209 research outputs found

    PID controller using rapid control prototyping techniques

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    To analyze the performance of the PID controller in a buck type converter implemented in real time. We begin by designing a continuous controller using the analytical method for calculating PIDs. Pulse width modulation is then used and bifurcation diagrams analyzed to reveal some problems of switching and sampling time. The model converter is then implemented with a PID controller in dSPACE. The experimental results provide detailed requirements of sampling frequency and switching speed, and show the performance of the PID controller. Converters are used in power generation solar systems and conmuted power sources for feed telecommunication devices, smart grids, and other applications

    Photosynthesis, yield and raw material quality of sugarcane injured by multiple pests

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    Understanding sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) response to multiple pest injury, sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) and spittlebug (Mahanarva fimbriolata), is essential to make better management decisions. Moreover, the consequences of both pests on the sugarcane raw material quality have not yet been studied. A field experiment was performed in São Paulo State, Brazil, where sugarcane plants were exposed to pests individually or in combination. Plots consisted of a 2-m long row of caged sugarcane plants. Photosynthesis was measured once every 3 months (seasonal measurement). Yield and sugar production were assessed. The measured photosynthesis rate was negatively affected by both borer and spittlebug infestations. Photosynthesis reduction was similar on plants infested by both pests as well as by spittlebug individual infestation. Plants under spittlebug infestation resulted in yield losses and represented 17.6% (individual infestation) and 15.5% (multiple infestations). The sucrose content and the sucrose yield per area were reduced when plants were infested by multiple pests or spittlebug

    The invisibility of women in the brazilian prison system, forgotten in time and space.

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    Este artigo ? uma reflex?o sobre a quest?o da mulher no sistema prisional brasileiro, tendo como base dados levantados para uma pesquisa de p?s-doutoramento realizada na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Tem como objetivo discutir, por meio da perspectiva s?cio-hist?rica e dos direitos humanos, a quest?o da invisibilidade da mulher em priva??o de liberdade. O corpus da pesquisa foi obtido por meio da pesquisa bibliogr?fica e da an?lise de documentos. Conclu?mos que o modelo do sistema penitenci?rio brasileiro vive um esgotamento refletindo nas realidades das unidades prisionais, seja pelo aumento significativo da popula??o carcer?ria, seja pelo descaso que os governos t?m com mulheres e homens presos em suas a??es.This article is a reflection on the issue of women in the prison system Brazil, based on data collected for a postdoctoral research carried out at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. It aims to discuss, through the socio-historical perspective and human rights, the issue of the invisibility of women in restriction of their Freedom. The corpus of the research was obtained through bibliographic research and document analysis. We conclude that the Brazilian prison system model is saturated, a condition reflected in the reality of prisons, is the significant increase of the prison population, is the absence of humanitarian policies of government agencies to women and men deprived of their libert

    The pedagogue and non-formal education : contributions from history and academic research.

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    Desde o s?culo XX, no mundo ocidental, a educa??o das pessoas ? conduzida por um agente principal, a escola p?blica. Segundo diferentes autores, este espa?o educacional tem sido o ?mbito hegem?nico de atua??o dos pedagogos e das pedagogas at? in?cio do s?culo XXI, ?poca em que o campo de atua??o se diversifica. Embora a escola continue sendo o espa?o educacional central onde estes se desenvolvem, existem outros como Organiza??es n?o Governamentais (ONGs), sindicatos, movimentos sociais, empresas, hospitais, a m?dia, institui??es culturais, educa??o especial, etc. Com o intuito de conhecer mais esse campo e assim contribuir na reflex?o sobre a forma??o dos Pedagogos desenvolvemos uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo adentrar na hist?ria da educa??o n?o formal e na produ??o acad?mica sobre o tema. Para seu desenvolvimento a metodologia percorreu o seguinte itiner?rio: realizamos uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica e logo ap?s um levantamento das produ??es, com o objetivo de conhecer o que se tem investigado sobre o objeto de estudo. Concluiu-se que esse mapeamento nos proporcionou identificar a incipi?ncia de pesquisas sobre a tem?tica da educa??o n?o formal.Since the 20th century, in the western world, the education of the people is led by a principal agent, the public school. According to different authors, this education space, has been the hegemonic scope of action of teachers and of him until the beginning of the 21st century, at which time the field if diversifies. Although the school remains the central educational space where they develop, there are others such as non-governmental organizations (NGOS), trade unions, social movements, companies, hospitals, the media, cultural institutions, special education, etc. In order to know more about this field and thus contribute to the reflection on the formation of the educators have developed a research that aimed to penetrate in the history of non-formal education and academic production on the theme. For the development of the methodology has traveled the following itinerary: We performed a bibliographic search and soon after a survey of production, with the goal of knowing what has investigated about the object of study. It was concluded that this mapping gave us identify the low of researches about the subject of non-formal education

