13 research outputs found

    Distribusi Habitat Oncomelania Hupensis Lindoensis, Keong Perantara Schistosoma Japonicum di Dataran Tinggi Lindu, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Oncomelania hupensis lindoensissnail and its habitat has an important role in the transmission of schistosomiasis in Central Sulawesi, particularly in three isolated areas, Lindu valley, Napu valley and Bada valley. In a part of Schistosomiasis life cycle, inside the snail, Schistosoma japonicummiracidia will undergo a series of stages as sporocyst and cercaria. People are infected by cercaria, the infective stage of S. japonicum.This study were conducted to reconfirm the distribution of O. h. lindoensishabitats in Lindu valley area. The snails were searched and collected in the suspected habitat using ring-sample and man per minute methods by skilled staffs from VBDRU Donggala and Schistosomasis laboratory plus trained local people in the collections. Data on the distribution of snail habitats were recorded by using GPS. Snails and vegetation in the habitats were collected for further analysis in the laboratory. A total of 129 snail habitat were recorded in Lindu valley, consisting of 135 old foci and 1 new focus. In this area, a total of 61 foci are still active of snail habitats. Foci are distributed in several types of habitat, i.e. abandon rice fields, ditches, springs, dry farming, shrubs and forest. Each type habitat has a relative similar vegetation species. The infection rates of O. h. lindoensiswith cercariae in Anca, Tomado dan Puroo villages were 5.27%, 3.19% and 7.58% respectively. These results indicate that the Schistosomiasis transmission is still going on in Lindu valley.Keywords : Distribution, Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis, Habitat, Schistosomiasis, Lindu Valley, Sulawesi TengahAbstrakKeberadaan keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis dan habitatnya mempunyai peranan penting terhadap terjadinya penularan Skistosomiasis di Sulawesi Tengah, khususnya di 3 daerah endemis yang cukup terisolasi, yaitu Dataran tinggi Lindu, Dataran Tinggi Napu dan Dataran Tinggi Bada. Di dalam keong tersebut, mirasidium Schistosoma japonicum akan melakukan beberapa tahap perkembangan menjadi sporokista dan serkaria. Manusia akan sakit setelah terinfeksi oleh serkaria tersebut yang merupakan stadium infektif dari Schistosoma japonicum. Studi ini dilakukan untuk merekonfirmasi penyebaran habitat O. h. lindoensisdi wilayah Dataran Tinggi Lindu. Survey dilaksanakan dengan melakukan penyisiran ke daerahyang pernah teridentifikasi sebagai fokus keong O. h. lindoensis maupun penyisiran daerah baru yang diduga merupakan habitat yang cocok untuk perkembangbiakan O. h. lindoensis.Pada setiap fokus yang masih aktif, dilakukan koleksi keong secara sampling dengan 2 metode, yaitu metode ring-sample dan man per minute. Koleksi keong dilakukan oleh staf Balai Litbang P2B2 Donggala, Staf Laboratorium Skistosomiasis Lindu dan penduduk lokal yang telah terlatih untuk melakukan kegiatan survey keong O. h. lindoensis. Data distribusi habitat O. h. lindoensisdicatat dengan menggunakan GPS. Keong dan jenis tumbuhan penyusun fokus habitat juga dikoleksi untuk analisis lanjut di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fokus habitat O. h. lindoensisyang ditemukan sebanyak 129 fokus, terdiri atas 60 fokus masih aktif, 75 fokus tidak aktif dan 1 fokus baru yang sebelumnya belum pernah ditemukan. Fokus-fokus tersebut terdistribusi di beberapa tipe habitat, yaitu sawah yang tidak diolah, parit/saluran air, mata air, kebun, semak belukar dan hutan. Setiap tipe habitat memiliki jenis vegetasi penyusun habitat yang relatif sama. Tingkat infeksi serkaria S. japonicum pada keong O. h. lindoensis di Desa Anca, Tomado dan Puroo, yaitu berturut-turut 5,27%, 3,19% dan 7,58% menunjukkan bahwa penularan Skistosomiasis di dataran tinggi Lindu masih terus terjadi.Kata kunci : Distribusi, Fokus, Habitat, Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis, Skistosomiasis, Dataran Tinggi Lindu, Sulawesi Tenga

    Situasi Terkini Daerah Fokus Keong Hospes Perantara di Daerah Endemis Schistosomiasis di Sulawesi Tengah

