167 research outputs found

    Protection of melon plants against Cucumber mosaic virus infection using Pseudomonas fluorescens biofertilizer

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    This study was carried out to characterize a virus causing severe mosaic, yellowing, stunting and leaf deformation on melon (Cucumis melo L.), and evaluate the capacity of Pseudomonas fluorescens as  biofertilizer to improve plant growth and restrict the accumulation of the virus in the plant. The virus was identified as an isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) by means of symptoms on indicator plants,  serological characteristics using double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay  (DAS-ELISA) and immunochromatography, and molecular weight of coat protein on sodium dodecyl  sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The source of the virus infection was also  determined by the same means. P. fluorescens was used as seed treatment and soil applications. The  seedling grown from bacterial treated seeds in non-treated soil and those grown from non-treated seeds in bacterial treated soil were mechanically inoculated with CMV extract at the primary leaf stage. Two proteins representing CMV coat protein appeared on 10% SDS-PAGE of 24 and 26 kD. It has been found  that 9 of 35 weed plants harbor CMV. Treatment seeds and soil with P. fluorescens suspension induced significant reduction in virus accumulation in the plants as proved by absorbance values of ELISA- reactions. Minimum absorbance values of ELISA reactions at 405 nm were found to be 0.160 and 0.298 for seed and soil treatments, respectively when compared with 1.190 for samples from CMV-inoculated  plants (control). The inhibition activity of P. fluorescens against CMV continued to be significant up to 20 days of virus inoculation with absorbance values of ELISA-reactions (0.460 and 0.930) for seed and soil treatment, respectively. The results indicate that P. fluorescens is able to induce systemic resistance against CMV in the plants.Key words: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cucumis melo, melon, plant growth promoting  microorganisms (PGPM), Pseudomonas fluorescens, viral diseases management

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program Life Skills Berbasis Potensi Lokal Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Keluarga Di Desa Lero Kecamatan Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang

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    Adapun tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program life skills berbasis potensi lokal di Desa Lero Kecamatan Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang. Jumlah subyek (peserta pelatihan) sebanyak 121 terdiri atas 60 peserta pelatihan pembuatan ikan asin (kering) dan 61 peserta pelatihan pembuatan minyak kelapa fermentasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu workshop, penyuluhan, dan pelatihan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu pengamatan (penilaian proses), angket, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data/evaluasi program digunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat menunjukkan (1) jumlah peserta yang berpartisifasi aktif dalam program pemberdayaan melalui pelatihan pembuatan ikan asin (kering) dan minyak kelapa fermentasi yang higienis dan berkualitas sebanyak 121 orang, (2) peserta pelatihan telah memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membuat ikan asin (kering) dan minyak kelapa fermentasi yang higienis dan berkualitas, dan (3) terbentuknya 3 (tiga) kelompok USAha kecil produksi ikan asin (kering) dan minyak kelapa fermentasi di Desa Lero Kecamatan Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang. Direkomendasikan kepada pemerintah agar pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program pelatihan life skills perlu ditingkatkan dalam rangka peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat

    Charged gravastars admitting conformal motion

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    We propose a new model of a {\it gravastar} admitting conformal motion. While retaining the framework of the Mazur-Mottola model, the gravastar is assumed to be internally charged, with an exterior defined by a Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m rather than a Schwarzschild line element. The solutions obtained involve (i) the interior region, (ii) the shell, and (iii) the exterior region of the sphere. Of these three cases the first case is of primary interest since the total gravitational mass vanishes for vanishing charge and turns the total gravitational mass into an {\it electromagnetic mass} under certain conditions. This suggests that the interior de Sitter vacuum of a charged gravastar is essentially an electromagnetic mass model that must generate the gravitational mass. We have also analyzed various other aspects such as the stress energy tensor in the thin shell and the entropy of the system.Comment: Minor addition, Accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Temporal variation in seed quality of Indian spinach preserved in different containers

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    The experiment was conducted to investigate the seed quality of Indian spinach for three months stored at different containers (Plastic pot, polythene bag and cloth bag) during 2013-2014 at Seed Technology Laboratory of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur. The initial moisture content of the seed was 9.89% with 75.00% germination. However, after two months, the seed had a different range of increased moisture content with reduced germination percentage depending upon the packing materials. Among the three containers, seeds stored at cloth bag absorbed more moisture (14.36%) from surrounding atmosphere followed by the moisture content, 12.67% and 11.50% of polythene bag and airtight plastic pot, respectively. Seeds stored at plastic pot, polythene bag and cloth bag exhibited 65.00, 64.00 and 50.00 per cent germination, respectively. Similarly, the fresh weight and dry weight of seedling and seedling vigor were also decreased. The seeds of plastic pot were good in term of germination capacity, fresh and dry weight and vigor index in comparison to those stored at cloth bag and polythene bag.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 5 (2): 51-57, December, 201