    Avaliação dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio em leite em decorrência de contaminação ambiental na região do Vale do Paraíba, Sudeste do Brasil

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    INTRODUCTION: A factory producing lead ingots, located in Caçapava, caused lead and cadmium contamination of the environment, in the Paraiba Valley region of Southeastern, Brazil, through the discharge of industrial waste and the recycling of batteries. The factory, set in a rural, dairy cattle breeding area, worried sanitary authorities who envisaged the possibility of these metals' having entered the food chain. For the purpose of assessing the levels of contamination of the milk produced in the region, due to the cattle's possible consumption of contaminated grass and water, the amounts of cadmium and lead present in the milk were verified. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Major producers, covering an area of up to 20 km from the contaminated source, authorized collection of 218 samples of both pasteurized and non-pasteurized milk, which were analysed. Lead and cadmium levels were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, the lead being pre-concentrated by complexation with APDC (ammonium 1-pyrrolidinecarbodithioate) and further extraction with isobutyl methylketone. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Of the total number of samples, 43 presented lead levels over the maximum limit of 0.05 mg/kg estabilished by Brazilian legislation. The median value found for lead was 0.04 mg/L. The variance analysis, with 95% confidence level, found no significant difference among the types of milk studied with regard to lead levels. As for cadmium, all samples showed levels below the 0.02 mg/L quantification limit of the method. In spite of the environmental contamination, the levels of cadmium found in the milk were below the 1.0 mg/kg limit established by Brazilian legislation.INTRODUÇÃO: Localizada em Caçapava, SP, Brasil, indústria produtora de lingotes de chumbo provocou contaminação ambiental na região do Vale do Paraíba, com chumbo e cádmio. Com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de contaminação do leite produzido na região, devido à possível ingestão, pelo gado, de gramíneas e águas contaminadas, foram determinados os teores de chumbo e cádmio no leite. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisadas 218 amostras de leite in natura e pasteurizado. O cádmio e o chumbo foram determinados por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica com chama. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Das amostras analisadas, 43 apresentaram teores de chumbo acima do limite máximo estabelecido pela legislação brasileira que é 0,05 mg/kg. O valor da mediana encontrada para o chumbo foi 0,04 mg/L. Os níveis de cádmio em todas as amostras foram menores que o limite de quantificação do método que é 0,02 mg/L. Apesar da contaminação ambiental, os níveis encontrados para o cádmio no leite estão abaixo do limite estabelecido pela legislação brasileira que é 1,0 mg/kg

    Photosynthesis, yield and raw material quality of sugarcane injured by multiple pests

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    Understanding sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) response to multiple pest injury, sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) and spittlebug (Mahanarva fimbriolata), is essential to make better management decisions. Moreover, the consequences of both pests on the sugarcane raw material quality have not yet been studied. A field experiment was performed in São Paulo State, Brazil, where sugarcane plants were exposed to pests individually or in combination. Plots consisted of a 2-m long row of caged sugarcane plants. Photosynthesis was measured once every 3 months (seasonal measurement). Yield and sugar production were assessed. The measured photosynthesis rate was negatively affected by both borer and spittlebug infestations. Photosynthesis reduction was similar on plants infested by both pests as well as by spittlebug individual infestation. Plants under spittlebug infestation resulted in yield losses and represented 17.6% (individual infestation) and 15.5% (multiple infestations). The sucrose content and the sucrose yield per area were reduced when plants were infested by multiple pests or spittlebug


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    Objective: To investigate the degree of knowledge of the patients enrolled in the Unified Health System of the Medicine School of ABC (Faculdade de Medicina do ABC) regarding the proper use and disposal of medicaments. Methods: Participants were recruited for convenience, during their medical appointments at the clinic of the Medical School of ABC (Santo André, Sao Paulo, Brazil) in the period from 04 August to 30 September 2014. Data collection was conducted through a self-administered poll designed specifically for the purpose of this study, which consisted of 25 questions multiple choice about socioeconomic issues and the subject disposal of drugs, consumption and environmental pollution. Results: We selected the 140 patients’ polls. Most of them is of white ethnicity (58%) and female (58%). Level of education: 31% have completed secondary education (31%) or incomplete graduation (19%). Most of the participants (76%) buy drugs without a prescription, and most families (76%) seek understanding by reading the labels. 71.43% reported knowing that incorrect disposal of drugs could contaminate the environment, but 78% reported never having seen or received information about these. After using, 22.15% maintains the medication at home for future use, 55% of subjects reported improper disposal sites and 13% are delivered in health care institutions. Conclusion: Our study has showed that most participants inappropriately use and dispose of drugs, even though they know they can contaminate the environment