50 research outputs found

    Ambient Pressure XPS Study of Mixed Conducting Perovskite-type SOFC Cathode and Anode Materials under Well-Defined Electrochemical Polarization

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    The oxygen exchange activity of mixed conducting oxide surfaces has been widely investigated, but a detailed understanding of the corresponding reaction mechanisms and the rate-limiting steps is largely still missing. Combined in situ investigation of electrochemically polarized model electrode surfaces under realistic temperature and pressure conditions by near-ambient pressure (NAP) XPS and impedance spectroscopy enables very surface-sensitive chemical analysis and may detect species that are involved in the rate-limiting step. In the present study, acceptor-doped perovskite-type La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ (LSC), La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ (LSF), and SrTi0.7Fe0.3O3-δ (STF) thin film model electrodes were investigated under well-defined electrochemical polarization as cathodes in oxidizing (O2) and as anodes in reducing (H2/H2O) atmospheres. In oxidizing atmosphere all materials exhibit additional surface species of strontium and oxygen. The polaron-type electronic conduction mechanism of LSF and STF and the metal-like mechanism of LSC are reflected by distinct differences in the valence band spectra. Switching between oxidizing and reducing atmosphere as well as electrochemical polarization cause reversible shifts in the measured binding energy. This can be correlated to a Fermi level shift due to variations in the chemical potential of oxygen. Changes of oxidation states were detected on Fe, which appears as FeIII in oxidizing atmosphere and as mixed FeII/III in H2/H2O. Cathodic polarization in reducing atmosphere leads to the reversible formation of a catalytically active Fe0 phase

    Towards quantitative Low Energy Ion Scattering on CaSiO3_3 from Comparison to Multiple-Scattering-Resolved Dynamical Binary Collision Approximation Simulations

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    We perform Low Energy Ion Scattering with 1\,keV He ions on CaSiO3_3 using a commercial electrostatic detector system and determine the charge fraction of scattered ions from comparison with Binary Collision Approximation simulations. The simulations take dynamical surface changes due to surface cleaning Ar sputtering into account and scattered He particles are separated into single, dual, and multiple scattering trajectories. We find that the charge fraction of single and dual scattered He is about 10 times higher than the one for multiple collisions. Our results show that quantitative concentration profiles can be inferred from this method, if the charge fraction components are determined first

    Disentangling cortical functional connectivity strength and topography reveals divergent roles of genes and environment

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    The human brain varies across individuals in its morphology, function, and cognitive capacities. Variability is particularly high in phylogenetically modern regions associated with higher order cognitive abilities, but its relationship to the layout and strength of functional networks is poorly understood. In this study we disentangled the variability of two key aspects of functional connectivity: strength and topography. We then compared the genetic and environmental influences on these two features. Genetic contribution is heterogeneously distributed across the cortex and differs for strength and topography. In heteromodal areas genes predominantly affect the topography of networks, while their connectivity strength is shaped primarily by random environmental influence such as learning. We identified peak areas of genetic control of topography overlapping with parts of the processing stream from primary areas to network hubs in the default mode network, suggesting the coordination of spatial configurations across those processing pathways. These findings provide a detailed map of the diverse contribution of heritability and individual experience to the strength and topography of functional brain architecture.Nanyang Technological UniversityPublished versionThis work was supported by the Medical University of Vienna, the Austrian Research Fund (FWF) [grants P 35189, P 34198, and I 3925-B27] in collaboration with the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) [LS20-065], the European Research Council Grant [866533-CORTIGRAD], the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant No. 81790652, No.81790650] and the NAM Advanced Biomedical Imaging Program [FY2016] between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Medical University of Vienna, Austria

    Switching on electrocatalytic activity in solid oxide cells

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    Solid oxide cells (SOCs) can operate with high efficiency in two ways - as fuel cells, oxidizing a fuel to produce electricity, and as electrolysis cells, electrolysing water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. Ideally, SOCs should perform well, be durable and be inexpensive, but there are often competitive tensions, meaning that, for example, performance is achieved at the expense of durability. SOCs consist of porous electrodes - the fuel and air electrodes - separated by a dense electrolyte. In terms of the electrodes, the greatest challenge is to deliver high, long-lasting electrocatalytic activity while ensuring cost- and time-efficient manufacture. This has typically been achieved through lengthy and intricate ex situ procedures. These often require dedicated precursors and equipment; moreover, although the degradation of such electrodes associated with their reversible operation can be mitigated, they are susceptible to many other forms of degradation. An alternative is to grow appropriate electrode nanoarchitectures under operationally relevant conditions, for example, via redox exsolution. Here we describe the growth of a finely dispersed array of anchored metal nanoparticles on an oxide electrode through electrochemical poling of a SOC at 2 volts for a few seconds. These electrode structures perform well as both fuel cells and electrolysis cells (for example, at 900 °C they deliver 2 watts per square centimetre of power in humidified hydrogen gas, and a current of 2.75 amps per square centimetre at 1.3 volts in 50% water/nitrogen gas). The nanostructures and corresponding electrochemical activity do not degrade in 150 hours of testing. These results not only prove that in operando methods can yield emergent nanomaterials, which in turn deliver exceptional performance, but also offer proof of concept that electrolysis and fuel cells can be unified in a single, high-performance, versatile and easily manufactured device. This opens up the possibility of simple, almost instantaneous production of highly active nanostructures for reinvigorating SOCs during operation

