748 research outputs found

    Gender aspects of print advertising (Гендерний аспект друкованої реклами)

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    In the article gender problems are analysed in the texts of advertising on the pages of mass-media. It describes modern gender roles which are represented in modern Ukrainian newspaper texts (У статті здійснено лінгвістичний аналіз рекламних текстів, опублікованих на сторінках друкованих ЗМІ, через призму гендерної проблематики. Описано сучасні гендерні ролі, образи, які репрезентовано в сучасних українськомовних газетних текстах

    Innovative value creation in BRICS

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    The main scientific problem is the development of the cost modeling methodology of value-added accounting for the purpose of obtaining estimates of the value-added level of innovative products, which is necessary for making managerial, investment, production and other decisions at all levels of management and for monitoring the results of such decisions. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for accounting for the value added of innovative products, regarding the technology readiness levels for commercialization based on the analysis of problems and growth points of the national economy using the example of the BRICS international collaboration. The article revealed the features of innovative development of leading and developing countries, the need for the national economy in international collaborations to intensify innovative development, the existing problems in accounting for the value added of innovative products, the developed proprietary methodology for accounting for the value added of innovative products, regarding the technology readiness level for commercialization. The theoretical significance lies in the development of methodological foundations for accounting for the creation and distribution of value added, and the practical significance is determined by the fact that for the first time the methodology takes into account the technology readiness levels for commercialization, which gives a new approach to the practical assessment of the value-added innovation.peer-reviewe


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    It has always been important for Italian foreign policy to have a political weight both in the EU and in the Mediterranean. The country is trying to play on several boards, building different configurations, and does not limit itself solely to the ideas of the Rome – Paris – Berlin triangle. Realizing their vulnerability and the danger of being in a subordinate position among France and Germany, Italy is relying on the «Mediterranean card», building an informal union of the countries of Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal). With G. Meloni becoming primeminister, the Mediterranean continues to be in the rank of priority areas of Italy’s foreign policy. Playing the «Mediterranean card» is now easier because countries are creating the image of a common enemy for Europe. Despite attempts to consolidate informal cooperation between the countries of Southern Europe around the Mediterranean, it is not quite successful due to the economic weakness of the countries and the lack of proper political authority. However, there is tactical cooperation in the context of inter-Mediterranean energy cooperation, where Italy is achieving a coordinating role. After the British withdrawal from the EU, Rome is keen to take over the British seat, which could also strengthen the country’s role in the Mediterranean. The main competitor, jealous of Italy’s claim to leadership in both the EU and the Mediterranean, is France; the sub-regional competitor in the Mediterranean is Spain, which does not currently have enough resources to pursue its political ambitions


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    At present humanities can be characterized by transition from explicit to implicit knowledge, or to the depth of knowledge. One of these implicit categories is meaning. A combination of sign and meaning builds up the basis on which a basic unit of knowledge is created. Scholars use a variety of terms for naming these units of knowledge. We admit the term code as the most appropriate for us. The author presents her own definition of the term. Linguistic cultural codes set the world picture and occupy the central place in the national cultural space, at the same time being a means of structuring cultural knowledge

    Convergence of institutes of functional representation of group interests under transformation of social processes, quality of life, and human capital

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    This article substantiates the influence of mechanisms, methods, and technologies of a functional representation of group interests on the strategic management of socio-economic processes in the context of geopolitical turbulenc