60 research outputs found

    Problems of TV on the Pages of the «Cinema Art» Magazine

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    The article provides the overview of several “Cinema Art” magazine’s publications devoted to television. The publications connected with the general problems of television as well as TV series are studied. In recent years Russian TV channels show rather low-grade content, proving the domination of it through rating indices. In this connection magazine staff write about the need of more active learning of television problems. The author of this article makes a contribution to this process.Обзор некоторых публикаций журнала «Искусство кино», посвященных телевидению. Изучаются тексты, связанные с общими проблемами телевидения и телесериалами. В последние годы российские телеканалы демонстрируют довольно низкопробный контент, аргументируя его преобладание рейтинговыми показателями. В этой связи сотрудники журнала пишут о необходимости более активного изучения проблем телевидения. Автор данной статьи вносит свой посильный вклад в данный процесс

    New projects of the TV channel «Culture»: valuable indicators

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    В статье изучается современное состояние российского телеканала «Культура», недавно отметившего свое 20-летие. Заимствуя лучший опыт как советского телевидения, так и современного, коммерческого, полемизируя с общим медийным потоком, «Культура» постепенно перешла к более сложному контентному синтезу. И тем самым сохранила приверженность собственным ценностным ориентирам, связанным с просветительским вещанием, противоположным повсеместной погоне за рейтингом.The article studies the current status of the Russian TV channel «Culture», which has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Borrowing the best experience of both Soviet television and modern, commercial television, polemicizing with the general media stream, «Culture» has gradually shifted to a more complex content synthesis. And at the same time, it remains committed to its own values, connected with the educational broadcasting, contrary to the widespread pursuit of ratings

    Hemodynamics monitoring in sport: Using hemodynamic monitor for sport training planning

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    The study stresses the meaning of the physiological measures that are obtained with the functional diagnostics devices and how these values can be used in coaching sportsmen. Methods: Hemodynamic monitor was used for monitoring hemodynamics and heart function of athletes (n=305) with different fitness levels. Active orthoclinostatic tests and antiorthostatic tests with passive body position changing were carried out with hemodynamics measurements recorded. Results: The most informative indicators and indices of heart function for high performance sport and their values at rest were detected. Along with common hemodynamics indicators (HR, SV, CO, EDV, blood pressure, etc.) the possibility of using correlation rhythmogram in coaching was studied. The correlation rhythmogram "cloud" dependence on athletes' fitness level was revealed in transient during active orthoclinostatic test

    Analysis of Students’ Ideas about the Mechanisms of Influence of Sports on the Achievement of Life Success

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    В статье рассматривается проблема влияния занятий спортом на становление личности человека. Цель исследования — выявить основные механизмы влияния спорта на достижение жизненного успеха в представлении студентов, а также определить ключевые личностные качества, необходимые для его достижения. Было проведено социологическое исследование, участниками которого являлись студенты Уральского федерального университета. Исследование осуществлялось с использованием количественной стратегии. В результате исследования выявлено, что большинство ответивших спортсменов (78,9 %) и неспортсменов (61,9 %) уверены в том, что спорт способствует достижению жизненного успеха. Четверть студентов, не занимающихся спортом, указали на то, что спорт не оказывает никакого влияния на достижение человеком жизненного успеха. На основе анализа данных, полученных в ходе исследования, установлено, что студенты видят значимую роль спорта в формировании личностных качеств и характера, благодаря которым возможно достижение жизненного успеха.The article deals with the problem of the influence of sports on the formation of a person’s personality. The purpose of the study is to identify the main mechanisms of the influence of sports on the achievement of life success in the representation of students, as well as to identify the key personal qualities necessary to achieve it. A sociological study was conducted, the participants of which were students of the Ural federal university. The study was carried out using a quantitative strategy. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the majority of athletes (78,9 %) and non-athletes (61,9 %) are confident that sport contributes to achieving success in life. A fourth of the students who do not engage in sports indicated that sports have no effect on a person’s achievement of success in life. Based on the analysis of the data obtained during the study, it was found that students see a significant role of sports in the formation of personal qualities and character, thanks to which it is possible to achieve success in life

    Analysis of the Development World Student Swimming on the Example of International Competitions in 2019

