608 research outputs found

    A primer on building life-like systems

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    The quest to understand life and recreate it in vitro has been undertaken through many different routes. These different approaches for experimental investigation of life aim to piece together the puzzle either by tracing life's origin or by synthesizing life-like systems from non-living components. Unlike efforts to define life, these experimental inquiries aim to recapture specific features of living cells, such as reproduction, self-organization or metabolic functions that operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium. As such, these efforts have generated significant insights that shed light on crucial aspects of biological functions. For observers outside these specific research fields, it sometimes remains puzzling what properties an artificial system would need to have in order to be recognized as most similar to life. In this Perspective, we discuss properties whose realization would, in our view, allow the best possible experimental emulation of a minimal form of biological life

    In vitro characterisation of the MS2 RNA polymerase complex reveals host factors that modulate emesviral replicase activity

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    Host proteins are identified which are required to reconstitute a functional RNA phage MS2 replication machinery, providing a promising platform for cell-free gene expression. The RNA phage MS2 is one of the most important model organisms in molecular biology and virology. Despite its comprehensive characterisation, the composition of the RNA replication machinery remained obscure. Here, we characterised host proteins required to reconstitute the functional replicase in vitro. By combining a purified replicase sub-complex with elements of an in vitro translation system, we confirmed that the three host factors, EF-Ts, EF-Tu, and ribosomal protein S1, are part of the active replicase holocomplex. Furthermore, we found that the translation initiation factors IF1 and IF3 modulate replicase activity. While IF3 directly competes with the replicase for template binding, IF1 appears to act as an RNA chaperone that facilitates polymerase readthrough. Finally, we demonstrate in vitro formation of RNAs containing minimal motifs required for amplification. Our work sheds light on the MS2 replication machinery and provides a new promising platform for cell-free evolution

    Mid-term outcome comparing temporary K-wire fixation versus PDS augmentation of Rockwood grade III acromioclavicular joint separations

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    Backround The treatment of acute acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries depends mainly on the type of the dislocation and patient demands. This study compares the mid term outcome of two frequently performed surgical concepts of Rockwood grade III AC joint separations: The temporary articular fixation with K-wires (TKW) and the refixation with an absorbable polydioxansulfate (PDS) sling. Findings Retrospective observational study of 86 patients with a mean age of 37 years underwent either TKW (n = 70) or PDS treatment (n = 16) of Rockwood grade III AC joint injuries. Mid term outcome with a mean follow up of 3 years was measured using a standardized functional patient questionnaire including Constant score, ASES rating scale, SPADI, XSMFA-D and a pain score. K-wire therapy resulted in significantly better functional results expressed by Constant score (88 ± 10 vs. 73 ± 18), ASES rating scale (29 ± 3 vs. 25 ± 5), SPADI (3 ± 9 vs. 9 ± 13), XSMFA-D function (13 ± 2 vs. 14 ± 3), XSMFA-D impairment (4 ± 1 vs. 6 ± 2) and pain score (1 ± 1 vs. 2 ± 2). Conclusion Either temporary K-wire fixation and PDS sling enable good or satisfying functional results in the treatment of Rockwood grade III AC separations. However functional outcome parameters indicate a significant advantage for the K-wire technique

    Human HT-29 colon carcinoma cells contain mucarinic M3_3 receptors coupled to phosphoinositide metabolism

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    Five different musearlnie receptor subtypes ean be distinguished by the differenees in their amino aeid sequence, the eoupled signal transduetion system, pharmaeologieal binding properties and aetivation of ionie fluxes. The present study served to eharaeterize the binding profile of musearlnie receptors in human eolon eareinoma eells (HT-29) using seleetive musearlnie antagonists. The affinities of the compounds were eompared with their poteney to inhibit cholinergieally-aetivated phosphoinositide metabolism. Pirenzepine displaced [3^3H]N-methyl-scopolamine binding and inhibited inositolphosphate (IP) release with potencies typieal of those of non-M1_1 receptors. The M3_3 subtype-selective antagonists sila-hexocyelium and hexahydro-sila-difenidol bad high affinity to the musearlnie reeeptors in HT-29 cells (K0 = 3.1 nM and 27 nM, respectively) and inhibited IP release at nanomolar concentrations. The M2_2 receptor antagonists, AF-DX 116 and methoctramine, had low antimusearinic poteneies. Our results demonstrate that HT-29 human colon earcinoma cells contain an apparently pure population of M3_3 receptors. These cells could serve as a model system for further investigations coneerning regulatory and signal transduction mechanisms associated with glandular muscarinic M3_3 receptors

    Spectroscopy of 35^{35}P using the one-proton knockout reaction

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    The structure of 35^{35}P was studied with a one-proton knockout reaction at88~MeV/u from a 36^{36}S projectile beam at NSCL. The γ\gamma rays from thedepopulation of excited states in 35^{35}P were detected with GRETINA, whilethe 35^{35}P nuclei were identified event-by-event in the focal plane of theS800 spectrograph. The level scheme of 35^{35}P was deduced up to 7.5 MeV usingγγ\gamma-\gamma coincidences. The observed levels were attributed to protonremovals from the sdsd-shell and also from the deeply-bound p_1/2p\_{1/2} orbital.The orbital angular momentum of each state was derived from the comparisonbetween experimental and calculated shapes of individual (γ\gamma-gated)parallel momentum distributions. Despite the use of different reactions andtheir associate models, spectroscopic factors, C2SC^2S, derived from the36^{36}S (1p)(-1p) knockout reaction agree with those obtained earlier from36^{36}S(dd,\nuc{3}{He}) transfer, if a reduction factor R_sR\_s, as deducedfrom inclusive one-nucleon removal cross sections, is applied to the knockout transitions.In addition to the expected proton-hole configurations, other states were observedwith individual cross sections of the order of 0.5~mb. Based on their shiftedparallel momentum distributions, their decay modes to negative parity states,their high excitation energy (around 4.7~MeV) and the fact that they were notobserved in the (dd,\nuc{3}{He}) reaction, we propose that they may resultfrom a two-step mechanism or a nucleon-exchange reaction with subsequent neutronevaporation. Regardless of the mechanism, that could not yet be clarified, thesestates likely correspond to neutron core excitations in \nuc{35}{P}. Thisnewly-identified pathway, although weak, offers the possibility to selectivelypopulate certain intruder configurations that are otherwise hard to produceand identify.Comment: 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Is the intraosseous access route fast and efficacious compared to conventional central venous catheterization in adult patients under resuscitation in the emergency department?

