380 research outputs found

    Comunicación corta. Evaluación mediante análisis de correlación y de sendero de las relaciones entre componentes del rendimiento en cultivares de guisante (Pisum sativum L.) de siembra primaveral en Bulgaria

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    An analysis was carried out during 2007-2009 on nine spring-sown Bulgarian and Ukrainian field pea cultivars. Strongest positive phenotypic correlations were observed between number of fertile nodes per plant and numbers of pods (r = 0.97) and number of seeds per plant (r = 0.97) and between number of seeds and pods per plant (r = 0.94); between seed weight per plant and number of seeds (r = 0.83) and fertile nodes per plant (r = 0.77). High genetic correlations were found between plant height and first pod height (r = 0.89), between number of pods per plant and seed weight per plant (r = 0.91) and number of seeds per plant (r = 0.96) and between seed weight per plant and number of branches per plant (r = 0.92) and number of fertile nodes per plant (r = 0.89). The strongest and direct positive effect on seed yield was found in branch length (17.70), 1000-seed weight (5.92) and number of seeds per pod (4.93). The highest positive indirect contribution was in branch length to number of seeds per pod (2214.8), number of fertile nodes per plant (1258.0) and number of seeds per plant (708.70). Based on the trait association and the path coefficients for seed yield and its components, it can be concluded that field pea breeders should pay attention to traits such as branch length, 1000-seed weight and number of seeds per pod when selecting high-yielding genotypes in field pea.Se ha realizado un estudio entre 2007 y 2009 sobre nueve cultivares de guisante de primavera búlgaros y ucranianos. Para la mayor parte de los caracteres considerados, los coeficientes de correlación genéticos resultaron mayores que los fenotípicos. Se han observado fuertes correlaciones fenotípicas positivas entre el número de nudos fértiles por planta y el número de vainas (r = 0,97) y el número de semillas por planta (r = 0,97); entre el número de semillas y el de vainas por planta (r = 0,94); entre el peso de la semilla por planta y el número de semillas (r = 0,83) y los nudos fértiles por planta (r = 0,77); entre el número de semillas por vaina y el número de ramas por planta (r = 0,82) y entre la altura de la planta y la altura de la primera vaina (r = 0,77). Se han encontrado altas correlaciones genéticas entre la altura de la planta y la de la primera vaina (r = 0,89); entre el número de vainas y el peso de semilla por planta (r = 0,91) y el número de semillas por planta (r = 0,96) y entre el peso de semillas y el número de ramas por planta (r = 0,92) y el número de nudos fértiles por planta (r = 0,89). Los efectos directos positivos más fuertes sobre el rendimiento de semilla se han observado en la longitud de la rama (17,70), el peso de 1000 semillas (5,92) y el número de semillas por vaina (4,93). Los mayores efectos indirectos positivos se han observado en la longitud de la rama al número de semillas por vaina (2214,8), al número de nudos fértiles por planta (1258,0) y al número de semillas por planta (708,70). Sobre la base de la asociación de caracteres y sus modelos de relación con el rendimiento de semilla y sus componentes, se puede concluir que los mejoradores de guisante, para la selección de genotipos de alto rendimiento, deben tener en cuenta caracteres como la longitud de la rama, el peso de 1000 semillas y número de semillas por vaina

    May 12 1997 Cme Event: I. a Simplified Model of the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Structure

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    A simple model of the coronal magnetic field prior to the CME eruption on May 12 1997 is developed. First, the magnetic field is constructed by superimposing a large-scale background field and a localized bipolar field to model the active region (AR) in the current-free approximation. Second, this potential configuration is quasi-statically sheared by photospheric vortex motions applied to two flux concentrations of the AR. Third, the resulting force-free field is then evolved by canceling the photospheric magnetic flux with the help of an appropriate tangential electric field applied to the central part of the AR. To understand the structure of the modeled configuration, we use the field line mapping technique by generalizing it to spherical geometry. It is demonstrated that the initial potential configuration contains a hyperbolic flux tube (HFT) which is a union of two intersecting quasi-separatrix layers. This HFT provides a partition of the closed magnetic flux between the AR and the global solar magnetic field. The vortex motions applied to the AR interlock the field lines in the coronal volume to form additionally two new HFTs pinched into thin current layers. Reconnection in these current layers helps to redistribute the magnetic flux and current within the AR in the flux-cancellation phase. In this phase, a magnetic flux rope is formed together with a bald patch separatrix surface wrapping around the rope. Other important implications of the identified structural features of the modeled configuration are also discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, to appear in ApJ 200