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    Цель исследования — выявление тенденций развития студенческого плавания как формы развития спорта высших достижений. В исследовании анализировались статистические данные и результаты соревнований по плаванию на Всемирной летней универсиаде 2019 года и чемпионате мира по водным видам спорта 2019 г. В результате исследования выявлено, что количество стран-участниц международных студенческих соревнований ниже по сравнению с аналогичным показателем главных международных соревнований по плаванию, что обусловлено несогласованностью международных календарей.The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the development of student swimming as a form of development of high performance sports. The study analyzed statistical data and results of swimming competitions at the 2019 World Summer Universiade and the 2019 FINA World Swimming Championships. The study revealed that the number of participating countries in international student competitions lower compared to the same indicator of the main international swimming competitions, which is primarily due to the inconsistency of international calendars

    Assessment of Readiness for Sports Activities in Cheer Sports of Student Athletes with Experience in Various Sports

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 25.05.2023. Принята к публикации: 28.06.2023.Received: 25.05.2023. Accepted: 28.06.2023.Чир спорт стремительно набирает популярность, в том числе в студенческом спорте, что обусловливает актуальность исследования, посвященного проблемам его развития в студенческом спорте. Статья посвящена исследованию готовности студентов-спортсменов, занимавшихся разными сложно-координационными видами спорта к продолжению спортивной карьеры в чир спорте. Цель исследования заключалась в выявлении исходного уровня развития ведущих физических качеств и специальных технических навыков для чирлидеров у спортсменов разных специализаций для определения готовности к спортивному совершенствованию в студенческой команде вуза по чир спорту. Исследование проводилось с помощью метода контрольных испытаний с использованием тестов для оценки ведущих физических качеств и специальных технических навыков чирлидеров. Результаты исследования показали, что уровень готовности к спортивному совершенствованию в студенческих командах по чирлидингу спортсменов, имевших спортивный опыт в разных видах спорта, обусловлен спецификой их предыдущей спортивной деятельности. При этом спортсмены, ранее занимавшиеся видами спорта с акробатической направленностью, имеют навыки выполнения акробатических дорожек, требующихся в соревновательной деятельности в чирлидинге. Хороший уровень развития гибкости у девушек способствует выполнению сложных статических элементов соревновательной деятельности в чирлидинге. Хороший уровень развития силовых способностей, которым обладают юноши, ранее занимавшиеся силовыми видами спорта, может послужить основой для успешного выполнения ими таких элементов чирлидинга, как поддержки и выбросы. Значимость проведенного исследования заключается в установлении необходимости оценки исходного уровня готовности к спортивному совершенствованию в чир спорте спортсменов, ранее занимавшихся разными видами спорта. Полученная информация позволит тренеру индивидуализировать тренировочный процесс, делая акцент на развитие недостающих или слаборазвитых качеств и навыков каждого атлета, что позволит ему определить оптимальную соревновательную программу команды для успешной подготовки команды к соревнованиям.Cheer sport is rapidly gaining popularity including in student sports which determines the relevance of research on the problems of its development in student sports. The article is devoted to the study of the readiness of student-athletes engaged in various difficult-coordination sports to continue a sports career in cheer sports. The purpose of the study was to identify the initial level of development of leading physical qualities and special technical skills for cheerleaders in athletes of different specializations to determine readiness for sports improvement in the university student cheer sports team. The study was conducted using the method of control tests using tests to assess the leading physical qualities and special technical skills of cheerleaders. The results of the study showed that the level of readiness for sports improvement in student cheerleading teams of athletes who had sports experience in various sports is due to the specifics of their previous sports activities. At the same time, athletes who have previously engaged in sports with an acrobatic orientation have the skills to perform acrobatic tracks required in competitive activities in cheerleading. A good level of flexibility development in girls contributes to the implementation of complex static elements of competitive activity in cheerleading. A good level of development of strength abilities possessed by young men who have previously engaged in strength sports can serve as the basis for their successful performance of such elements of cheerleading as support and emissions. The significance of the conducted research lies in the establishment of the need to assess the initial level of readiness for sports improvement in the cheer sport of athletes who previously engaged in various sports. The information obtained will allow the coach to individualize the training process, focusing on the development of missing or underdeveloped qualities and skills of each athlete, which will allow him to determine the optimal competitive program of the team for the successful preparation of the team for the competition

    End-group ionisation enables the use of poly(N-(2-methacryloyloxy)ethyl pyrrolidone) as an electrosteric stabiliser block for polymerisation-induced self-assembly in aqueous media

