between layers meet the requirements of > 40 mm . Reinforcement transverse mounted on a pedestal D10-100 installed as far 1 / 4L (1637.5 mm) to meet the requirements detailing 100 mm 2h (1200 mm) and at midspan mounted D150-100 , meet the requirements detailling < d / 2 ( 270.25 mm ) . The length of the connection throughput for longitudinal reinforcement ld (740 mm) < to the terms detailing 48dB (912 mm)
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