580 research outputs found

    Pragmatic language disorder in Parkinson's disease and the potential effect of cognitive reserve

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    It is known that patients with Parkinson\u2019s Disease (PD) may show deficits in several areas of cognition, including speech and language abilities. One domain of particular interest is pragmatics, which refers to the capacity of using language in context for a successful communication. Several studies showed that some specific aspects of pragmatics \u2013 both in production and in comprehension \u2013 might be impaired in patients with PD. However, a clear picture of pragmatic abilities in PD is still missing, as most of the existing studies focused on specific aspects of the pragmatic competence rather than on sketching a complete pragmatic profile. Moreover, little is known on the potential role of protective factors in compensating the decline of communicative skills as the disease progresses. The present study has two aims: (1) to provide a complete picture of pragmatic abilities in patients with PD, by using a comprehensive battery (Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates, APACS) and by investigating the relationship with other aspects of cognitive functioning (e.g., working memory and Theory of Mind) and (2) to investigate whether Cognitive Reserve, i.e., the resilience to cognitive impairment provided by life experiences and activities, may compensate for the progressive pragmatic deficits in PD. We found that patients with PD, compared to healthy matched controls, had worse performance in discourse production and in the description of scenes, and that these impairments were tightly correlated with the severity of motor impairment, suggesting reduced intentionality of engaging in a communicative exchange. Patients with PD showed also an impairment in comprehending texts and humor, suggesting a problem in inferring from stories, which was related to general cognitive impairment. Notably, we did not find any significant difference between patients and controls in figurative language comprehension, a domain that is commonly impaired in other neurodegenerative diseases. This might be indicative of a specific profile of pragmatic impairment in patients with PD, worth of further investigation. Finally, Cognitive Reserve measures showed a high degree of association with pragmatic comprehension abilities, suggesting that the modification of life-styles could be a good candidate for compensating the possible problems in understanding the pragmatic aspects of language experienced by patients with PD

    Época de semeadura: um importante fator que afeta a produtividade da cultura da soja.

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    Temperatura do ar; Umidade do solo; Fotoperíodo.bitstream/item/65720/1/DOC34.pd

    Remote landslide mapping using a laser rangefinder binocular and GPS

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    We tested a high-quality laser rangefinder binocular coupled with a GPS receiver connected to a Tablet PC running dedicated software to help recognize and map in the field recent rainfall-induced landslides. The system was tested in the period between March and April 2010, in the Monte Castello di Vibio area, Umbria, Central Italy. To test the equipment, we measured thirteen slope failures that were mapped previously during a visual reconnaissance field campaign conducted in February and March 2010. For reference, four slope failures were also mapped by walking the GPS receiver along the landslide perimeter. Comparison of the different mappings revealed that the geographical information obtained remotely for each landslide by the rangefinder binocular and GPS was comparable to the information obtained by walking the GPS around the landslide perimeter, and was superior to the information obtained through the visual reconnaissance mapping. Although our tests were not exhaustive, we maintain that the system is effective to map recent rainfall induced landslides in the field, and we foresee the possibility of using the same (or similar) system to map landslides, and other geomorphological features, in other areas

    Landslide mapping from multi-sensor data through improved change detection-based Markov random field

