28 research outputs found

    Helicoverpa armigera: current status and future perspectives in Brazil.

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    The bollworm Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous pest first identified in the South American continent in Brazil during the 2012/13 crop season, worrying farmers across the country leading them to overuse insecticides in an attempt to control its outbreaks. However, it is essential to emphasize the importance of the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) philosophy, since improperly applied insecticides will exacerbate pest problem by eliminating the biological control agents and increase the production cost unnecessarily. Therefore, our work discusses, in more detail, the current status, recommended management, and future perspectives of this pest in Brazil. We conclude that, in spite of H. armigera infestation in Brazil, it will still be feasible for growers to adopt pestcontrol measures that have less impact on the environment in accordance with the standard principles of the IPM philosophy. Within this context, monitoring for pests and initiating control measures only when the pest populations reaches the economic thresholds (ET) recommended by research is crucial. These procedures protect crop sustainability, thus keeping growers competitive in the market while reducing costs and maximizing productivity. The arrival of H. armigera in Brazil has resulted in a national debate about the importance of IPM adoption. It is a chance to fully implement IPM in Brazil as it has never been done or seen before in the history of tropical agriculture. If IPM is successfully adopted in Brazil, the future perspective of H. armigera will be that of being a satisfactorily managed pest. In contrast, if only a simplified version of IPM is employed, H. armigera and many other pests will have a greater chance of surviving and causing severe damage to crops

    Biological parameters and parasitism capacity of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) reared on natural and factitious hosts for successive generations.

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    Factitious hosts are largely used in parasitoid production. However, changes in parasitism capacity may happen when hosts are switched. Therefore, the ability of a parasitoid species to be reared on factitious host and still keep high level of parasitism on the natural target pest after successive rearing can determine parasitoid quality and must be investigated. Thus, we evaluated Telenomus remus parasitism on Corcyra cephalonica eggs compared with its natural host, Spodoptera frugiperda eggs, for different generations. After being reared on C. cephalonica, T. remus parasitism on S. frugiperda was evaluated to measure different T. remus biological parameters and parasitism capacity (parasitoid quality). Gradual increase in C. cephalonica eggs parasitized was observed over the generations, stabilizing on generation F7. The number of parasitized C. cephalonica eggs was similar among generations (from generation F7 to F19). Taking the lifetime parasitism into consideration, parasitism capacity is similar from T. remus reared on S. frugiperda eggs from those reared on C. cephalonica eggs (generation F19). When laboratory-produced T. remus on C. cephalonica eggs was exposed to the natural host, parasitism was higher on F5 generation and stable from generations F5 to F19. Therefore,parasitoids did not lose their ability to parasitize eggs of natural host assuring good quality of the laboratory-produced parasitoid using C. cephalonica eggs as factitious host

    Aspectos biológicos de Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) alimentada com grãos verdes de milho em diferentes temperaturas.

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    A lagarta-da-maçã do algodão Heliothis virescens (Fabricius, 1781) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é uma praga polífaga, com grande capacidade de dano em lavouras de milho devido à capacidade de alimentar-se das espigas. Apesar disso, ainda são escassas as informações sobre o desenvolvimento dessa espécie nessa cultura, o que dificulta a recomendação de estratégias de controle. Desse modo, este trabalho objetivou avaliar aspectos biológicos de H. virescens alimentada com grãos de milho em diferentes temperaturas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com 10 repetições (n=7 lagartas individualizadas/repetição). Os grãos de milho, (híbrido 2B688), no estágio grão pastoso, foram ofertados ad libitum nas temperaturas constantes de 25°, 28° e 31°C (70% UR e fotofase de 14 hs). A partir do 5° instar larval foi avaliado também o consumo (g) de grãos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros reprodutivos da fase adulta do inseto. O aumento da temperatura reduziu a fase jovem assim como o consumo de grãos de milho, que foi menor a 31ºC. Apesar disso, não se verificou diferença na viabilidade larval da praga. O peso e viabilidade de pupa não foram afetados pela temperatura, porém houve redução na duração da fase pupa-adulto aos insetos submetidos a 31ºC. Durante a fase adulta, o parâmetro de fecundidade não diferiu entre as temperaturas, porém na temperatura mais elevada (31ºC) os ovos foram 100% inviáveis. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que H. virescens pode se alimentar dos grãos de milho e completar o seu ciclo nas três temperaturas estudadas, porém é na faixa entre 25 e 28 ºC que a praga encontra as condições ideais para o seu desenvolvimento

    Seleção de óleos essenciais repelentes à predadores e seletivos ao parasitoide Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae).

