1,528 research outputs found

    The Role o Glycerol in the Degradation of Dibenzothiophene by Burkholderia sp. C3.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Spectrometric characterization of amorphous silicon PIN detectors

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    During the last years, much interest has been dedicated to the use of amorphous silicon PIN diodes as particle and radiation detectors for medical applications. This work presents the spectrometric characterization of PECVD high deposition rate diodes fabricated at our laboratory, with thickness up to 17.5 μm. Results show that the studied devices detect the Am^(241) alpha particles and the medical X-rays generated by a mammograph model Senographe 700T from General Electric. Possible reasons of the observed energy losses are discussed in the lest. Using the SRIM2000 program, the transit of 5.5 MeV alpha particles through a diode was simulated, determining the optimum thickness for these particles to deposit their energy in the intrinsic layer of the diode

    Factores socioculturales que influyen en las usuarias de 50 años para la toma de papanicolau de un hospital nasca: Socio-cultural factors that influence 50-year-old users for papanicolau taking from a nasca hospital

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the sociocultural factors in 50-year-old users for Pap smears at the Ricardo Cruzado Rivarola de Nasca hospital during the period December 2021 - February 2022.  Material and Methods: Observational, analytical, and prospective study. The study population is made up of 80 50-year-old users who attend the Ricardo Cruzado Rivarola hospital for Pap tests at the gynecology-obstetrics office and the sample is 67 users, selected by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience.  Results: For the first analysis, in simple and multiple regression, it was found that women with a high level of knowledge had a 384% and 382% higher frequency of having ever undergone a PAP, compared to those with a low level of knowledge.  Conclusions: The level of knowledge about the PAP has a relevant influence on having carried out a PAP; but also the women who had a high level were the ones who had the highest frequency of having done it. This added to the number of children; possibly because in the circles of women with children one of the topics to be discussed is about maternal health and within them the PAP.Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los factores socioculturales en usuarias de 50 años para la toma de Papanicolaou en el hospital Ricardo Cruzado Rivarola de Nasca durante el periodo diciembre 2021 – febrero 2022.  Materiales y Métodos: Realizamos un estudio observacional, analítica, y prospectivo. La población de estudio está constituida por 80 usuarias de 50 años que acuden al hospital Ricardo Cruzado Rivarola para controles de Papanicolaou al consultorio de ginecología-obstetricia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 67 usuarias, seleccionadas por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia.  Resultados: Para el primer análisis, en la regresión simple y múltiple, se encontró que las mujeres con nivel de conocimientos altos tenían 384% y 382% mayor frecuencia de haberse realizado alguna vez un PAP, en comparación a quienes tenían un nivel de conocimientos bajo. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento sobre el PAP influye de una manera relevante al haberse realizado un PAP; pero además las mujeres que tuvieron mayor educación fueron las que tuvieron mayor frecuencia de haberlo realizado. Esto sumado a la cantidad de hijos; posiblemente porque en los círculos de mujeres con hijos uno de los temas a tratar es sobre la salud materna y dentro ellos el PA

    Phase synchronization of autonomous AC grid system with passivity-based control

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    This paper discusses a ring‐coupled buck‐type inverter system to harness energy from direct current (DC) sources of electricity. The DC‐DC buck converter circuit is modified with an H‐bridge to convert the DC input voltage to a usable alternating current (AC) output voltage. Passivity‐based control (PBC) with port‐controlled Hamiltonian modelling (PCHM) is a method where the system is controlled by considering not only the energy properties of the system but also the inherent physical structure. PBC is applied to achieve stabilization of the AC output voltage to a desired amplitude and frequency. Unsynchronized output voltages in terms of phase angle or frequency can cause detrimental effects on the system. Phase‐locked loop (PLL) is employed in the ring structure to maintain synchronization of the AC output voltage of all inverter units in the ring‐coupled system

    Organic Dairy Sheep Production Management

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    Organic production systems are based on natural processes, the use of local feed resources, and the maintenance of biodiversity in all senses. Several studies have noted the positive effects of organic sheep milk production systems on animal welfare, animal health, product quality, and environmental impact. On the other hand, it has been reported that dairy sheep organic farms show lower milk yields and increase the susceptibility to environmental impacts compared with conventional farms. The standards that regulate feeding management in organic systems are one of the most critical factors that influence milk production performance. Lower milk production is also associated with poor ability to adapt specialized dairy breeds to organic management, low genetic potential for milk production in native and local breeds, and elevated dependence on environmental conditions. However, the aim of organic dairy production is not to reach maximum dairy productivity but rather to integrate animal and crop production and to develop a symbiotic relationship between recyclable and renewable resources; furthermore, organic production positively affects the employment rate and quality of life in rural communities. Organic dairy sheep production is one means of improving the balance between society’s demand for food and the ecological impact of the agro-alimentary industry