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    Background For patients' safety reasons, current American Heart Association and European Resuscitation Council guidelines recommend intraosseous (IO) vascular access as an alternative in cases of emergency, if prompt venous catheterization is impossible. The purpose of this study was to compare the IO access as a bridging procedure versus central venous catheterization (CVC) for in-hospital adult emergency patients under resuscitation with impossible peripheral intravenous (IV) access. We hypothesised, that CVC is faster and more efficacious compared to IO access. Methods A prospective observational study comparing success rates and procedure times of IO access (EZ-IO, Vidacare Corporation) versus CVC in adult (≥18 years of age) patients under trauma and medical resuscitation admitted to our emergency department with impossible peripheral IV catheterization was conducted. Procedure time was defined from preparation and insertion of vascular access type until first drug or infusion solution administration. Success rate on first attempt and procedure time for each access route was evaluated and statistically tested. Results Ten consecutive adult patients under resuscitation, each receiving IO access and CVC, were analyzed. IO access was performed with 10 tibial or humeral insertions, CVC in 10 internal jugular or subclavian veins. The success rate on first attempt was 90% for IO insertion versus 60% for CVC. Mean procedure time was significantly lower for IO cannulation (2.3 min ± 0.8) compared to CVC (9.9 min ± 3.7) (p < 0.001). As for complications, failure of IO access was observed in one patient, while two or more attempts of CVC were necessary in four patients. No other relevant complications, like infection, bleeding or pneumothorax were observed. Conclusion Preliminary data demonstrate that IO access is a reliable bridging method to gain vascular access for in-hospital adult emergency patients under trauma or medical resuscitation with impossible peripheral IV access. Furthermore, IO cannulation requires significantly less time to enable administration of drugs or infusion solutions compared to CVC. Because CVC was slower and less efficacious, IO access may improve the safety of adult patients under resuscitation in the emergency department

    Concentration Kinetics of Serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 after Blunt Multiple Injuries in the Early Posttraumatic Period

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    Metalloproteinases are secreted in response to a variety of inflammatory mediators and inhibited by tissue inhibitors of matrixmetalloproteinases (TIMPs). Two members of these families, MMP-9 and TIMP-1, were differentially expressed depending on clinical parameters in a previous genomewide mRNA analysis. The aim of this paper was now to evaluate the posttraumatic serum levels and the time course of both proteins depending on distinct clinical parameters. 60 multiple traumatized patients (ISS > 16) were included. Blood samples were drawn on admission and 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after trauma. Serum levels were quantified by ELISA. MMP-9 levels significantly decreased in the early posttraumatic period (P < 0.05) whereas TIMP-1 levels significantly increased in all patients (P < 0.05). MMP-9 and TIMP-1 serum concentration kinetics became manifest in an inversely proportional balance. Furthermore, MMP-9 presented a stronger decrease in patients with severe trauma and non-survivors in contrast to minor traumatized patients (ISS ≤ 33) and survivors, initially after trauma

    Analysis of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and cardiac index in multiple injured patients: a prospective cohort study

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    Introduction Increased serum B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been identified for diagnosis and prognosis of impaired cardiac function in patients suffering from congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and sepsis. However, the prognostic value of BNP in multiple injured patients developing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) remains undetermined. Therefore, the aims of this study were to assess N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP) in multiple injured patients and to correlate the results with invasively assessed cardiac output and clinical signs of MODS. Methods Twenty-six multiple injured patients presenting a New Injury Severity Score of greater than 16 points were included. The MODS score was calculated on admission as well as 24, 48, and 72 hours after injury. Patients were subdivided into groups: group A showed minor signs of organ dysfunction ( MODS score less than or equal to 4 points) and group B suffered from major organ dysfunction ( MODS score of greater than 4 points). Venous blood (5 mL) was collected after admission and 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after injury. NT-proBNP was determined using the Elecsys proBNP (R) assay. The hemodynamic monitoring of cardiac index (CI) was performed using transpulmonary thermodilution. Results Serum NT-proBNP levels were elevated in all 26 patients. At admission, the serum NT- proBNP values were 116 +/- 21 pg/mL in group A versus 209 +/- 93 pg/mL in group B. NT-proBNP was significantly lower at all subsequent time points in group A in comparison with group B (P < 0.001). In contrast, the CI in group A was significantly higher than in group B at all time points (P < 0.001). Concerning MODS score and CI at 24, 48, and 72 hours after injury, an inverse correlation was found (r = 0.664, P < 0.001). Furthermore, a correlation was found comparing MODS score and serum NT- proBNP levels (r = 0.75, P < 0.0001). Conclusions Serum NT-proBNP levels significantly correlate with clinical signs of MODS 24 hours after multiple injury. Furthermore, a distinct correlation of serum NT-proBNP and decreased CI was found. The data of this pilot study may indicate a potential value of NT-proBNP in the diagnosis of post-traumatic cardiac impairment. However, further studies are needed to elucidate this issue