382 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pasal 13 Ayat (1) Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 Tentang Hak Tanggungan Atas Tanah Beserta Benda-benda Yang Berkaitan Dengan Tanah Pada Koperasi Kredit Kolese Santo Yusup (Kopdit Kosayu) Kota Malang

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    Koperasi Kredit Kolese Santo Yusup merupakan salah satu koperasi simpan pinjam yang menawarkan berbagai pinjaman terdiri dari Pinjaman Konsumtif, Pinjaman Profesi, Pinjaman Komersial, Pinjaman Komersial Plus, dan Pinjaman Perumahan. Pada prakteknya tidak semua jaminan yang ada di kopdit kosayu didaftarkan. Hanya untuk pinjaman yang bernilai besar dengan jaminan berupa sertifikat yang didaftarkan tetapi untuk pinjaman yang bernilai kecil tanpa menggunakan jaminan tidak didaftarkan sehingga jaminan tersebut tidak dapat memberi kepastian hukum kepada pihak koperasi untuk dapat mengeksekusinya apabila suatu saat debitur cidera janji. Metode Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Yuridis Sosiologis dan analisa data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Deskriptif Analisis. Penelitian dilakukan di Kopdit Kosayu Malang dengan responden penelitian yaitu Pengurus Koperasi Kredit Kolese Santo Yusup Kota Malang. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa Koperasi Kredit Kolese Santo Yusup Kota Malang telah menerapkan Pasal 13 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 Tentang Hak Tanggungan Atas Tanah Beserta Benda-Benda Yang Berkaitan Dengan Tanah terhadap kredit anggota dengan nilai pinjaman di atas Rp. 50 Juta dan disertai dengan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) yang dibuat dihadapan PPA

    Implementasi Case Base Reasoning pada Sistem Pakar dalam Menentukan Jenis Gangguan Kejiwaan

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    Setiap manusia mempunyai permasalahan sendiri-sendiri, dan mempunyai tingkat emosional sendiri-sendiri juga dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya. Tetapi terkadang manusia tidak menyadari bahwa permasalahannya tersebut menimbulkan suatu gejala gangguan kejiwaan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, masalah membuat tingkat emosional manusia semakin tidak stabil dan secara otomatis banyak yang terganggu kejiwaannya. Sedangkan untuk saat ini, pengetahuan tentang penyakit gangguan kejiwaan masih sangat kurang. Disamping itu para ahli di bidang gangguan kejiwaaan masih sangat sulit ditemukan, terlebih di daerah-daerah yang susah dijangkau. Untuk itu perlu adanya suatu sistem yang bisa membantu paramedis dalam menangani dan mencari solusi dari penyakit gangguan kejiwaan tersebut. Sistem ini dibuat berdasarkan pengetahuan seorang pakar yang ahli di bidangnya. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah aplikasi sistem pakar dalam menentukan jenis gangguan kejiwaan. Metode penelusuran faktanya menggunakan penalaran berbasis kasus (case base reasoning) dan metode kepastiannya menggunakan certainty factor. Perancangan sistem dan perangkat lunak ini meliputi Analisis Data, Diagram Alir Data, Entity Relationship Diagram, Mapping Table, dan perancangan interface. Implementasi sistem dan pengujian unit dilakukan dengan menggunakan Visual Basic. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah perangkat lunak tentang ā€Implementasi Case Base Reasoning pada Sistem Pakar dalam Menentukan Jenis Gangguan Kejiwaan<st

    Otonomi Daerah dan Negara Federasi

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    Option to apply the idea of ā€‹ā€‹autonomy as broad as possible, autonomy special, and federation alike can be expected to answer a wide range the problems facing the Indonesian nation as it is today. But which option the best should be seen in the context of the nation's needs we are today. Therefore, let us not be absolute and moreover threatening each other as if a republican boat would break if the unitary state transformed into a federation or if defended furiously as a country unity. Let these choices be widely understood, new then people are ready to set a rational choice. In view authors of both the Unitary State and the Federated States both contain strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the first must get attention is about the guarantee of justice that can grow and flourish in in one of the two forms of the state, and the second is a matter guarantee national integration to address the national disintegration symptoms broke out lately