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    Abstract Accurate landslide inventory mapping is essential for quantitative hazard and risk assessment. Although multi-temporal change detection techniques have contributed greatly to landslide inventory preparation, it is still challenging to generate quality change detection images (CDIs) for accurate landslide mapping. The recently proposed change detection-based Markov random field (CDMRF) provides an effective approach for rapid mapping of landslides with minimum user interventions. However, when CDI is generated by change vector analysis (CVA) alone, the CDMRF method may suffer from noise especially when the pre- and post-event remote sensing images are acquired under different atmospheric, illumination, and phenological conditions. This paper improved such CDMRF approach by integrating normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), and independent component analysis (ICA) generated CDIs with MRF for landslide inventory mapping from multi-sensor data. To justify the effectiveness and applicability, the improved methods were applied to map rainfall-, typhoon-, and earthquake-triggered landslides from the pre- and post-event satellite images acquired by very high resolution QuickBird, high resolution FORMOSAT-2, and moderate resolution Sentinel-2. Moreover, they were tested on pre-event Landsat-8 and post-event Sentinel-2 datasets, indicating that they are operational for landslide inventory mapping from combined multi-temporal and multi-sensor data. The results demonstrate that the improved δNDVI-, PCA-, and ICA-based approaches perform much better than CVA-based CDMRF in terms of completeness, correctness, Kappa coefficient, and F-measures. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that NDVI, PCA, and ICA are integrated with MRF for landslide inventory mapping from multi-sensor data. It is anticipated that this research can be a starting point for developing new change detection techniques that can readily generate quality CDI and for applying advanced machine learning algorithms (e.g., deep learning) to automatic detection of natural hazards from multi-sensor time series data

    Violent and Complex Behaviors and Non-Restorative Sleep Are the Main Features of Disorders of Arousal in Adulthood: Real Picture or a More Severe Phenotype?

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    Disorders of arousal (DoA) are NREM parasomnias characterized by motor and emotional behaviors emerging from incomplete arousals from deep sleep. DoA are largely present in pediatric populations, a period during which they are labeled as self-limited manifestations. However, an extensive literature has shown that DoA can persist in adulthood, with different characteristics from childhood DoA. Adult DoA patients usually report excessive daily sleepiness, sleep-related violence during DoA episodes or potentially harmful behaviors, which are rare in childhood. The semeiological features of DoA episodes in adulthood may complicate differential diagnoses with other motor manifestations during sleep, in particular sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy. However, it cannot be excluded that adults with DoA attending sleep centers constitute a more severe phenotype, thus not being representative of adult DoA in the general population. Video-polysomnographic studies of DoA document a spectrum of motor patterns of different complexities, the simplest of which may often go unnoticed. Despite the different complexities of the episodes, neurophysiologic studies showed the co-existence of deep sleep and wakefulness during DoA episodes or even before their onset. These aspects make DoA an ideal model to investigate the mechanisms regulating local sleep, sleep arousal and cognitive functions including spatial and temporal orientation, attention or memory

    Mudanças no padrão de alimentação da população urbana brasileira (1962-1988)

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    Contemporary changes in food consumption patterns in urban areas of Brazil are described. The main data sources are two national food expenditure surveys undertaken in the early 60's and late 80's (1961-62 and 1987-88) and one national food intake survey undertaken in the mid-70' s (1974-75). The analysis is restricted to the seven metropolitan areas represented in the three surveys. Food patterns are described on the basis of the relative consumption of different food groups, proportion of energy from carbohydrates, protein and lipids, proportion of animal and vegetable protein and fats, proportion of complex and simple carbohydrates, ratio between poly-unsaturated and saturated fatty acids and relative consumption of cholesterol. Main food changes were similar in the Northeastern and Southeastern cities and involved: 1) reduction in the relative consumption of cereals, beans, roots and tubercles; 2) replacement of lard, bacon and butter by vegetable oils and margarine: and 3) increase in the relative consumption of eggs, milk and dairy products. As a net result of these changes there was, simultaneously, a decrease in the carbohydrate content of the Brazilian diet and an increase in its fat content. Total protein content of the diet remained at around 12% in the three surveys but animal protein increased. Changes in the fat content of the diet involved an increased proportion of vegetable fat, an increased ratio of poly-unsaturated/saturated fatty acids and a reduction in cholesterol intake. Health implications of dietary changes are discussed based on the World Health Organization's dietary guidelines.Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento do padrão alimentar da população urbana brasileira ao longo das três últimas décadas. As fontes de dados foram duas pesquisas nacionais de orçamentos familiares realizadas no início da década de 60 (1961-63) e no final da década de 80 (1987-88) e um inquérito nacional sobre consumo alimentar realizado em meados da década de 70 (1974-75), restringindo-se a análise a sete áreas metropolitanas estudadas em comum pelas três pesquisas. O padrão alimentar foi caracterizado a partir da participação relativa de diferentes alimentos na dieta e do consumo relativo de nutrientes específicos. As mudanças principais mostraram-se semelhantes nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste e envolveram: 1) redução no consumo relativo de cereais, feijão, raízes e tubérculos; 2) substituição de banha, toucinho e manteiga por óleos e margarinas; e 3) aumento no consumo relativo de leite e derivados e ovos. Essas mudanças deterninaram diminuição na participação relativa de carboidratos na dieta e aumento na participação de lipídios. A proporção total de proteínas manteve-se estável entre as pesquisas (ao redor de 12%), crescendo, entretanto, a participação específica de proteínas de origem animal na dieta. Situação inversa foi observada com os lipídios, registrando-se aumento da fração correspondente aos lipídios de origem vegetal, o que levou ao predomínio dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados sobre os saturados e à redução do consumo relativo de colesterol. As implicações das mudanças no padrão alimentar da população urbana do país são discutidas à luz de recomendações dietéticas enunciadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde

    Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to identify birth weight cutoffs to predict overweight in Mexican school children

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar pontos de corte do peso ao nascer na predição do excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes mexicanos em idade escolar da cidade de Chilpancingo, México, em 2004. MÉTODOS: Seiscentos e sessenta e dois escolares de ambos os sexos, entre 5 e 13 anos, foram selecionados por amostragem probabilística, com partilha proporcional ao tamanho. Medidas do peso ao nascer foram extraídas das carteiras de vacinação. Para a classificação do estado nutricional, utilizaram-se pontos de corte do índice de massa corporal (IMC) segundo idade e sexo. Equações de predição foram construídas utilizando-se modelos de regressão linear. Áreas sob as curvas ROC (receiver operating characteristic) foram calculadas e curvas ROC de dois gráficos (TG-ROC) foram construídas, respectivamente, para detecção da acurácia global e identificação de pontos de corte do peso ao nascer, correspondentes à intersecção das curvas de sensibilidade e especificidade. RESULTADOS: Entre as crianças, a prevalência de excesso de peso foi maior no sexo feminino (46%) que no masculino (38,5%); entre adolescentes, as respectivas prevalências foram de 43,5 e 38,9%. O IMC médio e os decis de peso ao nascer apresentaram relação linear. As áreas sob as curvas ROC apresentaram valores > 78% em cada estrato, detectando-se diferença, em relação ao sexo, no grupo de adolescentes. As curvas TG-ROC apresentaram pontos de corte do peso ao nascer mais elevados nos meninos que nas meninas, e as intersecções das curvas de sensibilidade e especificidade foram > 0,70. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do estudo indicaram que pontos de corte do peso ao nascer podem ser utilizados como marcadores de excesso de peso, na infância e adolescência, constituindo-se em estratégia para o rastreamento de grupos de risco.OBJECTIVE: To identify birth weight cutoffs to predict overweight in school children and adolescents from Chilpancingo, Mexico, in 2004. METHODS: Six hundred and sixty-two male and female children between 5 and 13 years old were selected by probability sampling. Birth weight measures were extracted from vaccination cards. The school children's nutritional status was defined using specific body mass index (BMI) cutoffs according to sex and age. Predicting equations were built using linear regression models. Areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated and two-graph (TG) ROC curves were plotted, respectively, to detect global accuracy and to identify birth weight cutoffs corresponding to the intersection of sensitivity and specificity curves. RESULTS: Overweight prevalence was higher in female (46%) than in male school children (38.5%). Among adolescents, the prevalence of overweight was also higher in females (43.5%) than in males (38.9%). BMI average and birth weight deciles showed a linear relation. Areas under ROC curves showed values > 78% in each stratum of sex and age, depicting a difference by sex in adolescents. TG-ROC curves showed that birth weight cutoffs were slightly higher in boys than in girls, and the sensitivity/specificity intersections were > 0.70. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that birth weight cutoffs can be used as overweight markers in childhood and adolescence, being useful as a screening strategy to detect risk groups