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    A series of near-monodisperse poly(N-2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl pyrrolidone) (PNMEP) homopolymers was prepared via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) solution polymerisation of NMEP in ethanol at 70 °C using a carboxylic acid-functional RAFT agent. The mean degree of polymerisation (DP) was varied from 19 to 89 and acid titration indicated end-group pK a values of 5.07-5.44. Turbidimetry studies indicated that homopolymer cloud points were significantly higher at pH 7 (anionic carboxylate) than at pH 3 (neutral carboxylic acid). Moreover, this enhanced hydrophilic character enabled PNMEP to be used as a steric stabiliser for aqueous polymerisation-induced self-assembly (PISA) syntheses. Thus, a PNMEP 42 precursor was chain-extended via RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerisation of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA) at 44 °C. A series of PNMEP 42 -PHPMA x diblock copolymers were synthesised using this protocol, with target PHPMA DPs of 150 to 400. High conversions were achieved and a linear evolution in M n with increasing PHPMA DP was observed. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies confirmed a spherical morphology in all cases. The nanoparticles flocculated either below pH 4.5 (owing to protonation) or on addition of 60 mM KCl (as a result of charge screening). Thus the anionic end-groups on the PNMEP stabiliser chains make an important contribution to the overall colloidal stability. Similarly, a PNMEP 53 macro-CTA was chain-extended via RAFT aqueous emulsion polymerisation of 2-ethoxyethyl methacrylate (EEMA) at 44 °C. Again, a neutral solution pH was critical for the synthesis of colloidally stable nanoparticles. High conversions were achieved as the target PEEMA DP was varied between 100 and 600 and a linear evolution in molecular weight with PEEMA DP was confirmed by chloroform GPC studies. DLS experiments indicated a monotonic increase in nanoparticle diameter with PEEMA DP and TEM studies confirmed a spherical morphology in each case. In summary, PNMEP can be used as a water-soluble steric stabiliser for aqueous PISA syntheses provided that it contains an anionic carboxylate end-group to enhance its hydrophilic character

    Influencing the phase transition temperature of poly(methoxy diethylene glycol acrylate) by molar mass, end groups, and polymer architecture

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    The easily accessible, but virtually overlooked monomer methoxy diethylene glycol acrylate was polymerized by the RAFT method using monofunctional, difunctional, and trifunctional trithiocarbonates to afford thermoresponsive polymers exhibiting lower critical solution temperature-type phase transitions in aqueous solution. The use of the appropriate RAFT agent allowed for the preparation and systematic variation of polymers with defined molar mass, end-groups, and architecture, including amphiphilic diblock, symmetrical triblock, and triarm star-block copolymers, containing polystyrene as permanently hydrophobic constituent. The cloud points (CPs) of the various polymers proved to be sensitive to all varied parameters, namely molar mass, nature, and number of the end-groups, and the architecture, up to relatively high molar masses. Thus, CPs of the polymers can be adjusted within the physiological interesting range of 2040 degrees C. Remarkably, CPs increased with the molar mass, even when hydrophilic end groups were attached to the polymers

    Prediction of Consciousness Recovery in Deep Coma after Acute Traumatic Brain Injury based on EEG Functional Connectivity Features and Decision Tree Classifier

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    In recent years advanced neurocomputing and machine learning techniques have been used successfully for the prediction of medical outcomes. In the presented study, a novel computer model is presented for the prediction of the recovery of consciousness in patients with severe traumatic brain injuries in acute coma. The model reconstructs the time courses of synchronized neuronal components in EEG data and uses their topographies as features in Decision Tree classifier. The data were obtained from patients with severe TBI in acute state (1-7 days after trauma). A total of 21 patients with GCS score of 3-4 upon arriving at the emergency unit were assigned to training and test sets. The core set of predictors included topographies of cross-frequency phase interactions and correspondent Phase Locking Values. With each of these sets we designed a model predicting the recovery of consciousness based on Glasgow Coma Scale measurements as of 3 months after the trauma. We performed a binary classification: ‘positive’ for those with GCS score > 10, and ‘negative’ for the patients with GCS < 7 being measured 3 months after the trauma. Accuracy, ROC/AOC were used as measurements of performance of the predictive model. It was discovered that the patterns of EEG functional connectivity in the theta and alpha frequency bins recorded during tactile simulation in acute coma are distinctive with regard to the level of consciousness which the patients exhibited further on. In the area of predicting the recovery of consciousness in TBI patients, DT classifier delivered modest results. This study shows that nonlinear analysis of EEG can be a useful method for discriminating between positive and negative outcome with regard to recovery of consciousness in patients early after trauma. It is suggested that this analysis may be a complementary tool to help clinicians deliver early bedside diagnosis