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    Schistosomiasis is only found in three areas of Indonesia, namely, Napu, Lindu, and Bada highlands. Napu and Bada highlands are located in Poso District whereas Lindu highland is located in Sigi District. The presence of snails is as an indicator for determining the focus areas of intermediate host of the worm. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of snail focus areas of schistosomiasis in 2017 by conducting habitats and snail survey. The result showed that there were 242 foci areas of O.hupensis lindoensis in 21 villages covering a total of 1,407,225 m2 marshland area. This indicates that there is a slight reduction in the number of focus in 2017 compared to the previous year. In order to eliminate schistosomiasis in the endemic areas, a multi sectoral collaborations to modify the environment is very essential. Elimination can only be succesful if the snails and their intermediate host can be eliminated by environmental management, as to converse the snail habitats into more productive agricultural area. These data can be used as updated baseline data to eliminate the snail intermediate host. Moreover, the community involvement is needed to ensure the sustainability of the schistosomiasis control program

    Situasi Filariasis Setelah Pengobatan Massal Tahun Ketiga di Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    Mass Drug Administration (MDA) of lymphatic filariasis has been carried out for three years in North of Mamuju District. However, achievement of efficacy of this programme was unknown. The implementation of mass treatment to filariasis have been conducted for three years in the District of North Mamuju, but achievement of efficacy of this activity were not known yet. To determine the change of filarial situation as well as knowledge, attitude and behavior of the people to filariasis, after three years mass drug treatment, studies were conducted in March-November 2015, the activities were to collect mass blood fingerprick and interview to the local community. The blood fingerprick was conducted to two selected villages do to age 5 years up old (≥ 5 years), and interviewed was conducted to thirty selected villages do to age 15 years up old (≥ 15 years). The results showed that microfilaria rate in North Mamuju district was 1,39%, and the species was Brugiamalayi. Interviewed to 1,586 respondents indicated that knowledge of filariasis disease and the mass treatment it self were low, similary with the behavior related prevention to drug consumption. On the other hand their behave to prevention, control and filariasis treatment were positif. Microfilaria rate was still higher than 1%, as well as knowledge, attitude and behavior related to prevention and mass drug consumption were particularly still low, those indicated that after three years of mass drug treatment implementation the result did not showed as excpected. It suggested that mass drug implementation in North Mamuju need to be continued until five years,with right procedures and seriously monitoring to the area with chronic and microfilaria positive cases


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    Abstract:This study is aims to describe stylistically study about the use of diction, figure of speech, and imagery, and its relevance as teaching material contained in a collection of Milana short stories; Women Who are Waiting for Twilightby Bernard Batubara. This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative by describing or illustrating the problems that occur, and analyze the data in the form of words or sentences. Based on the results of the study, the most common diction found was collocation. The most common figure of speech found was mesodilopsis. In addition, the most commonly seen imagery is visual imagery. A collection of Milana short stories; Women Who are Waiting for Twilight by Bernard Batubara can also be used as teaching material in XI grade class of Indonesian language in senior high school at the second semester, this is due to the short story collection in the form that use much stilistical study of diction, figure of speech, and imagery that can be used by students to learn and understand the literature. In addition, a collection of short stories of Milana; Women Who are Waiting for Twilight also match the age and stages of child development, as well as using language that is easily understood by students.  Keywords: short stories, stilistical, teaching material Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kajian stilistika yaitu penggunaan diksi, majas, dan citraan, serta relevansinya sebagai materi ajaryang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen Milana; Perempuan yang Menunggu Senja karya Bernard Batubara. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan permasalahan yang terjadi, dan menganlisis data yang berupa kata-kata atau kalimat.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diksi yang paling sering muncul adalah kolokasi.Majas yang paling sering muncul adalah majas mesodiplosis.Selain itu, citraan yang paling sering muncul adalah citraan penglihatan. Kumpulan cerpen Milana; Perempuan yang Menunggu Senja karya Bernard Batubarajuga dapat dijadikan sebagai materi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA kelas XI semester genap,hal ini dikarenakan kumpulan cerpen tersebut banyak menggunakan kajian stilistika berupa diksi, majas, dan citraan yang dapat digunakan siswa dalam mempelajari dan memahami karya sastra. Selain itu, kumpulan cerpen Milana; Perempuan yang Menunggu Senja juga sesuai dengan usia dan tingkatan perkembangan anak, serta menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh siswa. Kata kunci: kumpulan cerpen, stilistika, materi aja

