252 research outputs found

    Speed and Current Limiting Control Strategies for BLDC Motor Drive System: A Comparative Study

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    As a result of increasing the use of the brushless direct current (BLDC) motor in many life applications instead of the traditional motors, it is important to list and specify the more for its controlling methods. This paper presents a number of speed and current controlling methods as hysteresis band, variable dc-link bus voltage and pulse width modulation (PWM) controlling methods. These controlling methods have proportional integral derivative (PID) gains which are optimized by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. By using fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis to study the controller behavior from frequency analysis of the output signals and compute total harmonic distortion (THD), it can specify the more useful controlling method. The framework is modeled and fabricated by using Matlab/Simulink

    The Estimation of (Covid-19) Cases in Kurdistan Region Using Nelson Aalen Estimator

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    It is described how the Nelson–Aalen estimator may be used to control the rate of a nonparametric estimate of the cumulative hazard rate function based on right censored as well as left condensed survival data, furthermore how the Nelson–Aalen estimator can be utilized to estimate various amounts. This technique is mostly applied to survival data and product quality data similar to the incorporated relative mortality in a multiplicative model with outer rates and the cumulative infection rate in a straightforward epidemic model. It is shown that tallying measures produce a structure that permits to a brought together treatment of all these different conditions, and the main little and massive sample properties of the assessor are summarized. This estimator is a weighted average of the Nelson-Aalen reliability estimates over two time periods. The suggested estimator's suitability and utility in model selection are reviewed. And a real-world dataset is evaluated to demonstrate the proposed estimator's suitability and utility. This work proposes a simple and nearly unbiased estimator to fill this gap. The information was gathered from the Ministry of Health's website between October 1, 2020, and February 28, 2021. The results of the Nelson Allen Estimator demonstrated that the odds of surviving were higher during a short period of time after being exposed to the virus. As time passes, the possibilities become slimmer. The closer the estimate comes to value 1 from 0.5 upward, the greater the chances of surviving the infection

    Promotion Media Design for Clover Interior Company in Surabaya

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    The emergence of many companies engaged in interior design due to the rapid growth of the property business where business developers or property owners want the concept of space is exclusive and unique. It becomes a tremendous opportunity for an interior design company to increase its revenue and marketshare. One of the companies in this field one of which is the company Clover interior design and construction. In conducting its business in the field of interior design company Clover had only relied on word of mouth promotion through so that the results are not quite optimal. To increase the number of customers and revenue in order to compete with other companies, the company needs to have a media campaign as a support in conducting promotional activities, so it was designed concept of a media campaign that fit the profile and information to be provided by the company to potential customers and loyal consumers use The company\u27s services

    Perancangan Media Kampanye Makanan Vegetarian Sebagai Salah Satu Solusi Hidup Sehat

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    Perancangan Media Kampanye Makanan Vegetarian ini dilakukan untuk mengenalkan kepada khalayak bahwaVegetarian bukanlah makanan yang tidak bergizi, tetapi dibaliknya ada banyak manfaat yang tersimpan, bukansekedar aksi nekat belaka. Diharapkan melalui perancangan ini dapat membuka pandangan bagi khalayak bahwavegetarian dapat menyelamatkan kita dari penyakit yang berbahaya seperti jantung koroner. Juga diharapkanbahwa vegetarian dapat dinikmati setiap orang

    Perancangan Board Game Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Manfaat Sayuran Untuk Kesehatan Bagi Anak Usia 6-8 Tahun

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    Perkembangan zaman dan gaya hidup yang serba instan, menyebabkan berbagai penyakit degeneratif di masyarakat. Ditambah lagi dengan kurangnya minat mengkonsumsi sayuran. Pengenalan dan ajakan untuk mengkonsumsi sayuran harus dimulai sejak dini. Perancangan ini ditujukan kepada anak-anak usia 6-8 tahun. Diharapkan dengan adanya board game ‘Sayur Run\u27, orang tua dapat mengenalkan tentang manfaat sayuran kepada anak-anak dengan cara yang berbeda yaitu bermain sambil belajar

    Perancangan Identitas Visual Brand Miss Wang Couture Di Surabaya

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    Miss Wang Couture merupakan custom hand made gown yang berada di Surabaya. Miss Wang Couture masih kurang dalam identitas visual brand. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya identitas visual brand untuk meningkatkan brand awareness serta citra ke masyarakat Surabaya dengan membawa identitas yang terpercaya dan berkualitas. Dengan perancangan identitas Visual Brand ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan identitas serta brand awareness Miss Wang Couture

    Robotic dry cleaner for photovoltaic solar panels: an implemented design that evaluated in iraq's weather

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    Arabian desert areas are suffered from high mitigation in the produced photovoltaic (PV) power due to high dusty weather. This article presents a robotic cleaner that will significantly reduce the impact of dust on the installed PV systems in these areas. The proposed robotic cleaner is simple, low cost, standalone, self-powered, portable, and connected to the cloud. ESP32 used as a controller that manages the cleaning process and monitors its PV power production, the battery's state of charge, time of the day, and weather conditions. Thanks to the ESP32 features and its ability to connect to the cloud, as an internet of things (IoT), via the ThingSpeak website. All the electrical, mechanical, and electronic design aspects are presented and implemented in this article. The results show the effectiveness and performance enhancement due to periodic cleaning using the proposed robotic cleaner. The results also show that the total percentage of the monthly normalized accumulated losses for the two scheduled cleaning photovoltaic strings with a performance improvement of 15.54% for the weekly cleaned string (WCS) 83.04% for the never cleaned string (NCS) through the tested month


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    This paper presents a proposed method for speed estimation of asynchronous motor in Direct Torque Control (DTC) system, based on a new architecture of multi-basis wavenet model. Such multi-basis model utilizes multi-set daughter wavelets. Firstly, the structure and training algorithm of the proposed method is discussed. The descent gradient method is used to fulfill both system structure and parameters initialization. Secondly, the proposed speed estimator and the DTC asynchronous motor are combined based on stator current signal and the motor speed is then estimated online with the operation of the system. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is proved by simulation carried out using Matlab/Simulink library and compared with the actual results obtained from the dynamic equations of the motor. The simulation results are obtained over the entire speed of starting, load conditions and motor braking. These results show that the proposed method is effective for speed estimation in DTC drives

    Perancangan Buku Cerita Fabel Yang Mengajarkan Tata Krama Untuk Anak Usia 6 – 8 Tahun

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    Para pakar anak dan psikologi anak mengatakan bahwa mendongeng sangat baik untuk perkembangan anak,baik dalam hal fisik seperti melatih bersosialisasi maupun psikis seperti berimajinasi. Selain itu, dongeng jugadapat mempererat hubungan anak dengan orangtua dan mmemberikan moral yang baik yang berguna bagi masadepan anak. Tujuan dari buku ini yaitu membuat buku cerita fabel yang memiliki fokus untuk mengajarkan anaktentang moral tata krama yang mulai menurun di jaman yang modern ini. Buku ini juga dilengkapi denganaktivitas – aktivitas yang diselipkan di antara cerita
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