28 research outputs found

    Light-Controlled Polarization of MM-Waves with Photo-Excited Gratings in a Resonant Semiconductor Slab

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    We investigated photoconductive gratings in the resonant semiconductor layers as light-controlled polarizers for the millimeter (MM) waves. We compared the effects of strip-like, wire-like, and fin-like gratings excited by the red light and the IR radiation in Silicon wafers, respectively. The fin-like gratings are shown to be the preferred structures that can operate at the limited light intensity. The light-sensitive shift of maxima of transmitted power and polarizing efficiency towards the lower frequency band is observed. The effect makes photoconductive gratings and similar patterns potentially suitable for the design of light-controlled frequency-tuning and frequency-modulating components of resonant quasi-optical devices

    Digitalization of Agricultural Complex Will Allow to Ensure Food Security

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    The role of digitalization of agriculture in increasing the competitiveness of the domestic agro-industrial complex (AIC) is indicated. In order to obtain an objective picture of the current state of the agro-industrial complex, the supply of the Republic of Uzbekistan with basic types of food has been analyzed and problems with the production of milk, beef, fruits and vegetables of the protected ground have been identified. It is noted that currently Uzbekistan is actively implementing import substitution strategies in the sectors of the national economy, including in the agricultural sector. The main purpose of the functioning of the domestic agro-industrial complex is determined ensuring food security parameters for the population of Uzbekistan. Investigated actual questions about how to achieve foodstuff - governmental self-sufficiency, the solution of which should be carried out in conjunction with an increase in the competitiveness of the Patriotic governmental APC. Emphasis is placed on the need to transfer agricultural production to the ecological and economic foundations of management and the rational distribution of the use of all types of resources. In each region of the country, it is recommended that the soil, climatic and economic potential of the territory be assessed in order to identify food self-sufficiency priorities for basic types of food. The development of the organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of competitive advantages of the agro industrial complex makes it possible to develop agricultural production on an innovative basis and ensure food safety at the state level in the long term. The factors of increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex were identified: economic soil fertility, used agricultural land, optimization of the structure of sown areas, systematic development of feed production and livestock production, digitalization of agriculture, etc. The problems of the insufficient prevalence of digital technologies in agriculture are analyzed. Substantiates the role of digitalization and to achieve the parameters of Prodo -food security. The results of the study can be used to improve the mechanism for ensuring food security of the population of Uzbekistan