    Comparative Genome Analysis of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Strains Reveals Variation in Human Milk Oligosaccharide Utilization Genes among Commercial Probiotics

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    Dysbiosis is associated with acute and long-term consequences for neonates. Probiotics can be effective in limiting the growth of bacteria associated with dysbiosis and promoting the healthy development of the infant microbiome. Given its adaptation to the infant gut, and promising data from animal and in vitro models, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis is an attractive candidate for use in infant probiotics. However, strain-level differences in the ability of commercialized strains to utilize human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) may have implications in the performance of strains in the infant gut. In this study, we characterized twelve B. infantis probiotic strains and identified two main variants in one of the HMO utilization gene clusters. Some strains possessed the full repertoire of HMO utilization genes (H5-positive strains), while H5-negative strains lack an ABC-type transporter known to bind core HMO structures. H5-positive strains achieved significantly superior growth on lacto-N-tetraose and lacto-N-neotetraose. In vitro, H5-positive strains had a significant fitness advantage over H5-negative strains, which was also observed in vivo in breastfed infants. This work provides evidence of the functional implications of genetic dierences among B. infantis strains and highlights that genotype and HMO utilization phenotype should be considered when selecting a strain for probiotic use in infants

    Magnetic phase evolution in the spinel compounds Zn1x_{1-x}Cox_xCr2_2O4_4

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    We present the magnetic properties of complete solid solutions of ZnCr2_2O4_4 and CoCr2_2O4_4: two well-studied oxide spinels with very different magnetic ground states. ZnCr2_2O4_4, with non-magnetic d10d^{10} cations occupying the A site and magnetic d3d^3 cations on the B site, is a highly frustrated antiferromagnet. CoCr2_2O4_4, with magnetic d7d^7 cations (three unpaired electrons) on the A site as well, exhibits both N\'eel ferrimagnetism as well as commensurate and incommensurate non-collinear magnetic order. More recently, CoCr2_2O4_4 has been studied extensively for its polar behavior which arises from conical magnetic ordering. Gradually introducing magnetism on the A site of ZnCr2_2O4_4 results in a transition from frustrated antiferromagnetism to glassy magnetism at low concentrations of Co, and eventually to ferrimagnetic and conical ground states at higher concentrations. Real-space Monte-Carlo simulations of the magnetic susceptibility suggest that the first magnetic ordering transition and features of the susceptibility across xx are captured by near-neighbor self- and cross-couplings between the magnetic A and B atoms. We present as a part of this study, a method for displaying the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility in a manner which helps distinguish between compounds possessing purely antiferromagnetic interactions from compounds where other kinds of ordering are present.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Efectos del acetato de melengestrol (MGA) y del benzoato de estradiol sobre la eficiencia reproductiva en ganado de leche.

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    Se utilizaron 101 vacas Holstein que dieron cría en 1968 en Palmira (hato 1) a 1.000 m.s.n.m. y en granja de Obonuco (hato 2) a 2.800 m.s.n.m. Se efectuaron 3 tratamientos: acetato de melengestrol suministrado por vía oral durante 10 días (1), acetato de melengestrol por 10 días y estrógeno 48 horas después de la última dósis de acetato, (2) vacas testigo no tratadas (3). En el hato 1, el manejo de las vacas fué en confinamiento y la alimentación a base de ensilaje (maíz y sorgo) con adición de concentrado. En el hato 2, el manejo fué en pastoreo y se suministraron concentrados. La combinación de acetato de melengestrol con benzoato de estradiol, en los 2 hatos, mostró un mayor control sobre la aparición del celo post-tratamiento, con diferencias significativas, en intervalo de días vacíos post-tratamiento. El tratamiento 2 también muestra cifras significativamente favorables. También se dan porcentajes elevados en la tasa de animales sincronizados como respuesta al tratamiento 2. La combinación de acetato de melengestrol y estrógeno tiene un efecto que propicia los eventos iniciales del proceso reproductivo en forma más efectiva que el solo tratamiento con acetato de melengestrolGanado de leche-Ganadería lech