74 research outputs found

    A Randomised Controlled Trial of Two Infusion Rates to Decrease Reactions to Antivenom

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    Background: Snake envenoming is a major clinical problem in Sri Lanka, with an estimated 40,000 bites annually. Antivenom is only available from India and there is a high rate of systemic hypersensitivity reactions. This study aimed to investigate whether the rate of infusion of antivenom reduced the frequency of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions. Methods and findings: This was a randomized comparison trial of two infusion rates of antivenom for treatment of non-pregnant adult patients (>14 y) with snake envenoming in Sri Lanka. Snake identification was by patient or hospital examination of dead snakes when available and confirmed by enzyme-immunoassay for Russell’s viper envenoming. Patients were blindly allocated in a 11 randomisation schedule to receive antivenom either as a 20 minute infusion (rapid) or a two hour infusion (slow). The primary outcome was the proportion with severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions (grade 3 by Brown grading system) within 4 hours of commencement of antivenom. Secondary outcomes included the proportion with mild/moderate hypersensitivity reactions and repeat antivenom doses. Of 1004 patients with suspected snakebites, 247 patients received antivenom. 49 patients were excluded or not recruited leaving 104 patients allocated to the rapid antivenom infusion and 94 to the slow antivenom infusion. The median actual duration of antivenom infusion in the rapid group was 20 min (Interquartile range[IQR]:20–25 min) versus 120 min (IQR:75–120 min) in the slow group. There was no difference in severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions between those given rapid and slow infusions (32% vs. 35%; difference 3%; 95%CI:−10% to +17%;p = 0.65). The frequency of mild/moderate reactions was also similar. Similar numbers of patients in each arm received further doses of antivenom (30/104 vs. 23/94). Conclusions: A slower infusion rate would not reduce the rate of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions from current high rates. More effort should be put into developing better quality antivenoms

    A "One-Stop" Screening Protocol for Haemoglobinopathy Traits and Iron Deficiency in Sri Lanka.

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    The high frequencies of carriers of severe haemoglobinopathies and of iron deficiency in Southeast Asia require reliable and affordable tests to improve on current screening procedures. We evaluate a "one stop" approach using the THALCON dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) and one-tube osmotic fragility (OF) tests and measurement of Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) to detect and distinguish HbE and β-thalassaemia traits from iron deficiency. We compare findings with current screening practice in Sri Lanka that relies on the identification of low mean red cell volume and/or mean red cell hemoglobin for this purpose. Between November 2017 and May 2018, we undertook a cross-sectional survey of secondary school students in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka. The THALCON-DCIP and OF tests were compared to capillary electrophoresis (CE), used as a gold standard to detect haemoglobinopathies. ZPP was measured in whole blood. Plasma ferritin and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in students with a raised ZPP concentration. We collected venous blood samples from 1,324/1,332 (99.4%) students. The median age of the students was 17 (IQR 16-18) years, all were Sinhalese and 814/1,324 (61.5%) were female. CE identified 3 students with HbE trait and 26 students with β-thalassaemia trait. The THALCON-DCIP test was positive only in the 3 students with HbE (sensitivity 100%, 95% CI 29.2-100.0; specificity 100%, 95% CI 99.7-100.0). The THALCON-OF test identified all 26 students with β-thalassaemia trait (sensitivity = 100%, 95% CI 86.8-100.0) and 287 students with a normal CE result (specificity = 77.9%; 95% CI 75.5-80.1). It was also positive in 2/3 (66.7%) students with HbE trait. Iron deficiency (ZPP > 70 μmol/mol heme) was present in 118/1,240 (9.5%) students with a normal hemoglobin genotype, all of whom had plasma ferritin <15 ng/ml and CRP <5 mg/L. This one-stop approach offers reliable and affordable population screening for both haemoglobinopathy traits and iron deficiency in resource-limited settings where these conditions are common and ensures that iron supplements are targeted only to those who require them. Further work is warranted to refine the OF test to reduce the number of false positive results

    GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

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    GDF15, a hormone acting on the brainstem, has been implicated in the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) including its most severe form, Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), but a full mechanistic understanding is lacking [1-4]. Here we report that fetal production of GDF15, and maternal sensitivity to it, both contribute substantially to the risk of HG. We confirmed that higher GDF15 levels in maternal blood are associated with vomiting in pregnancy and HG. Using mass spectrometry to detect a naturally-labelled GDF15 variant we demonstrate that the vast majority of GDF15 in the maternal plasma is derived from the feto-placental unit. By studying carriers of rare and common genetic variants we found that low levels of GDF15 in the non-pregnant state increase the risk of developing HG. Conversely, women with beta-thalassemia, a condition where GDF15 levels are chronically high [5], report very low levels of NVP. In mice, the acute food intake response to a bolus of GDF15 is influenced bi-directionally by prior levels of circulating GDF15 in a manner suggesting that this system is susceptible to desensitization. Our findings support a putative causal role for fetally-derived GDF15 in the nausea and vomiting of human pregnancy, with maternal sensitivity, at least partly determined by pre-pregnancy exposure to the hormone, being a major influence on its severity. They also suggest mechanism-based approaches to the treatment and prevention of HG.</p

    Thalassemias in South Asia:clinical lessons learnt from Bangladesh

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    Abstract Thalassemias are emerging as a global public health concern. Due to remarkable success in the reduction of childhood mortality by controlling infectious diseases in developing countries, thalassemias are likely to be a major public health concern in the coming decades in South Asia. Despite the fact that Bangladesh lies in the world’s thalassemia belt, the information on different aspects (epidemiology, clinical course, mortality, complications and treatment outcomes) of thalassemias is lacking. In this comprehensive review, the aim is to to depict the epidemiological aspects of thalassemias, mutation profile and current treatment and management practices in the country by sharing the experience of dealing with 1178 cases over 2009–2014 time periods in a specialized thalassemia treatment centre. We have also discussed the preventative strategies of thalassemias from the context of Bangladesh which could be effective for other developing countries

    Snake Bite in South Asia: A Review

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    Snake bite is one of the most neglected public health issues in poor rural communities living in the tropics. Because of serious misreporting, the true worldwide burden of snake bite is not known. South Asia is the world's most heavily affected region, due to its high population density, widespread agricultural activities, numerous venomous snake species and lack of functional snake bite control programs. Despite increasing knowledge of snake venoms' composition and mode of action, good understanding of clinical features of envenoming and sufficient production of antivenom by Indian manufacturers, snake bite management remains unsatisfactory in this region. Field diagnostic tests for snake species identification do not exist and treatment mainly relies on the administration of antivenoms that do not cover all of the important venomous snakes of the region. Care-givers need better training and supervision, and national guidelines should be fed by evidence-based data generated by well-designed research studies. Poorly informed rural populations often apply inappropriate first-aid measures and vital time is lost before the victim is transported to a treatment centre, where cost of treatment can constitute an additional hurdle. The deficiency of snake bite management in South Asia is multi-causal and requires joint collaborative efforts from researchers, antivenom manufacturers, policy makers, public health authorities and international funders

    Thalassemia in Sri Lanka: a progress report

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    Oro-genital ulcers with a positive pathergy test in acute myeloid leukaemia

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    We report a young girl who presented with painful oral and genital ulcers and a positive pathergy test as a result of acute myeloid leukaemia M4 subtype. This is the first case report of this combination of signs an
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