36 research outputs found

    Malaria and anemia prevention in pregnant women of rural Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are a major risk group for malaria in endemic areas. Only little information exists on the compliance of pregnant women with malaria and anaemia preventive drug regimens in the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In this study, we collected information on malaria and anaemia prevention behaviour in pregnant women of rural Burkina Faso. METHODS: Cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative survey among 225 women of eight villages in rural northwestern Burkina Faso. Four of the villages had a health centre offering antenatal care (ANC) services while the other four were more than five kilometers away from a health centre. RESULTS: Overall ANC coverage (at least one visit) was 71% (95% in health centre villages vs 50% in remote villages). Malaria and anaemia were considered as the biggest problems during pregnancy in this community. ANC using women were quite satisfied with the quality of services, and compliance with malaria and anaemia prevention regimens (chloroquine and iron/folic acid) was high in this population. Knowledge on the benefit of bed nets and good nutrition was less prominent. Distance, lack of money and ignorance were the main reasons for women to not attend ANC services. CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need to improve access of rural SSA women to ANC services, either through increasing the number of rural health centres or establishing functioning outreach services. Moreover, alternative malaria and anaemia prevention programmes such as intermittent preventive treatment with effective antimalarials and the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets need to become implemented on a large scale

    Die Entwicklung der Thymus beim Kaninchen

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    Mietens' syndrome

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    Nestin in the epididymis is expressed in vascular wall cells and is regulated during postnatal development and in case of testosterone deficiency

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    Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), distinguished by the expression of the neuronal stem cell marker nestin, may represent stem cell-like progenitor cells in various organs including the testis. We investigated epididymal tissues of adult nestin-GFP mice, rats after Leydig cell depletion via ethane dimethane sulfonate (EDS), rats and mice during postnatal development and human tissues. By use of Clarity, a histochemical method to illustrate a three-dimensional picture, we could demonstrate nestin-GFP positive cells within the vascular network. We localized nestin in the epididymis in proliferating vascular SMCs by colocalization with both smooth muscle actin and PCNA, and it was distinct from CD31-positive endothelial cells. The same nestin localization was found in the human epididymis. However, nestin was not found in SMCs of the epididymal duct. Nestin expression is high during postnatal development of mouse and rat and down-regulated towards adulthood when testosterone levels increase. Nestin increases dramatically in rats after Leydig cell ablation with EDS and subsequently low testosterone levels. Interestingly, during this period, the expression of androgen receptor in the epididymis is low and increases until nestin reaches normal levels of adulthood. Here we show that nestin, a common marker for neuronal stem cells, is also expressed in the vasculature of the epididymis. Our results give new insights into the yet underestimated role of proliferating nestin-expressing vascular SMCs during postnatal development and repair of the epididymis