2,438 research outputs found

    Smart and networking underwater robots in cooperation meshes : the swarms ECSEL : H2020 project

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    The work presented on this paper is aimed to explain the role that unmanned underwater vehicles (AUVs/ROVs) plays in the ECSEL-H2020 SWARMS project. The main goal of the project is to reduce the operational cost and increase the safety of tasks assigned to divers in these operations. This will be achieved enabling the AUVs/ROVs to work in a cooperative mesh. The challenge is to design and develop an integrated platform (a set of Software/Hardware components), incorporated into the current generation of underwater vehicles in order to improve autonomy, cooperation, robustness, cost-effectiveness, and reliability of the offshore operations. The first demonstration of the project will be performed at PLOCAN (Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands) where these technologies will be validated on its first stage.Peer Reviewe


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    Estimating the current stage of grape ripeness is a crucial step in wine making and becomes especially important during harvesting. Visual inspection of grape seeds is one method to achieve this goal without performing chemical analysis, however this method is prone to failure. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised visual inspection system for grape ripeness estimation using the Dirichlet Mixture Model (DMM). Experimental analysis using real world data demonstrates that our approach can be used to estimate different ripeness stages from unlabeled grape seeds catalogs

    Arquitecturas miniaturizadas y su contextualización en el arte contemporáneo

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    Los últimos años nos han dejado numerosos ejemplos de trabajos artísticos consistentes en modelos de edificios a escala reducida, un ejemplo más del prolífico diálogo entre arte y arquitectura. En este artículo se analiza lo específico de estos trabajos por su escala reducida y, a partir de varios ejemplos, se plantean cuatro tendencias presentes en el arte contemporáneo, sintomáticas de una emancipación de las formas e ideas de la modernidad: su carácter narrativo, el retorno de la figuración, el gusto por lo artesanal y una actitud posindividualista. Se describe cómo estas tendencias están también presentes, con algunas diferencias, en la arquitectura contemporánea, por lo que puede hablarse de rasgos comunes a ambas disciplinas y de una retroalimentación bidireccional. Desde el punto de vista del arquitecto, estas obras artísticas amplían el potencial expresivo de la maqueta arquitectónica y le permiten replantearse su papel, teniendo en cuenta consideraciones más allá del diseño formal, tales como la percepción emocional, la percepción simbólica, etc. In recent years we have seen numerous examples of artwork consisting of small–scale models of buildings, another example of the close relationship between art and architecture. This article analyses the specifics of these pieces of work through their reduced scale using several examples to do so, addressing four trends that are currently present in contemporary art, symptomatic of an emancipation away from forms and ideas of modernity: their narrative character, the return to figuration, a taste for craft and a post–individualist attitude. We describe how these trends are also present in contemporary architecture, albeit with some differences, therefore enabling us to talk about features that are common to both disciplines and two–way feedback. From the point of view of architects these pieces of artwork amplify the expressive potential of architectural modelling and permit redefining their role, taking into account considerations that go beyond formal design, such as emotion perception, symbolic perception, etc

    Pseudoartrosis de escafoides carpiano tratadas mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe: estudio retrospectivo de 36 casos

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    Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de una serie de 36 pacientes con pseudoartrosis de escafoides operados mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe entre 1985 y 1991. Utilizamos injerto córtico esponjoso obtenido del radio (50%), cresta ilíaca (42%) y cúbito (8%) sin diferencias en la incorporación. La tasa de curación fue mayor en las pseudoartrosis medias y distales (80%) que en las de localización proximal (54%). El 80% de los fracasos de curación en la localización media y distal eran pseudoartrosis de más de 30 meses de evolución. Los cambios degenerativos en el carpo de las pseudoartrosis no curadas fueron significativamente mayores (p< 0,001) que en las que se obtuvo la consolidación. La localización y la antiguedad de la pseudoartrosis parecen ser dos importantes factores pronósticos. La técnica de Matti-Russe presenta limitaciones en la pseudoartrosis de localización proximal y en los carpos muy degenerados.We reported a retrospective study of 36 patients with a pseudoarthrosis of the carpal scaphoid bone treated by the Matti-Russe operation from 1985 to 1991. We used radial (50%), iliac (42%) or ulnar (8%) autogenous grafts without any difference in the rate of incorporation. The rate of healing of the pseudoarthrosis was higher in mid and distal location (80%) than in proximal location (54%). In 80% of cases, healing failures in the mid and distal location occurred in old pseudoarthrosis ( >3 0 months evolution). Carpal degenerative changes were significantly higher (p < 0,01) in patients with not healed pseudoarthrosis. The location and the age of the pseudoarthrosis appear to be important prognostic factors. The Matti-Russe technique has limitations when is performed either in proximal pseudoarthrosis or in the presence of advanced radiocarpal osteoarthritis

