181 research outputs found

    Special carbon requirement of Spirulina platensis culture. [Translation from: Materialy VII Vsesoyuznogo Rabochego Soveshchanii po Voprosu Krugovorota Veshchestv v Zamknutoi Sisteme na Osnove Zhiznedeyatel'nosti Nizshikh Organizmov p55-57. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1972.]

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    By the industrial cultivation of blue-green algae, there very much appears the important question about their carbon nutrition. Spirulina grows within the range of pH value of medium of 8.5 - 11.0. In this range of pH value in the culture medium CO2 is present in the form of bicarbonate and carbonate, which serves as principal source of carbon for the present type of algae. There is little information yet about the influence of the pH of the medium, and the form of carbon components of the medium, on the rate-increase of Spirulina. Investigations were conducted into the influence of some pH values of medium on the rate-increase of the alga Spirulina platensis

    Cinema as a Form of Interaction and its Opportunities in the Modern Worldarticle

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    The article discusses the features of the film industry influence on the formation of socio-cultural space in the modern world. The principles of the influence of the possibilities of cinema art on society and changes in the values of the past and present are formulated.В статье рассматриваются особенности влияния кино-индустрии на формирование социокультурного пространства в современном мире. Формулируются принципы влияния возможностей кино-искусства на социум и изменения ценностей прошлого и настоящего

    Physical development in children with asthma

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    The paper pays great attention to the physical development and morphofunctional status of children with asthma. Assessment of physical development was carried out using the centile method, taking into account international standards. A pattern was found: the longer the status of the disease, the more morphofunctional status is disharmonious. At the same time, boys tend to overweight, and girls - to deficiencyВ статье представлен анализ физического развития детей, страдающих бронхиальной астмой. Оценка физического развития проводилась по международным стандартам ВОЗ и по региональным центильным таблицам. Установлено, что увеличение длительности заболевания сопровождается нарушением физического развития в виде дисгармоничности морфофункционального статуса. При этом, у мальчиков преобладает избыток массы тела, у девочек – дефицит массы тела

    Book review: Kravchenko S. A. “Sociology of Digitalisation: university textbook”

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    The review of a new book written by a leading Russian sociologist-theorist Sergey A. Kravchenko is presented. The book analyses the social implications and prospects of the digitalisation. The objectivity of this process leading to the complication of society, its dehumanisation and the emergence of new previously unseen risks, is noted. Scientific and technological innovations reduce the share of traditional risks, natural and technological, but increase the share of institutional risks. Sergey A. Kravchenko calls this new reality the socio-digital-natural reality, in which, primarily in social networks, both human actors and non-human (digital) actors, sociotechnical and techno-social hybrids operate. The author of the book being reviewed concludes that there is a need for a humanistic digital turn, a change in approaches and focus of modern scientific knowledge, which should be integrated and multidisciplinary, based on the social and natural sciences integration, aimed at the analysis of disequilibrium systems in which disequilibrium, turbulence do not exclude the tendencies towards organisation and self-organisation.The peer-reviewed work is an educational publication and it is aimed at developing students’ ability to think critically about the consequences of digitalisation and make balanced managerial decisions. It introduces students to the most modern and advanced sociological theories and concepts

    37th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geology and minerals of the Western Urals"

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    23-24 мая 2017 г. на базе Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета состоялась 37-я Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Геология и полезные ископаемые Западного Урала». В статье описаны основные моменты работы конференции, освещены затрагиваемые проблемы и тематика докладов, а также подведены итоги.On May 23-24, 2017, the 37th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Geology of minerals of the Western Urals" was held on the basis of the Perm State University. The article describes the main aspects of the work of the conference, highlights the issues and topics covered in the reports, and summarizes the results

    Легочная реабилитация пациентов, перенесших коронавирусную инфекцию COVID-19 (клинические примеры)

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    At the end of 2019, an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection was identified in the People’s Republic of China centerd in the city of Wuhan. The official name COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) was assigned to the infection caused by the novel coronavirus by the World Health Organization on February 11, 2020. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses assigned the name to the causative agent of the infection – SARS-CoV-2 on February 11, 2020. The bilateral pneumonia is currently known to be the most common clinical manifestation of the variant of coronavirus infection. The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome was found in 3 – 4% of patients. As a result of pneumonia, patients develop ventilation and perfusion disorders, weakness of skeletal muscles. To recover patients after viral pneumonia, methods of pulmonary rehabilitation should be applied. This article represents the methods of pulmonary rehabilitation aimed to improve the blood circulation in the lungs, the ventilation-perfusion ratios, and to the restoration of the skeletal muscles.В конце 2019 года в Китайской Народной Республике произошла вспышка новой коронавирусной инфекции с эпицентром в городе Ухань. Всемирная организация здравоохранения 11.02.20 присвоила официальное название инфекции, вызванной новым коронавирусом, COVID-19 (CОronaVIrus Disease­2019). Международный комитет по таксономии вирусов 11.02.20 присвоил название возбудителю инфекции SARS-CoV-2. В настоящее время известно, что наиболее распространенным клиническим проявлением варианта коронавирусной инфекции является двусторонняя пневмония, у 3–4 % пациентов зарегистрировано развитие острого респираторного дистресссиндрома. При пневмонии у пациентов развиваются вентиляционно-перфузионные нарушения, слабость скелетной мускулатуры. Для восстановления пациентов после вирусной пневмонии необходима легочная реабилитация. В данной статье приведены методы легочной реабилитации, направленные на улучшение кровообращения в легких, вентиляционно-перфузионных отношений, восстановление работы скелетной мускулатуры