1,947 research outputs found

    Uniqueness theorem for inverse scattering problem with non-overdetermined data

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    Let q(x)q(x) be real-valued compactly supported sufficiently smooth function, qH0(Ba)q\in H^\ell_0(B_a), Ba:={x:xa,xR3B_a:=\{x: |x|\leq a, x\in R^3 . It is proved that the scattering data A(β,β,k)A(-\beta,\beta,k) βS2\forall \beta\in S^2, k>0\forall k>0 determine qq uniquely. here A(β,α,k)A(\beta,\alpha,k) is the scattering amplitude, corresponding to the potential qq

    Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient

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    A method is given for creating material with a desired refraction coefficient. The method consists of embedding into a material with known refraction coefficient many small particles of size aa. The number of particles per unit volume around any point is prescribed, the distance between neighboring particles is O(a2κ3)O(a^{\frac{2-\kappa}{3}}) as a0a\to 0, 0<κ<10<\kappa<1 is a fixed parameter. The total number of the embedded particle is O(aκ2)O(a^{\kappa-2}). The physical properties of the particles are described by the boundary impedance ζm\zeta_m of the mthm-th particle, ζm=O(aκ)\zeta_m=O(a^{-\kappa}) as a0a\to 0. The refraction coefficient is the coefficient n2(x)n^2(x) in the wave equation [2+k2n2(x)]u=0[\nabla^2+k^2n^2(x)]u=0

    Uniqueness of the solution to inverse scattering problem with scattering data at a fixed direction of the incident wave

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    Let q(x)q(x) be real-valued compactly supported sufficiently smooth function. It is proved that the scattering data A(β,α0,k)A(\beta,\alpha_0,k) βS2\forall \beta\in S^2, k>0,\forall k>0, determine qq uniquely. Here α0S2\alpha_0\in S^2 is a fixed direction of the incident plane wave

    Heat transfer in a complex medium

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    The heat equation is considered in the complex medium consisting of many small bodies (particles) embedded in a given material. On the surfaces of the small bodies an impedance boundary condition is imposed. An equation for the limiting field is derived when the characteristic size aa of the small bodies tends to zero, their total number N(a)\mathcal{N}(a) tends to infinity at a suitable rate, and the distance d=d(a)d = d(a) between neighboring small bodies tends to zero: a<<da << d, lima0ad(a)=0\lim_{a\to 0}\frac{a}{d(a)}=0. No periodicity is assumed about the distribution of the small bodies. These results are basic for a method of creating a medium in which heat signals are transmitted along a given line. The technical part for this method is based on an inverse problem of finding potential with prescribed eigenvalues.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1207.056

    Creating desired potentials by embedding small inhomogeneities

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    The governing equation is [2+k2q(x)]u=0[\nabla^2+k^2-q(x)]u=0 in R3\R^3. It is shown that any desired potential q(x)q(x), vanishing outside a bounded domain DD, can be obtained if one embeds into D many small scatterers qm(x)q_m(x), vanishing outside balls Bm:={x:xxm<a}B_m:=\{x: |x-x_m|<a\}, such that qm=Amq_m=A_m in BmB_m, qm=0q_m=0 outside BmB_m, 1mM1\leq m \leq M, M=M(a)M=M(a). It is proved that if the number of small scatterers in any subdomain Δ\Delta is defined as N(Δ):=xmΔ1N(\Delta):=\sum_{x_m\in \Delta}1 and is given by the formula N(Δ)=V(a)1Δn(x)dx[1+o(1)]N(\Delta)=|V(a)|^{-1}\int_{\Delta}n(x)dx [1+o(1)] as a0a\to 0, where V(a)=4πa3/3V(a)=4\pi a^3/3, then the limit of the function uM(x)u_{M}(x), lima0UM=ue(x)\lim_{a\to 0}U_M=u_e(x) does exist and solves the equation [2+k2q(x)]u=0[\nabla^2+k^2-q(x)]u=0 in R3\R^3, where q(x)=n(x)A(x)q(x)=n(x)A(x),and A(xm)=AmA(x_m)=A_m. The total number MM of small inhomogeneities is equal to N(D)N(D) and is of the order O(a3)O(a^{-3}) as a0a\to 0. A similar result is derived in the one-dimensional case

    Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Small Impedance Particles of an Arbitrary Shape

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    Scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves by one and many small (ka1ka\ll 1) impedance particles DmD_m of an arbitrary shape, embedded in a homogeneous medium, is studied. Analytic formula for the field, scattered by one particle, is derived. The scattered field is of the order O(a2κ)O(a^{2-\kappa}), where κ[0,1)\kappa \in [0,1) is a number. This field is much larger than in the Rayleigh-type scattering. An equation is derived for the effective EM field scattered by many small impedance particles distributed in a bounded domain. Novel physical effects in this domain are described and discussed

    Recovery of a quarkonium system from experimental data

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    For confining potentials of the form q(r)=r+p(r), where p(r) decays rapidly and is smooth for r>0, it is proved that q(r) can be uniquely recovered from the data {E_j,s_j}, where E_j are the bound states energies and s_j are the values of u'_j(0), and u_j(r) are the normalized eigenfunctions of the problem -u_j" +q(r)u_j=E_ju_j, r>0, u_j(0)=0, ||u_j||=1, where the norm is L^2(0, \infty) norm. An algorithm is given for recovery of p(r) from few experimental data

    Spectral properties of Schr\"{o}dinger-type operators and large-time behavior of the solutions to the corresponding wave equation

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    Let LL be a linear, closed, densely defined in a Hilbert space operator, not necessarily selfadjoint. Consider the corresponding wave equations &(1) \quad \ddot{w}+ Lw=0, \quad w(0)=0,\quad \dot{w}(0)=f, \quad \dot{w}=\frac{dw}{dt}, \quad f \in H. &(2) \quad \ddot{u}+Lu=f e^{-ikt}, \quad u(0)=0, \quad \dot{u}(0)=0, where k>0k>0 is a constant. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the operator LL not to have eigenvalues in the half-plane Rez<0z<0 and not to have a positive eigenvalue at a given point kd2>0k_d^2 >0. These conditions are given in terms of the large-time behavior of the solutions to problem (1) for generic ff. Sufficient conditions are given for the validity of a version of the limiting amplitude principle for the operator LL. A relation between the limiting amplitude principle and the limiting absorption principle is established