    Distributed changes of the functional connectome in patients with glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma might have widespread effects on the neural organization and cognitive function, and even focal lesions may be associated with distributed functional alterations. However, functional changes do not necessarily follow obvious anatomical patterns and the current understanding of this interrelation is limited. In this study, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate changes in global functional connectivity patterns in 15 patients with glioblastoma. For six patients we followed longitudinal trajectories of their functional connectome and structural tumour evolution using bi-monthly follow-up scans throughout treatment and disease progression. In all patients, unilateral tumour lesions were associated with inter-hemispherically symmetric network alterations, and functional proximity of tumour location was stronger linked to distributed network deterioration than anatomical distance. In the longitudinal subcohort of six patients, we observed patterns of network alterations with initial transient deterioration followed by recovery at first follow-up, and local network deterioration to precede structural tumour recurrence by two months. In summary, the impact of focal glioblastoma lesions on the functional connectome is global and linked to functional proximity rather than anatomical distance to tumour regions. Our findings further suggest a relevance for functional network trajectories as a possible means supporting early detection of tumour recurrence

    A experiência do grupo PET - políticas públicas e agroecologia na campanha contra o uso de agrotóxicos e pela vida

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    O Programa de Educação Tutorial – PET/ Conexões de Saberes - Políticas Públicas e Agroecologia - da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul – UFFS, Campus Laranjeiras do Sul – PR tem desenvolvido projetos de extensão objetivando difundir o conhecimento sobre a Agroecologia e esclarecimentos sobre agrotóxicos. Um dos projetos foi a elaboração de uma cartilha com os desenhos dos concursos realizados nas escolas da região, nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Essa cartilha explorou conceitos através de um jogo didático com foco em crianças de 8 a 12 anos. O projeto de capina química em áreas urbanas, realizado em 2014, buscou denunciar para a comunidade essa prática ilegal que ainda ocorre na região. Os trabalhos culminaram em uma oficina, oferecida durante a III Feira Regional de Economia Solidária e Agroecologia – FESA, em 2015, onde foi possível alertar a comunidade sobre os problemas gerados pelos agrotóxicos.Eje: B6 Desarrollo rural, movimientos sociales, Estado y agroecología (Relatos de experiencias)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    A experiência do grupo PET - políticas públicas e agroecologia na campanha contra o uso de agrotóxicos e pela vida

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    O Programa de Educação Tutorial – PET/ Conexões de Saberes - Políticas Públicas e Agroecologia - da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul – UFFS, Campus Laranjeiras do Sul – PR tem desenvolvido projetos de extensão objetivando difundir o conhecimento sobre a Agroecologia e esclarecimentos sobre agrotóxicos. Um dos projetos foi a elaboração de uma cartilha com os desenhos dos concursos realizados nas escolas da região, nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Essa cartilha explorou conceitos através de um jogo didático com foco em crianças de 8 a 12 anos. O projeto de capina química em áreas urbanas, realizado em 2014, buscou denunciar para a comunidade essa prática ilegal que ainda ocorre na região. Os trabalhos culminaram em uma oficina, oferecida durante a III Feira Regional de Economia Solidária e Agroecologia – FESA, em 2015, onde foi possível alertar a comunidade sobre os problemas gerados pelos agrotóxicos.Eje: B6 Desarrollo rural, movimientos sociales, Estado y agroecología (Relatos de experiencias)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Hospitalization for pertussis: profiles and case costs by age

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    BACKGROUND: Pertussis, a highly contagious respiratory illness, affects people of all ages and can have serious clinical consequences. It has been reported that from 1997–2000, 20% of all pertussis cases required hospitalization in the US. This analysis examined demographics, case fatality rate, resource use and costs of hospital care related to pertussis by age. METHODS: ICD-9 codes (033.0, 033.9) were used to identify cases of pertussis in hospital discharge databases from roughly 1,000 US hospitals in 4 states (California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts). Data from 1996–1999 were examined by age group. Separate analyses were done for infants (<1 year) and children (1–11 years); however, adolescent and adult cases were combined into one group (12+ years), due to the small number of cases. Databases were used to determine demographics, health service utilization and care costs. Cost estimates include accommodations, ancillary and physician services, reported in 2002 US.RESULTS:Ofthe2,518casesidentified,90. RESULTS: Of the 2,518 cases identified, 90% were infants. The inpatient case fatality rate was <1%. Of survivors, 99% were discharged home (6% with home health care); 1% required further sub-acute inpatient care. For the 2,266 infants, the mean LOS was 6 days at a cost of 9,586 per stay. Children (n = 191) had a mean LOS of 3.7 and cost of 4,729;adolescents/adults(n=61,meanage40years)stayedonaverage3.4dayswithacostof4,729; adolescents/adults (n = 61, mean age 40 years) stayed on average 3.4 days with a cost of 5,683 per hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Infants are responsible for the bulk of hospitalizations and generate higher inpatient costs. Costly hospital care occurs, however, in patients with pertussis at all ages

    The Chemical Evolution of the La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ Surface Under SOFC Operating Conditions and Its Implications for Electrochemical Oxygen Exchange Activity

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    © The Author(s) 2018Owing to its extraordinary high activity for catalysing the oxygen exchange reaction, strontium doped LaCoO3 (LSC) is one of the most promising materials for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. However, under SOFC operating conditions this material suffers from performance degradation. This loss of electrochemical activity has been extensively studied in the past and an accumulation of strontium at the LSC surface has been shown to be responsible for most of the degradation effects. The present study sheds further light onto LSC surface changes also occurring under SOFC operating conditions. In-situ near ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements were conducted at temperatures between 400 and 790 °C. Simultaneously, electrochemical impedance measurements were performed to characterise the catalytic activity of the LSC electrode surface for O2 reduction. This combination allowed a correlation of the loss in electro-catalytic activity with the appearance of an additional La-containing Sr-oxide species at the LSC surface. This additional Sr-oxide species preferentially covers electrochemically active Co sites at the surface, and thus very effectively decreases the oxygen exchange performance of LSC. Formation of precipitates, in contrast, was found to play a less important role for the electrochemical degradation of LSC.Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)212921411