    Kajian Awal Kemunculan Hiu Paus (Rhyncodon Typus, Smith 1828) di Teluk Tomini Dihubungkan dengan Faktor Fisik dan Biologi Perairan

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    Kemunculan hiu paus di Desa Botubarani Teluk Tomini Gorontalo menjadi fenomena langka bagi masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan pengamatan kemunculan hiu paus (Rhincodon typus) dilakukan pada bulan April dan Mei 2016 di Teluk Tomini Gorontalo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengamatan bawah air untuk mengidentifikasi hiu paus dan tingkah lakunya. Pengukuran kualitas air dan pengambilan sampel plankton dan larva dilakukan disekitar lokasi kemunculan hiu paus. Selama pengamatan ditemukan lima ekor hiu paus dengan ukuran berkisar 3-8 m. Tingkah laku hiu paus yang teramati oleh penyelam, hiu paus muncul dari kedalaman >100 m kemudian berenang berputar-putar pada kedalaman 15-20 m sesekali membuka mulutnya untuk menyaring makanan. Hasil pengamatan kualitas air disekitar lokasi kemunculan hiu paus, nilai salinitas berkisar antara 31,96-33,23 0/00, nilai oksigen terlarut berkisar 6,02-7,48 mg.l-1. Kelimpahan zooplankton tertinggi diperoleh pada pengamatan bulan April yaitu Acartia sp. dari kelas Crustaceae dengan kelimpahan 12385 ind.l-1. Kelimpahan larva disekitar lokasi kemunculan hiu paus didominasi oleh copepod dan larva ikan. Faktor makanan diduga menjadi salah satu faktor munculnya hiu paus di Teluk Tomini

    Composition of reef fish as a success indicator of the bio-transplants method in Tunda Island, Serang Regency, Banten Province

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    The Bio-Transplants method is a coral grafting method by inoculating coral seedlings/fragments using natural materials. They are dead corals in the DC and DCA categories as a place of attachment. This study aims to see the success of the Bio-Transplants method in compiling indicators of fish species associated with the field of Bio-Transplants. They have conducted this research in 10 x 10 square meters on the north side of Tunda Island waters in July 2019 (T0), November 2019 (T1), and July 2020 (T2). The sampling method used a stationary visual census. In July 2019, as many as 11 species from 7 families, November 2019 was 31 species from 10 families, and July 2020 was 47 species from 10 families. Composition of fish species as an indicator of the health of coral ecosystems from the Chaetodontidae family fish species. In July, when Bio-Transplants started production, there were no fish groups from the Chaetodontidae family. The composition of the fish species found in November was Chelmon sp. and Henichus varius. After its age, the Bio Transplants area was one year (July 2020) consisting of 4 fish species from the family Chaetodontidae, namely: Heniochus chrysostomus, Chaetodon trifasciatus, Chelmon sp., and Heniochus varius

    The Implementation of Transposition Translation Procedures in English-Indonesian Translation of Epic Movie Subtitle

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    The topic of this research is The Implementation of Transposition TranslationProcedures in English-Indonesian Translation of Epic Movie Subtitle. Movie or filmcan be considered as the most popular literary work yet brings out language aspectsinto broaden. As we know, a lot of popular movies are written in English which ledtranslator produce a qualified translation of the movie in order to make the movieeasier to understand by the audiences. There are many translation proceduresimplemented in a movie translation, one of them is transposition translationprocedure. The goals of this final project are to reveal how many types and how thetransposition translation procedure is implemented in translating the subtitle of Epicmovie. This study used qualitative approach in describing the results of the analysisof transposition translation procedure implemented. In gathering data, the writerused two steps, they are watching and transcription. In analyzing data, the writerused several steps, they are identifying, classifying, reducing, and reporting. Afteranalyzing the data, the results of this research were presented by using thequalitative-descriptive method. There are 108 out of 1551 parts of subtitlesimplemented four types of transposition translation procedure. The results of theanalysis are described as follows: transposition translation procedure involvingliterary translation is 63.9%, transposition translation procedure involving change ofwords' position 27.7%, transposition translation procedure involving change of wordclass 4.6%, and transposition translation procedure involving adjustment andreplacement of words 4.6%. It can be seen that the most frequently implementedprocedure is transposition translation procedure involving literary translation. Thetranslator implemented all types of transposition translation procedure in order toproduce a good translation which high in naturalness and equivalency of meaningbetween SL and TL