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    Computer software such as Microsoft Office during a pandemic like this is very beneficial for teachers because more and more administration must be done by teachers, among others, BDR reports and subject matter. This service is carried out to improve the quality of teachers, especially teachers at SDK Wolihi in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province in using Microsoft Office software (MS. Word, MS. Excel, MS. PowerPoint). This service method is carried out online using Google Meet, where health prokes must be considered during the Covid 19 pandemic. The service is carried out by providing Microsoft Office modules and training. The module can be a sustainable material for the trainees because it can be used as teaching material for teachers. The activity results show that teachers who got added value finally knew a lot about things that made it easier for them to do BDR (learning from home). ---Ā Perangkat Lunak komputer seperti Microsoft Office dalam masa pandemic seperti ini sangat bermanfaat bgi para pengajar, karena semakin banyak administrasi yang harus di lakukan oleh pengajar diantara lain adalah laporan BDR dan materi pelajaran. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajar khususnya guru pada SDK Wolihi di Kabupaten Sumba Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Office (MS. Word, MS. Excel, MS. Power Point). Metode dalam pengabdian ini dilakukan secara online menggunakan Google Meet, dimana dengan masa pandemic covid 19, prokes kesehatan harus diperhatikan. Pengabdian dilakukan dengan melakukan penyediaan modul dan pelatihan Microsoft Office, dengan adanya modul bisa menjadi bahan berkelanjutan bagi para peserta pelatihan. Dimana modul bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar guru-guru. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berdasarkan hasil evaluasi akhir pelatihan adalah guru-guru mendapatkan nilai tambah karena banyak hal yang akhirnya mereka ketahui dan bisa mempermudah mereka saat melakukan BDR (belajar dari rumah)

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Kalkulus Lanjut 2 Berbasis Pemecahan Masalah

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    This research tried to improve the test instrument at advanced calculus 2. The objectives of this research was to test instrument the valid and good based on problem solving. This research uses 4-D development model of Thiagarajan (1974) which consists of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research only ended up at the stage of develop. Test validity processed by test proporsion, whereas testing of result analyzable by validity, and reliability. Product of the research show (1) the test instrument developed was proved to be valid by the validator with the following averaged scores 3,05 and 3,18 from the maximal averaged score 4, (2) the analysis of experiment producted test instrument which validity and reliability. Based on the overall findings from this research we can conclude that the test instrument were proved to be valid, and good. Key words : test instrument, problem solving, 4-

    Toritatejoshi Dake, Bakari, Dan Nomi Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jepang

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    In writing this thesis, the writer discussed ā€žToritatejoshi dake, bakari, andnomi in Japanese sentencesā€Ÿ. The writer chose the title due to the lack of explanation of those words in Japanese books, therefore there were still many mistakes in using dake, bakari, and nomi. The first step in writing this thesis was collecting the data by the writer, analyzed the data, and presented the data descriptively.Dake, bakari, and nomi in bahasa Indonesia mean hanya and it indicates limitation. Although in Indonesian those three words can be interpreted with a same word, there are actually differences in meaning and USAge of those words.Dake is a toritatejoshi which is limiting the element in a sentence that is the only element that exist and omitting another similar element. Dake can be used in many situations, such as formal and non-formal situation or in written language and verbal language. Bakari is a toritatejoshi that indicates a limitation, but with two distinctive limitating methods. First, bakari has the same meaning with dake and emphasized the element in a sentence which is the only element that exist by omitting another similar element. Bakari which has the same meaning with dake, usually can be found in a sentence containing ~ru verb or in a sentence with no verb on it. Second, bakari is limitating and emphasizing the element that indicates a repeated activity. Usually there is a ~teiru verb or activity verb. Nomi is a toritatejoshi which has the same meaning with dake. According to Professor Honda, nomi is not only used in a formal situation and in a written language, but also can be used in a verbal language, however it will gives a formal impression, this can be happened because the partner is considered as a person who has a higher degree

    Perbedaan Hojodoushi ļ½žć¦ć„ć‚‹ Dan ļ½žć¦ć‚ć‚‹ Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jepang

