121 research outputs found

    Protective role of flaxseed oil against lead acetate induced oxidative stress in testes of adult rats

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    Even though the toxic effects of lead compounds had been studied over many years, inconsistent results have been obtained about their oxidative stress in the testes of adult rats. Lead acetate (20 mg/kg) alters the histology of testes as well as enhances lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide production in both serum and testes with concomitant reduction in glutathione (GSH) and antioxidant enzymes as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Moreover, lead acetate induced DNA fragmentation in testes of rats. Treatment of rats with flaxseed oil (1000 mg/kg) resulted in marked improvement in all studied parameters. On the basis of the aforementioned results, it can be hypothesized that flaxseed oil is a promising natural product to protect against lead acetate induced oxidative stress and toxicity in rats.Key words: Lead, flaxseed oil, oxidative stress, testes, rat

    Accuracy of Gray‑scale and Three‑dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Parameters in the Diagnosis of Morbidly Adherent Placenta

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    Background: Morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) is usually associated with excess blood loss, bladder injuries, and hysterectomies.Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of grayscale and three-dimensional (3D) power Doppler ultrasound parameters in the diagnosis of MAP. Subjects and Methods: Fifty pregnant women ≄28 weeks’ gestation with suspected MAP were included randomly in this prospective study. Two-dimensional (2D) transabdominal gray-scale ultrasound and 3D power Doppler scans were done for studied women to confirm placental location and findings suggestive of MAP. Intraoperative findings and histopathology results of removed uteri in the cases were managed by hysterectomies compared to preoperative sonographic findings using Student’s t-test and Mann–Whitney U-test for quantitative data, Chi-square test for qualitative data to detect the accuracy of 2D transabdominal gray-scale ultrasound and 3D power Doppler parameters in the diagnosis of MAP. Results: Best 2D gray scale ultrasound parameters for the detection of emergency hysterectomies in the studied cases were disruption of uterine serosa– bladder interface (81.8% sensitivity) and exophytic mass invading bladder (94.9% specificity, 66.7% positive predictive value (PPV), and 84.1% negative predictive value [NPV]). Best 3D power Doppler parameters for the detection of emergency hysterectomies in the studied cases were disruption of uterine serosa–bladder interface (90.9% sensitivity, 68.8% specificity, and 47% PPV) and crowded vessels over peripheral subplacental zone (93.2% NPV). Conclusion: 3D power Doppler is a useful complementary tool to 2D gray-scale ultrasound for antenatal diagnosis of MAP. Crowded vessels over peripheral sub-placental zone and disruption of uterine serosa–bladder interface were the best 3D power Doppler parameters for the detection of difficult placental separation, considerable intraoperative blood loss, and emergency hysterectomies in the studied cases.KEY WORDS: Three‑dimensional power Doppler, gray-scale, morbidly adherent placent

    The ameliorative potential of Hyphaene thebaica on streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. The aim of the current study is to investigate the possible beneficial effects of Hyphaene thebaica in DN. Materials and methods: For this, 50 male albino rats were divided into five groups: group I — represented the control group; group II — received Hyp­haene thebaica extracts of 150 mg/kg BW by oral gavage for 6 weeks; group III — received single intraperitoneal injections of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg BW) to induce type-2 diabetes mellitus; group IV (protective) — diabetic rats recei­ved Hyphaene thebaica extract (150 mg/kg BW) orally for 6 weeks; group V (curative) — received Hyphaene thebaica extract (150 mg/kg BW) orally after the diagnosis of DN. Results: In the DN protected group, blood glucose, urea, and creatinine decreased significantly, while insulin and C-peptide increased significantly. Moreover, cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin decreased. Collagen fibre deposition is increased with an apparent thickening of the parietal layer of Bowman’s capsules and the basal lamina of convoluted tubules, as well as increase of the immune-reaction of caspase-3 and desmin. The introduction of Hyphaene thebaica led to greater amelioration in the biochemical markers, apoptotic alterations, and podocyte injuries of the protected group than in the curative group. Conclusions: Hyphaene thebaica may be advised as a good choice that can delay diabetic renal complications

    Diabetes Self-Management Education to Empower Adolescents with Type I Diabetes

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    Abstract: The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of diabetes self-management education (DSME) to empower adolescents with type I diabetic. A quasi experimental design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in Diabetic Pediatric Out-Patient Clinic at Children Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University. Subjects: A purposive sample of 52 adolescents out of 316 aged from twelve to eighteen years, who have type I diabetes as a chronic illness one month ago their blood glucose level uncontrolled. Data were collected by structured questionnaire sheet to assess knoweldge, adolescent medical record, adolescent follow-up log book and observation checklist to assess practice regarding to seven items of DSME. These tools were used three times pre/post after three months and after six months follow-up. The study revealed that, there was a statistically significant difference between pre/post, pre/follow-up and post/follow-up implementation of DSME sessions. The study concluded that DSME had empowered adolescents toward achieve self-care. It could be recommended that DSME could be applied to all age of children especially adolescents to guide the intervention and improve the care

    EvaluaciĂłn de los efectos anti-inflamatorio y anti-artrĂ­tico de algunos extractos de plantas

