46 research outputs found

    Age at sexual initiation and factors associated with it among youths in North East Ethiopia

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    Background: For behavioral as well as physiological reasons, early sexual debut increases young peoples' risk for infection with HIV and other STIs. Youths who begin sexual activity early are more likely to have high-risk sex or multiple sexual partners and are less likely to use condoms. It is crucial to understand the factors associated with early sexual initiation in a broader context for designing and implementing effective interventions targeting youth. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the median age at first sexual intercourse and the associated factors of sexual initiation among rural and urban youths (age 15- 24 years). Methods: A comparative cross sectional study was conducted between, March 1 -15, 2008, in Dessie town and Dessie Zuria Woreda. To draw a total sample of size 1294 (647 urban and 647 rural), a multistage cluster sampling was used. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were employed. Moreover, Kaplan Meier survival analysis was used to estimate the probability of sexual initiation at various age stratified by residence and sex. Result: About half, 51.3% of the youths have ever had sex. Rural youths initiate sexual intercourse at lower age than their urban counterparts with mean (±SD) (16.49+2.11) for rural and (17.18+2.32) for urban youths. The median age at sexual debut was 16 years for rural and 17 years for urban. The hazard ratio for sexual imitation was significant (AHR [95% CI] =1.45 [1.19, 2.55]. Multivariate analysis showed that being female by gender (AOR [95% CI]=1.56 [1.11, 2.19]), chewing Khat (AOR [95% CI] = 2.05 [1.05, 3.96]), drinking alcohol (AOR [95% CI] = 2.16 [1.12, 4.18]), watching pornographic materials at age < 18 years (AOR [95% CI] = 24.13 [3.28, 177.80]) and being less connected with parents (AOR [95% CI] =2.30 [1.35, 3.91]) were associated with early sexual initiation. Conclusion and Recommendation: Early sexual initiation prevails more in rural than urban youths. Delaying sexual debut can be achieved through well designed sexual education programs at earlier life. Strengthening the norm of virginity should be advocated. Equally, ways to access condoms and other contraceptives especially to rural youths should be sought for those who already initiate sexual intercourse.

    Prevalence of major sheep diseases and analysis of mortality in selected model sheep villages of south Gondar administrative zone, Ethiopia

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    A cross sectional and retrospective case study design were carried out from May 2008 to April 2012 in model sheep villages of Farta and Lay Gaint districts with the objective of identifying major sheep diseases, to assess the magnitude of sheep mortality and recommend disease and mortality control options in the study areas. Retrospective study was employed for 184 (89 from Farta and 95 from Lay Gaint) diagnosed sheep from case registration book of respective woreda and kebele veterinary clinics to collect information about the prevailing sheep diseases in the study areas. Among major sheep  diseases, Respiratory Disease Complex (RDC) (38.6%), Enteritis (22.6%), Fasciolosis (19.6%), Generalized septicemic condition (GSC) (13.0%), Sheep pox (12.0%), Foot rot (2.2%) and Orf (1.1%) were commonly diagnosed ovine diseases in the study areas. Ninety four (94) questionnaires were administered to sheep producers to understand sheep management practices, identifying major sheep production constraints and to assess the magnitude of sheep mortality. A total of 242 fecal samples were collected for the analysis sheep internal parasites. The major identified internal parasites of sheep were Strongyle spp (43.0%), Paramphistmum (21.5%), Fasciola (20.2%),  Tricuris (8.3%), Monezia (8.3%), Coccidia (5.0%) and Schistosoma (1.7%). A significant differences (P&lt;0.05) was observed in Fasciolosis across study districts which showed higher prevalence of Fasciola (14.5%) from Farta and relatively lower (5.8%) from Lay Gaint district. EPG count shown that, 83.6% of sheep positive with nematode was categorized in the range of light infection (50-800 EPG) which depicts the level of  nematode infection in the population was lower. Comparison of sheep mortality over years and breed shown that, higher (26.4%) and lower (6.3%) mortality was recorded from all sheep breeds (Washera, Farta and Cross) in the year 2009 and 2012 respectively. In conclusion, the present high mortality rate and prevalence of sheep diseases were high to cause momentous economic losses in the study area. Therefore, strengthening the control effort was suggested.Key words; Farta sheep, Model sheep villages, Ovine disease, Washera sheep, Mortalit

    Detection of infectious bronchitis virus 793B, avian metapneumovirus, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in poultry in Ethiopia

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    A survey was conducted into respiratory infectious diseases of poultry on a chicken breeder farm run by the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), located in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. Oropharyngeal swabs were collected from 117 randomly selected birds, and blood was taken from a subset of 73 of these birds. A combination of serological and molecular methods was used for detection of pathogens. For the first time in Ethiopia, we report the detection of variant infectious bronchitis virus (793B genotype), avian metapneumovirus subtype B and Mycoplasma synoviae in poultry. Mycoplasma gallisepticum was also found to be present; however, infectious laryngotracheitis virus was not detected by PCR. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was not detected by PCR, but variable levels of anti-NDV HI antibody titres shows possible exposure to virulent strains or poor vaccine take, or both. For the burgeoning-intensive industry in Ethiopia, this study highlights several circulating infectious respiratory pathogens that can impact on poultry welfare and productivity