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    Em programas de controle biológico com parasitoides, uma das dificuldades na liberação dos parasitoides está relacionada com a predação dos ovos parasitados. O objetivo do trabalho foi selecionar repelentes aos predadores que sejam seletivos ao parasitoide Telenomus podisi. Para verificar a repelência foram confeccionadas cartelas de ovos de Euschistus heros e aplicados óleos essenciais. As cartelas foram distribuídas em cultivo de soja e retiradas após 24 hs. A avaliação foi realizada, contabilizando-se os ovos remanescentes nas cartelas. Como o óleo de canela-folha [100%] apresentou maior repelência aos predadores (75 a 96,6%), este foi aplicado, em diferentes concentrações, sobre as pupas do parasitoide e avaliou-se a sua emergência. As concentrações utilizadas foram 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% do óleo, diluídos em solução de 30% de tween. Foi observado que o óleo afetou a emergência dos parasitoides em concentração-dependente. Mesmo a menor concentração causou mortalidade de 30%. Desse modo, como alternativa para utilização do óleo de canela-folha foram realizados testes com cápsulas de gelatina. Testes iniciais foram realizados, pois não há informações básicas sobre a liberação de parasitoides nestas condições. Foram realizados testes com as cápsulas com diferentes cores, tamanhos das cápsulas e quantidade de pupas/cápsula. A cápsula de tamanho 0 com 50% de ovos parasitados apresentou maior número de insetos emergidos; a cor presentou pouca influência na emergência dos parasitoides. Realizou-se teste a campo, para observar a proteção que as cápsulas exercem contra predadores. Assim, cápsulas com pupas foram distribuídas em cultivo de soja e recolhidas após 24 hs. Avaliou-se as pupas remanescentes (peso inicial – final) nas cápsulas. As cápsulas não apresentaram eficiência contra predadores, independente das cores utilizadas, e são extremamente sensíveis a umidade, deformando-se facilmente. Outras alternativas deverão ser estudadas para viabilizar a liberação dos parasitoides de ovos

    Selectivity of organic products to Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).

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    The selectivity of various entomopathogens and one insecticide (chlorpyrifos = positive control) to Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was evaluated in the laboratory, using the protocol established by the Working Group on “Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms” of the IOBC. The evaluated parameters were parasitism (%), adult emergence (%), and product repellency to the parasitoid when sprayed on host eggs prior to parasitism (free-choice and no-choice tests). Most of the studied entomopathogens (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and Trichoderma harzianum) had no effects on biological parameters and were classified as harmless to T. pretiosum. Emergence of parasitoids (progeny viability) was reduced, but remained above 90%, when host eggs were sprayed with Baculovirus anticarsia prior to parasitism in the freechoice test, and B. anticarsia was therefore considered harmless. Chlorpyrifos (positive control) caused high adult parasitoid mortality in all bioassays. While T. pretiosum and the tested entomopathogens may be used simultaneously in integrated pest management programs, the use of chlorpyrifos should be avoided

    The use of soybean integrated pest management in Brazil: a review.

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    The adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) in soybean is a great example of how this technology is essential to guarantee crop sustainability and productivity. In Brazil, up to 1970, soybean was cultivated with the use of pesticides applied without the adoption of any economic threshold to base this decision. As a consequence, a six-insecticide spraying per crop season used to be the average insecticide dosage. With the introduction of Soybean-IPM, the use of pesticides was reduced to approximately two applications per season. Comparing these two contrasting situations, the advantages of using IPM methods cannot be ignored, since they are economically and mostly environmentally feasible. Despite the benefits provided by Soybean-IPM, this program was abandoned in Brazil, and its principles were almost forgotten, and, as a consequence, insecticide use increased. The success and failures of Soybean-IPM in Brazil will be further analyzed in this review in an attempt to point out how safe this technology is and whether there is any risk in fully adopting this approach

    Mitochondrial DNA and trade data support multiple origins of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Brazil

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    The Old World bollworm Helicoverpa armigera is now established in Brazil but efforts to identify incursion origin(s) and pathway(s) have met with limited success due to the patchiness of available data. Using international agricultural/horticultural commodity trade data and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene markers, we inferred the origins and incursion pathways into Brazil. We detected 20 mtDNA haplotypes from six Brazilian states, eight of which were new to our 97 global COI-Cyt b haplotype database. Direct sequence matches indicated five Brazilian haplotypes had Asian, African, and European origins. We identified 45 parsimoniously informative sites and multiple substitutions per site within the concatenated (945 bp) nucleotide dataset, implying that probabilistic phylogenetic analysis methods are needed. High diversity and signatures of uniquely shared haplotypes with diverse localities combined with the trade data suggested multiple incursions and introduction origins in Brazil. Increasing agricultural/horticultural trade activities between the Old and New Worlds represents a significant biosecurity risk factor. Identifying pest origins will enable resistance profiling that reflects countries of origin to be included when developing a resistance management strategy, while identifying incursion pathways will improve biosecurity protocols and risk analysis at biosecurity hotspots including national ports