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    The objective of the present research was to study the anti-inflammatory activity of sweet basil flowers, leaves of eucalyptus and the aerial parts of celery and sage on acute inflammation along with the effect of a methanol extract of celery, sage and eucalyptus on adjuvant induced arthritis in rats. The effect of the methanol extract of celery, sage and eucalyptus on certain biochemical parameters in adjuvant arthritis and its safety in liver and kidney functions were evaluated. The fatty acids, hydrocarbons and phytosterols of all plants under investigation were studied. The results revealed a marked anti-inflammatory activity of all the studied plant extracts with different degrees ranging from 47 to 62%. The methanol extract of celery, sage and eucalyptus showed improvement in the level of plasma malondialdehyde, tumor necrosis factor-α and uric acid and also showed significant improvements in body weight and total food intake. The methanol extract of celery, sage and eucalyptus showed complete safety for liver and kidney functions. α-Linolenic acid and linoleic acid were present in all the studied plants. Stigmasterol and ÎČ-sitosterol were present in all the studied plants.El objetivo de la presente investigaciĂłn ha sido estudiar la actividad anti-inflamatoria de flores de albahaca dulces, hojas de eucalipto, hojas de apio y salvia. Se ha estudiado el efecto sobre la inflamaciĂłn aguda de extractos metanĂłlicos de apio, salvia y eucalipto y sobre la artritis inducida en ratas. Se han evaluado los efectos de los extractos metanĂłlicos de apio, salvia y eucalipto sobre los parĂĄmetros bioquĂ­micos determinados en la artritis inducida y su seguridad en las funciones del hĂ­gado y el riñón. Se han estudiado los ĂĄcidos grasos, hidrocarburos y fitoesteroles de todas las plantas objeto de la investigaciĂłn. Los resultados han revelado una actividad antiinflamatoria de los extractos de las plantas estudiadas con diferentes grados entre un 47 y un 62%. Los extractos metanĂłlico de apio, de salvia y de eucalipto han mostrado una mejorĂ­a de los niveles de malondialdehĂ­do en plasma, factor de necrosis tumoral α y de ĂĄcido Ășrico, tambiĂ©n se muestra una mejorĂ­a significativa en el peso corporal y en la ingesta total de alimentos. Los extractos metanĂłlicos de apio, de salvia y de eucalipto han mostrado una total seguridad sobre la funciĂłn hepĂĄtica y renal. Los ĂĄcidos α-linolĂ©nico y linoleico estaban presentes en todas las plantas estudiadas asĂ­ como los esteroles Estigmasterol y ÎČ-sitosterol

    Mev’ud hĂŒkĂŒm

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    Halide Edip'in Yeni Mecmua'da yayımlanan Mev'ud HĂŒkĂŒm adlı romanının ilk ve son tefrikalarıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiƟtir

    Evolution of design considerations in complex craniofacial reconstruction using patient-specific implants

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    Previously published evidence has established major clinical benefits from using Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Additive Manufacturing (AM) to produce patient-specific devices. These include cutting guides, drilling guides, positioning guides, and implants. However, custom devices produced using these methods are still not in routine use – particularly by the UK National Health Service (NHS). Oft-cited reasons for this slow uptake include: a higher up-front cost than conventionally-fabricated devices, material-choice uncertainty, and a lack of long-term follow-up due to their relatively recent introduction. This paper identifies a further gap in current knowledge – that of design rules, or key specification considerations for complex CAD/CAM/AM devices. This research begins to address the gap by combining a detailed review of the literature with first-hand experience of interdisciplinary collaboration on five craniofacial patient case-studies. In each patient case, bony lesions in the orbito-temporal region were segmented, excised, and reconstructed in the virtual environment. Three cases translated these digital plans into theatre via polymer surgical guides. Four cases utilised AM to fabricate titanium implants. One implant was machined from PolyEther Ether Ketone (PEEK). From the literature, articles with relevant abstracts were analysed to extract design considerations. 19 frequently-recurring design considerations were extracted from previous publications. 9 new design considerations were extracted from the case studies – on the basis of subjective clinical evaluation. These were synthesised to produce a design considerations framework to assist clinicians with prescribing and design engineers with modelling. Promising avenues for further research are proposed

    25-Hydroxy Vitamin D, Adiponectin Levels and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in a Sample of Obese Children

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    BACKGROUND: Association between vitamin D, adiponectin and obesity is a matter of debate, as they play important role in linking obesity with different cardio metabolic risk factors.AIM: Evaluation of association between metabolic risk factors with both adiponectin and 25-Hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH) D] levels and that between adiponectin and [25(OH) D] among obese Egyptian children.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This case-control cross sectional study consisted of 65 obese and 30 healthy children, aged 8-11 years. 25(OH) D, serum adiponectin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol were measured.RESULTS: The mean 25(OH)D and adiponectin levels in the obese were lower than that in control group (Ă°â€˜Æ’<0.000). 25(OH)D were inversely correlated with body mass index, triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. While adiponectin level were inversely correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and positively correlated with high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. However, there is no relation between 25(OH) D and adiponectin levels among obese children and total sample.CONCLUSION: Inspite of strong association between vitamin D and adiponectin levels with metabolic risk factors and obesity, there is no relation between 25(OH)D and adiponectin levels. In obese children, There are significant negative correlations between 25(OH)D with lipid profile, and between adiponectin levels with blood pressure

    Parameter induction in continuous univariate distributions: Well-established G families

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