    Management of potato virus Y (PVY) in potato by some biocontrol agents under field conditions

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    . Management of potato virus Y (PVY) in potato by some biocontrol agents under field conditions. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 9(4):855-861. Abstract The study was conducted to test the activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhodotorula sp and fermented neem extract to protect potato plants against potato virusY disease development under field conditions. Infected potato tubers were soaked in P. fluorescens , Rhodotorula sp suspensions and in fermented neem extracts separately and sown in the field in completely randomized block design. The development of virus symptoms and the accumulation of virus in the plant based on Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) were noted. The results obtained showed that the treatment of potato tubers with the three agents have significantly accelerated plant emergence, 5-6 days earlier than non treated ones, and improved plant growth. The plant dry weights ranged from 120-177 g/plant compared to 42 g/plant in non treated plants. The enhancement of plant growth was found to be associated with reduction in disease severity based on symptoms development and restriction of virus concentration as proven by ELISA absorbance of 405 nm, 0.14-0.23 compared with 2.50 in non treated plants. The results indicated that the use of bio-agent to induce systemic resistance provide an efficient tool, as insecticide alternative to manage potato virus Y in potato


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan tingkat partisipasi ibu rumah tangga dalam pemberdayaan pengolahan rumput laut., menjelaskan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal pemberdayaan ibu rumah tangga dalam pengolahan kerupuk rumput laut, menjelaskan rumusan strategi yang digunakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan berbasis ibu rumah tangga di Desa Salemba Kec.Ujung Loe Kab. Bulukumba, serta menentukan prioritas strategi yang digunakan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, cara pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi terhadap objek penelitian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian didapatkan tingkat partisipasi ibu rumah tangga dalam mengikuti pelatihan dan bergabung dalam kelompok Mekar masih dianggap kurang, dikarenakan beberapa factor yang menjadi hambatan yaitu perbedaan waktu luang yang dimiliki ibu rumah tangga dan kurangnya minat bergabung dalam kelompok Mekar, dalam penelitian ini didapatkan factor internal dan eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan berbasis komunitas ibu rumah tangga dalam pengolahan rumput laut, sehingga didapatkan beberapa strategi yaitu Pertama, strategi membuat deiversifikasi produk rumput laut, mengembangkan usaha kelompok pengolahan rumput laut. Kedua, melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan, mengadakan studi banding pada usaha pengolahan rumput laut lainnya. Ketiga, memberikan pemahaman kepada ibu rumah tangga akan pentingnnya pengolahan rumput laut. Keempat, merancang pelatihan yang variatif. Kata Kunci : Strategi Pemberdayaan, Masyarakat Nelayan, Komunitas Ibu Rumah Tangg

    A Simple Model for Cell Type Recognition Using 2D-Correlation Analysis of FTIR Images From Breast Cancer Tissue

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    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer after lung cancer. So far, in clinical practice, most cancer parameters originating from histopathology rely on the visualization by a pathologist of microscopic structures observed in stained tissue sections, including immunohistochemistry markers. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy provides a biochemical fingerprint of a biopsy sample and, together with advanced data analysis techniques, can accurately classify cell types. Yet, one of the challenges when dealing with FTIR imaging is the slow recording of the data. One cm2 tissue section requires several hours of image recording. We show in the present paper that 2D covariance analysis singles out only a few wavenumbers where both variance and covariance are large. Simple models could be built using 4 wavenumbers to identify the 4 main cell types present in breast cancer tissue sections. Decision trees provide particularly simple models to reach discrimination between the 4 cell types. The robustness of these simple decision-tree models were challenged with FTIR spectral data obtained using different recording conditions. One test set was recorded by transflection on tissue sections in the presence of paraffin while the training set was obtained on dewaxed tissue sections by transmission. Furthermore, the test set was collected with a different brand of FTIR microscope and a different pixel size. Despite the different recording conditions, separating extracellular matrix (ECM) from carcinoma spectra was 100% successful, underlying the robustness of this univariate model and the utility of covariance analysis for revealing efficient wavenumbers. We suggest that 2D covariance maps using the full spectral range could be most useful to select the interesting wavenumbers and achieve very fast data acquisition on quantum cascade laser infrared imaging microscopes