5,533 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the fast-ion edge resonant transport layer induced by 3D perturbative fields in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak through full orbit simulations

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    In recent experiments at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak the existence of an Edge Resonant Transport Layer (ERTL) was revealed as the main transport mechanism responsible for the measured fast-ion losses in the presence of externally applied 3D fields. The Monte Carlo orbit-following code ASCOT was used to study the fast-ion transport including the plasma response calculated with MARS-F, reproducing a strong correlation of fast-ion losses with the poloidal mode spectra of the 3D fields. In this work, a description of the physics underlying the ERTL is presented by means of numerical simulations together with an analytical model and experimental measurements to validate the results. The degradation of fast-ion confinement is calculated in terms of the variation of the toroidal canonical momentum (δPϕ). This analysis reveals resonant patterns at the plasma edge activated by 3D perturbations and emphasizes the relevance of nonlinear resonances. The impact of collisions and the radial electric field on the ERTL is analysed.EUROfusion Consortium 633053French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-11-IDEX-0001-0

    Active control of Alfvén eigenmodes in magnetically confined toroidal plasmas

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    Alfvén waves are electromagnetic perturbations inherent to magnetized plasmas that can be driven unstable by a free energy associated with gradients in the energetic particles’ distribution function. The energetic particles with velocities comparable to the Alfvén velocity may excite Alfvén instabilities via resonant wave–particle energy and momentum exchange. Burning plasmas with large population of fusion born super-Alfvénic alpha particles in magnetically confined fusion devices are prone to excite weakly-damped Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) that, if allowed to grow unabated, can cause a degradation of fusion performance and loss of energetic ions through a secular radial transport. In order to control the fast-ion distribution and associated Alfvénic activity, the fusion community is currently searching for external actuators that can control AEs and energetic ions in the harsh environment of a fusion reactor. Most promising control techniques are based on (i) variable fast-ion sources to modify gradients in the energetic particles’ distribution, (ii) localized electron cyclotron resonance heating to affect the fast-ion slowing-down distribution, (iii) localized electron cyclotron current drive to modify the equilibrium magnetic helicity and thus the AE existence criteria and damping mechanisms, and (iv) externally applied 3D perturbative fields to manipulate the fast-ion distribution and thus the wave drive. Advanced simulations help to identify the key physics mechanisms underlying the observed AE mitigation and suppression and thus to develop robust control techniques towards future burning plasmas.EURATOM 633053Marie-Curie Actions 321455Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2011-09152, FIS2015-69362-

    First observations of confined fast ions in MAST Upgrade with an upgraded neutron camera

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    Spherical tokamaks are key to the successful design of operating scenarios of future fusion reactors in the areas of divertor physics, neutral beam current drive and fast ion physics. MAST Upgrade, which has successfully concluded its first experimental campaign, was specifically designed to address the role of the radial gradient of the fast ion distribution in driving the excitation of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, such as toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes, fish-bones and long-lived mode, thanks to its two tangential neutral beam injection systems, one on the equatorial plane and one that is vertically shifted 65 cm above the equatorial plane. To study the fast ion dynamics in the presence of such instabilities, as well as of sawteeth and neo-classical tearing modes, several fast ion diagnostics were upgraded and new ones added. Among them, the MAST prototype neutron camera (NC) has been upgraded to six, equatorial sight-lines. The first observations of the confined fast ion behavior with the upgraded NC in a wide range of plasma scenarios characterized by on-axis and/or off-axis heating and different MHD instabilities are presented here. The observations presented in this study confirm previous results on MAST but with a higher level of detail and highlight new physics observations unique to the MAST Upgrade. The results presented here confirm the improved performance of the NC Upgrade, which thus becomes one of the key elements, in combination with the rich set of fast ion diagnostics available on the MAST Upgrade, for a more constrained modeling of the fast ion dynamics in fusion reactor relevant scenarios
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