    Indicadores espaciales para la planificacion territorial y desarrollo socioeconomico caso de estudio: Comuna de Retiro VII Region del Maule

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    55 p.El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad presentar una nueva forma de representar la distribución espacial de los hogares en situación de carencia existente en la Comuna de Retiro, VII Región del Maule, utilizando como base la información extraída del Catastro Digital de Viviendas (Mena, et al., 2005) y considerando como unidad mínima de representación espacial, la vivienda, con la cual se logró una mayor precisión para ilustrar con detalle la heterogeneidad espacial con que se manifiesta la pobreza dentro de la comuna, especialmente en localidades rurales. Los mapas de estratificación y distribución espacial de hogares en situación de carencia son confeccionados a partir de las estimaciones de necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) calculadas de las encuestas registradas en el catastro digital de viviendas, y que considera las variables de materialidad, servicios básicos, cobertura educacional y cobertura de salud. Estas dos últimas variables fueron modificadas, respecto al la metodología NBI utilizada normalmente debido que no fueron consideradas en la información recolectada al momento de la realización del catastro digital de viviendas. Por esta razón, la importancia de dichas variables se basa en la capacidad de cobertura espacial que presentan, considerando una distancia máxima a recorrer desde la vivienda al establecimiento, tanto educacional como de salud, más cercano. De esta manera, considerando todas las variables mencionadas anteriormente, cada vivienda se representa por un valor entre 1 y -1, clasificándose en uno de los 5 estratos de pobreza previamente definidos. Los resultados revelan que el 66,8 % de las viviendas habitacionales de la comuna de Retiro, corresponde a una población “no pobre” (considerando los estratos de “no carenciada” y “bajo grado de carencia”). Por otra parte, el 33,2% restante corresponde a la población “pobre”, incluyendo en esta clasificación al estrato de “regular grado de carencia”, “alto grado de carencia y “carencia crítica”./ ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study is presenting a new way of representing the space distribution of households in situation of deficiency in the Commune of Retiro, VII Region of Maule Region, basically using the information fro the Digital precision to illustrate with detail the space heterogeneity whereupon poverty within the commune is exposed, specially in rural localities. The maps of stratification and spatial distribution of households in deficiency situation were made upon information from the basic estimations of necessities not satisfied (NBI) calculated from the surveys registered in the digital cadastre of houses, which considers the material variables, basic services, educational coverage and coverage of health. These two last variables were modified regarding the normal methodology NBI that is used, because they were not considered in the information collected at the time that the digital cadastre of houses was applied. Therefore, the importance of these variables is based on the capacity of spatial coverage that they present, considering a maximum distance that from the house to the nearest educational or health institution. Thus, considering all the variables mentioned above, each house is represented by a value between 1 and -1, classifying them in one of the 5 poverty level previously defined. The results revealed that 66.8% of the houses in the commune of Retiro, correspond to a “non-poor” population (considering the levels of “non-deficiency” and “under deficiency degree”). On the other hand, 33.2% corresponded to “poor” population, including in this classification the level of “regular degree of deficiency”, “high degree of deficiency” and “critical deficiency”

    The effect of pre-strain on fatigue for a high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel

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    The effect of initial plastic strain cycle fatigue lives of HSLA specimens is investigated. Specimens were monotonically, quasi-statically loaded under strain control in tension to produce plastic strains (prestrain conditions s0 = 0, s1 = 4,6, s2 = 35,6 and s3 = 66,7 % deformation). Surface analysis on the annealed Zn coat on the prestrain surfaces shows that, the higher the deformation the bigger and deeper the cracks on the Zn coat. Results show that the higher prestrain the higher fatigue resistance for all stress applied, specimens with s3 shows the highest fatigue resistance for these experimental conditions

    Simulation of PID control applied to irrigation channels

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    Open-channel flow usually includes many hydraulic elements to help with the regulation of water supply in terms of automatic control. On the other hand, the one-dimensional Shallow Water Equations (SWE) are widely used to model and predict the flow dynamics in this kind of configurations. In this work, the unsteady SWE are used to model the water motion and they are solved using a finite volume upwind scheme able to cope with all flow regimes. Furthermore, the regulation of hydraulic structures at channels is frequently based on the PID controller. In this work, the implementation and coupling of the channel flow simulation with hydraulic elements and PID regulation is performed