46 research outputs found

    Arachnids of medical importance in Brazil: main active compounds present in scorpion and spider venoms and tick saliva

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    Arthropod venom Hyaluronidases: biochemical properties and potential applications in medicine and biotechnology

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    The HuGCDN2014-OXI database was provided by the Dr. Negrín University Hospital (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) and contains recordings of 83 subjects, each containing the ECG signal, digitized at 200 Hz, and the SpO2 signal, digitized at 50 Hz. The sleep studies and the labelling process were carried out following the American Academia of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines. An expert labeled every minute based on simultaneous polysomnography, marking it as apnea or nonapnea. There are three groups: 1) CONTROL: thirty-eight (38) healthy subjects with AHIs lower than 5 ranged between (0-5). 2) DESATURATING PATIENTS: thirty-four (34) OSA patients with AHIs higher than 25 ranged between (30-106.3) that show desaturations during apneic episodes. 3) NONDESATURATING PATIENTS: eleven (11) OSA patients with AHIs higher than 25 ranged between (26.2-87.5) that do not always show desaturations during apneic episodes. Patients are defined as nondesaturating when their ODI is less than half their AHI, in our case the 75% of the nondesaturating patients present an ODI less than 7.35 and a total of apneas less than 98, then for 75% of the nondesaturating patients the percentage of desaturating apneic events is below of 7.5%.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Labores que importan: cuidado y comunidad en las artes visuales de Chile

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    Las referencias al cuidado están presentes en las obras de las mujeres artistas de Chile entre 2000 y 2022. Ejemplo de ello son las obras de Karen Pazán, Zaida González, Gabriela Rivera, Rocío Hormazábal, Senoritaugarte y Antonieta Clunes. Nuestro estudio propone analizar sus abordajes críticos o de resistencia al cuidado en vínculo con las comunidades y las técnicas artísticas. Las obras abordan distintas variantes del cuidado con visiones críticas y decoloniales, yendo desde la explotación física y espiritual de las mujeres, el daño a otros sectores humanos y seres vivos, hasta la afectación del ecosistema. La conjugación de las manifestaciones artísticas tradicionales, efímeras o realizadas con aparatos técnicos es un factor significativo en el contenido crítico de las obras. Particularmente, el medio digital, originado por la industria bélica y potenciado por el capitalismo de las grandes empresas, sirve a la defensa del derecho a la vida. Nuestro estudio sigue el enfoque teórico de arte de resistencia, conjuga las perspectivas de los feminismos, los estudios culturales y los estudios visuales. Aplica la metodología cualitativa, el método de análisis de discurso y los enfoques histórico-descriptivo y analítico.

    Alternative approach to solve the 1-D quantum harmonic oscillator

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    In standard courses of Quantum Mechanics the harmonic oscillator is frequently resolved through of different techniques. In this paper, we introduce another didactic method to obtain its energy spectrum and wave functions by using directly the Hermite polynomials. To do this we only use arguments of general soundness.En cursos normales de Mecánica Cuántica, el oscilador armónico es frecuentemente resuelto a través de diferentes técnicas. En este artículo, introducimos otro método didáctico para determinar su espectro de energía y sus funciones de onda, usando directamente polinomios de Hermite. Para hacer esto solamente consideramos argumentos de validez general

    Sleep apnea: Tracking effects of a first session of CPAP therapy by means of Granger causality

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    Connectivity between physiological networks is an issue of particular importance for understanding the complex interaction brain-heart. In the present study, this interaction was analyzed in polysomnography recordings of 28 patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and compared with a group of 10 control subjects. Electroencephalography and electrocardiography signals from these polysomnography time series were characterized employing Granger causality computation to measure the directed connectivity among five brain waves and three spectral subbands of heart rate variability. Polysomnography data from OSA patients were recorded before and during a first session of continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) therapy in a split-night study. Results showed that CPAP therapy allowed the recovery of inner brain connectivities, mainly in subsystems involving the theta wave. In addition, differences between control and OSA patients were established in connections that involve lower frequency ranges of heart rate variability. This information can be potentially useful in the initial diagnosis of OSA, and determine the role of cardiac activity in sleep dynamics based on the use of three subbands of heart rate variability. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Sleep apnea: Tracking effects of a first session of CPAP therapy by means of Granger causality

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    Connectivity between physiological networks is an issue of particular importance for understanding the complex interaction brain-heart. In the present study, this interaction was analyzed in polysomnography recordings of 28 patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and compared with a group of 10 control subjects. Electroencephalography and electrocardiography signals from these polysomnography time series were characterized employing Granger causality computation to measure the directed connectivity among five brain waves and three spectral subbands of heart rate variability. Polysomnography data from OSA patients were recorded before and during a first session of continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) therapy in a split-night study. Results showed that CPAP therapy allowed the recovery of inner brain connectivities, mainly in subsystems involving the theta wave. In addition, differences between control and OSA patients were established in connections that involve lower frequency ranges of heart rate variability. This information can be potentially useful in the initial diagnosis of OSA, and determine the role of cardiac activity in sleep dynamics based on the use of three subbands of heart rate variability. © 2019 Elsevier B.V