10,851 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of Co doped Nb clusters

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    From magnetic deflection experiments on isolated Co doped Nb clusters we made the interesting observation of some clusters being magnetic, while others appear to be non-magnetic. There are in principle two explanations for this behavior. Either the local moment at the Co site is completely quenched or it is screened by the delocalized electrons of the cluster, i.e. the Kondo effect. In order to reveal the physical origin, we conducted a combined theoretical and experimental investigation. First, we established the ground state geometry of the clusters by comparing the experimental vibrational spectra with those obtained from a density functional theory study. Then, we performed an analyses based on the Anderson impurity model. It appears that the non-magnetic clusters are due to a complete quenching of the local Co moment and not due to the Kondo effect. In addition, the magnetic behavior of the clusters can be understood from an inspection of their electronic structure. Here magnetism is favored when the effective hybridization around the chemical potential is small, while the absence of magnetism is signalled by a large effective hybridization around the chemical potential.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with an Ensemble of Donor-Bound Electron Spins in a Semiconductor

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    We present measurements of electromagnetically induced transparency with an ensemble of donor- bound electrons in low-doped n-GaAs. We used optical transitions from the Zeeman-split electron spin states to a bound trion state in samples with optical densities of 0.3 and 1.0. The electron spin dephasing time T* \approx 2 ns was limited by hyperfine coupling to fluctuating nuclear spins. We also observe signatures of dynamical nuclear polarization, but find these effects to be much weaker than in experiments that use electron spin resonance and related experiments with quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Improved analysis of data in Fig. 3, corrected factors of 2 and p

    Nambu monopoles in lattice Electroweak theory

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    We considered the lattice electroweak theory at realistic values of α\alpha and θW\theta_W and for large values of the Higgs mass. We investigated numerically the properties of topological objects that are identified with quantum Nambu monopoles. We have found that the action density near the Nambu monopole worldlines exceeds the density averaged over the lattice in the physical region of the phase diagram. Moreover, their percolation probability is found to be an order parameter for the transition between the symmetric and the broken phases. Therefore, these monopoles indeed appear as real physical objects. However, we have found that their density on the lattice increases with increasing ultraviolet cutoff. Thus we conclude, that the conventional lattice electroweak theory is not able to predict the density of Nambu monopoles. This means that the description of Nambu monopole physics based on the lattice Weinberg - Salam model with finite ultraviolet cutoff is incomplete. We expect that the correct description may be obtained only within the lattice theory that involves the description of TeV - scale physics.Comment: LATE

    The canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the Null-Plane

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    In this work we will develop the canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the null-plane. This theory has second-order derivatives in the Lagrangian function and requires a closer study for the definition of the momenta and canonical Hamiltonian of the system. On the null-plane the field equations also demand a different analysis of the initial-boundary value problem and proper conditions must be chosen on the null-planes. We will show that the constraint structure, based on Dirac formalism, presents a set of second-class constraints, which are exclusive of the analysis on the null-plane, and an expected set of first-class constraints that are generators of a U(1) group of gauge transformations. An inspection on the field equations will lead us to the generalized radiation gauge on the null-plane, and Dirac Brackets will be introduced considering the problem of uniqueness of these brackets under the chosen initial-boundary condition of the theory

    Leptonic widths of high excitations in heavy quarkonia

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    Agreement with the measured electronic widths of the ψ(4040)\psi(4040), ψ(4415)\psi(4415), and Υ(11019)\Upsilon (11019) resonances is shown to be reached if two effects are taken into account: a flattening of the confining potential at large distances and a total screening of the gluon-exchange interaction at r\ga 1.2 fm. The leptonic widths of the unobserved Υ(7S)\Upsilon(7S) and ψ(5S)\psi(5S) resonances: Γe+e−(Υ(7S))=0.11\Gamma_{e^+e^-}(\Upsilon (7S))=0.11 keV and Γ(ψ(5S))≈0.54\Gamma(\psi(5S))\approx 0.54 keV are predicted.Comment: 11 pages revtex

    Wonen in Houwerzijl:vind je heil in Houwerzijl!

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    Deze managementsamenvatting omschrijft kort en bondig het onderzoek naar de woonomgeving van Houwerzijl. Deze samenvatting is bedoeld om de hoofdlijnen van het onderzoek weer te geven, voor het totale onderzoek wordt u doorverwezen naar het onderzoeksrapport ‘Wonen in Houwerzijl’. De doelstelling is het advies geven voor mogelijke aanpassingen ten aanzien van de leefomgeving. De probleemstelling en tevens de onderzoeksvraag van dit onderzoek luidt: ‘Wat vinden de inwoners van Houwerzijl van de kwaliteit van hun leefomgeving en hoe zien zij dit in 2020?’ Deze onderzoeksvraag is verder verdeeld in twee deelvragen, die de woonmotieven en de kwaliteit van de woningen onderzoeken. Studentonderzoek in het kader van het thema Werklandschappen

    Long-range potential fluctuations and 1/f noise in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We present a microscopic theory of the low-frequency voltage noise (known as "1/f" noise) in micrometer-thick films of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. This theory traces the noise back to the long-range fluctuations of the Coulomb potential produced by deep defects, thereby predicting the absolute noise intensity as a function of the distribution of defect activation energies. The predictions of this theory are in very good agreement with our own experiments in terms of both the absolute intensity and the temperature dependence of the noise spectra.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, several new parts and one new figure are added, but no conceptual revision
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