    A novel metric for coronal MHD models

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    [1] In the interest of quantitatively assessing the capabilities of coronal MHD models, we have developed a metric that compares the structures of the white light corona observed with SOHO LASCO C2 to model predictions. The MAS model is compared to C2 observations from two Carrington rotations during solar cycle 23, CR1913 and CR1984, which were near the minimum and maximum of solar activity, respectively, for three radial heights, 2.5 R⊙, 3.0 R⊙, and 4.5 R⊙. In addition to simulated polarization brightness images, we create a synthetic image based on the field topology along the line of sight in the model. This open-closed brightness is also compared to LASCO C2 after renormalization. In general, the model\u27s magnetic structure is a closer match to observed coronal structures than the model\u27s density structure. This is expected from the simplified energy equations used in current global corona MHD models

    Chondrodystrophic dwarfism and multiple malformations in two sisters.

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    A genetic skeletal dysplasia with dwarfism, scoliosis and multiple skeletal defects was observed in two sisters. Only nine cases with similar features have been reported in the literature

    The Evolution of Open Magnetic Flux Driven by Photospheric Dynamics

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    The coronal magnetic field is of paramount importance in solar and heliospheric physics. Two profoundly different views of the coronal magnetic field have emerged. In quasi-steady models, the predominant source of open magnetic field is in coronal holes. In contrast, in the interchange model, the open magnetic flux is conserved, and the coronal magnetic field can only respond to the photospheric evolution via interchange reconnection. In this view the open magnetic flux diffuses through the closed, streamer belt fields, and substantial open flux is present in the streamer belt during solar minimum. However, Antiochos and co-workers, in the form of a conjecture, argued that truly isolated open flux cannot exist in a configuration with one heliospheric current sheet (HCS) - it will connect via narrow corridors to the polar coronal hole of the same polarity. This contradicts the requirements of the interchange model. We have performed an MHD simulation of the solar corona up to 20R solar to test both the interchange model and the Antiochos conjecture. We use a synoptic map for Carrington Rotation 1913 as the boundary condition for the model, with two small bipoles introduced into the region where a positive polarity extended coronal hole forms. We introduce flows at the photospheric boundary surface to see if open flux associated with the bipoles can be moved into the closed-field region. Interchange reconnection does occur in response to these motions. However, we find that the open magnetic flux cannot be simply injected into closed-field regions - the flux eventually closes down and disconnected flux is created. Flux either opens or closes, as required, to maintain topologically distinct open and closed field regions, with no indiscriminate mixing of the two. The early evolution conforms to the Antiochos conjecture in that a narrow corridor of open flux connects the portion of the coronal hole that is nearly detached by one of the bipoles. In the later evolution, a detached coronal hole forms, in apparent violation of the Antiochos conjecture. Further investigation reveals that this detached coronal hole is actually linked to the extended coronal hole by a separatrix footprint on the photosphere of zero width. Therefore, the essential idea of the conjecture is preserved, if we modify it to state that coronal holes in the same polarity region are always linked, either by finite width corridors or separatrix footprints. The implications of these results for interchange reconnection and the sources of the slow solar wind are briefly discussed

    The Relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections to Streamers

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    We have examined images from the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO) to study the relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) to coronal streamers. We wish to test the suggestion (Low 1996) that CMEs arise from flux ropes embedded in a streamer erupting, thus disrupting the streamer. The data span a period of two years near sunspot minimum through a period of increased activity as sunspot numbers increased. We have used LASCO data from the C2 coronagraph which records Thomson scattered white light from coronal electrons at heights between 1.5 and 6R_sun. Maps of the coronal streamers have been constructed from LASCO C2 observations at a height of 2.5R_sun at the east and west limbs. We have superposed the corresponding positions of CMEs observed with the C2 coronagraph onto the synoptic maps. We identified the different kinds of signatures CMEs leave on the streamer structure at this height (2.5R_sun). We find four types of CMEs with respect to their effect on streamers: 1. CMEs that disrupt the streamer 2. CMEs that have no effect on the streamer, even though they are related to it. 3. CMEs that create streamer-like structures 4. CMEs that are latitudinally displaced from the streamer. This is the most extensive observational study of the relation between CMEs and streamers to date. Previous studies using SMM data have made the general statement that CMEs are mostly associated with streamers, and that they frequently disrupt it. However, we find that approximately 35% of the observed CMEs bear no relation to the pre-existing streamer, while 46% have no effect on the observed streamer, even though they appear to be related to it. Our conclusions thus differ considerably from those of previous studies.Comment: Accepted, Journal of Geophysical Research. 8 figs, better versions at http://www.science.gmu.edu/~prasads/streamer.htm
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