5 research outputs found

    A modo de epílogo. La Ría de Huelva: conclusiones y perspectivas

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    Ejemplar dedicado a: Ritos de paso y puntos de paso: la ría de Huelva en el mundo del Bronce Final europeo / coord. por Marisa Ruiz-Gálvez PriegoLa Ría parece haberse depositado en un lapso relativamente breve, en torno al s. X a.C., como parece desprenderse de los test de igualdad de medios y de varianza, realizados por Angel Rodríguez Alcalde. Ello vendría asimismo avalado por las dataciones des. IX a.C., para los inicios de la colonización fenicia del Mediodía peninsular. Por criterios tipológicos y de cultura material, habría que aceptar idénticas dataciones, entre los s. X a VIII a.C. para los castros portugueses de Baióes y Coto da Pena y para la fase de Bronce Final del asentamiento levantino de Peña Negra.Peer reviewe

    A modo de epílogo. La Ría de Huelva: conclusiones y perspectivas

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    Ejemplar dedicado a: Ritos de paso y puntos de paso: la ría de Huelva en el mundo del Bronce Final europeo / coord. por Marisa Ruiz-Gálvez PriegoLa Ría parece haberse depositado en un lapso relativamente breve, en torno al s. X a.C., como parece desprenderse de los test de igualdad de medios y de varianza, realizados por Angel Rodríguez Alcalde. Ello vendría asimismo avalado por las dataciones des. IX a.C., para los inicios de la colonización fenicia del Mediodía peninsular. Por criterios tipológicos y de cultura material, habría que aceptar idénticas dataciones, entre los s. X a VIII a.C. para los castros portugueses de Baióes y Coto da Pena y para la fase de Bronce Final del asentamiento levantino de Peña Negra.Peer reviewe

    The visigothic treasure of Torredonjimeno (Jaén, Spain): A study with IBA techniques

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    The visigothic treasure of Torredonjimeno (Jaén, Spain) was found by chance in the year 1926 buried in an olive grove. The finding consisted of some hundreds fragments of gold objects and gems coming from several votive crowns and crosses, some of them belonging to an unidentified visigothic king. The treasure may belong chronologically to the same period as the Guarrazar treasure or, possibly, to a somewhat later time, but the pieces are fragmented and of less technological workmanship than the latter. This is the reason why the Torredonjimeno treasure has not attracted as much attention from archeologists and art historians as that from Guarrazar. On the occasion of an exhibition showing together all the objects of the treasure, it is normally kept in three different museums in Barcelona, Cordoba and Madrid, a number of pieces were analyzed, using PIXE, PIGE and RBS, at the external microbeam facility installed at the Center for Micro-Analysis of Materials

    Assembling the Dead, Gathering the Living: Radiocarbon Dating and Bayesian Modelling for Copper Age Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain)

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    The great site of Valencina de la Concepción, near Seville in the lower Guadalquivir valley of southwest Spain, is presented in the context of debate about the nature of Copper Age society in southern Iberia as a whole. Many aspects of the layout, use, character and development of Valencina remain unclear, just as there are major unresolved questions about the kind of society represented there and in southern Iberia, from the late fourth to the late third millennium cal BC. This paper discusses 178 radiocarbon dates, from 17 excavated sectors within the c. 450 ha site, making it the best dated in later Iberian prehistory as a whole. Dates are modelled in a Bayesian statistical framework. The resulting formal date estimates provide the basis for both a new epistemological approach to the site and a much more detailed narrative of its development than previously available. Beginning in the 32nd century cal BC, a long-lasting tradition of simple, mainly collective and often successive burial was established at the site. Mud-vaulted tholoi appear to belong to the 29th or 28th centuries cal BC; large stone-vaulted tholoi such as La Pastora appear to date later in the sequence. There is plenty of evidence for a wide range of other activity, but no clear sign of permanent, large-scale residence or public buildings or spaces. Results in general support a model of increasingly competitive but ultimately unstable social relations, through various phases of emergence, social competition, display and hierarchisation, and eventual decline, over a period of c. 900 years

    Assembling the Dead, Gathering the Living: Radiocarbon Dating and Bayesian Modelling for Copper Age Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain)

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