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    My research problems are : 1. How are the structure and meaning of auxiliaryverb ā€žā€“teiruā€Ÿ and ā€žā€“tearuā€Ÿ? 2. How are the similarities and differences betweenauxiliary verb ā€žā€“teiruā€Ÿ and ā€žā€“tearuā€Ÿ?.The purpose of this research are : 1. To describe the structure and meaning ofauxiliary verb ā€œā€“teiruā€ and ā€œā€“tearuā€. 2. To describe the the similarities anddifferences between auxiliary verb ā€œā€“teiruā€ and ā€œā€“tearuā€. The research methodused is Agih method. In analyzing the data, this research used descriptive analysistechnique.The result of this research show that the auxiliary verb ā€œ-teiruā€Ÿ and ā€œ-tearuā€ areto express the meaning of condition and both are express resultatif aspect. Thedifference are : 1. auxiliary verb ā€“teiru express the result of certain action. Thespeaker merely wants to describe the appearance of situation and auxiliary verbā€“teiru can used intransitive verb and transitive verb . 2. auxiliary verb ā€“tearudescribes an action that is done with a certain objective in mind and auxiliaryverb ā€“tearu only used transitive verb

    Analisis Preferensi Risiko Petani pada Usahatani Kubis Organik di Kecamatan Baso, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat

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    Risk preferences of farmers determine to adoption of a technology. This study aims to determine risk preferences of cabbage farmers in Baso Sub-district. Analysis of risk preferences using a model of risk preferences Kumbhakar 2002. Results show that organic cabbage farmers are risk-averse, impacting the slow adoption of organic farming

    Regenerasi Embriogenesis Somatik pada Beberapa Klon Kakao Indonesia dari Eksplan Bunga

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    <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1073750139 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin-top:0cm; margin-right:0cm; margin-bottom:10.0pt; margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:IN; mso-no-proof:yes;} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> This research was aimed to observe the response of different clones and speciļ¬  c organs due to the somatic embryogenesis regeneration. It was arranged in factorial randomized completely design with three replication. The ļ¬  rst factor was cocoa clones i.e. ICCRI 01, ICCRI 02, ICCRI 03, ICCRI 04, KW 514, RCC72, and Sca 6. The second factor was ļ¬‚  ower parts i.e. petal, staminode and anther. Every explant was regenerated on initiation, induction, multiplication and rooting media. Almost all treatments showed high response of embryogenic calli which range 89.5 to 100% at initial stage, but different results were found at the following process of somatic embryogenesis. The experiment showed that each clones and each different part of ļ¬‚  ower had different response to somatic embryogenesis. The highest response of the explant number resulted from Sca 6 clone, which produce 35.8% embryo with average number of embryo per explant (1.34) followed by RCC 72 (28.4%, averaged 0.7) ICCRI 03 (24.7%, averaged 1.3) ICCRI 04 (18.6%, averaged 0.6). While ICCRI 02 showed the lowest responsive clone. Especially for ICCRI 01, 55.8% explant was rooted and  only 1.3% explant producing embryo. The highest response of somatic embryo was resulted form petal

    Realized Genetic Gain and Seed Source X Site Interaction on Stand Volume Productivity of Acacia Mangium

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    Following the results of the comprehensive tree improvement programs for Acacia mangium, it is necessary to estimate the real amount of genetic improvement and to develop an improved seed deployment strategy. This study was aimed to verify realized genetic gain on stand volume productivity attained by the first-generation Seedling Seed Orchards (SSO) of A. mangium and to identify the magnitude of seed sources x site interaction as a basis for improved seed deployment. Seeds from five SSOs were tested together with seeds from seed stand in genetic gain trials which were established in South Kalimantan and Central Java. Realized gains were calculated from the percentage improvement of respective SSOs compared with seed stand at two and four years of age. Seed source x site interaction was investigated through analysis across the two sites. Results of the study showed that trees derived from the five SSOs produced better stand volume than those from seed stand. At four years of age, stand volume of the best SSO reached around 127 m3/ha in South Kalimantan and 84 m3/ha in Central Java. Realized genetic gain were around 66% at two years and 59% at four years in South Kalimantan, and around 136% at two years and 81% at four years in Central Java. Seed source x site interaction was not significantly different indicating superiority of improved seed were consistent across the two sites with the average realized gain ranging from 18% to 79% and 24% to 62% at two and four years, respectively. The best three SSOs were SSO-1 located in Pleihari-South Kalimantan, SSO-2 in Pendopo-South Sumatra and SSO-5 in Wonogiri-Central Java, all of which originated from Papua New Guinea provenances. Improved seed from the orchards could be used at plantation sites without any significant change of the order in their superiority for stand volume productivity
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