1,038 research outputs found

    Effects of Diffusion on Photocurrent Generation in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films

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    We have studied photocurrent generation in large carbon nanotube (CNT) films using electrodes with different spacings. We observe that the photocurrent depends strongly on the position of illumination, with maximum observed response occurring upon illumination at the electrode edges. The rate of change of the response decays exponentially, with the fastest response occurring for samples with the smallest electrode spacing. We show that the time response is due to charge carrier diffusion in low-mobility CNT films

    Current and Shot Noise Measurements in a Carbon Nanotube-Based Spin Diode

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    Low-temperature measurements of asymmetric carbon nanotube (CNT) quantum dots are reported. The CNTs are end-contacted with one ferromagnetic and one normal-metal electrode. The measurements show a spin-dependent rectification of the current caused by the asymmetry of the device. This rectification occurs for gate voltages for which the normal-metal lead is resonant with a level of the quantum dot. At the gate voltages at which the current is at the maximum current, a significant decrease in the current shot noise is observed

    Electric Field Effect in Ultrathin Films near the Superconductor-Insulator Transition

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    The effect of an electric field on the conductance of ultrathin films of metals deposited on substrates coated with a thin layer of amorphous Ge was investigated. A contribution to the conductance modulation symmetric with respect to the polarity of the applied electric field was found in regimes in which there was no sign of glassy behavior. For films with thicknesses that put them on the insulating side of the superconductor-insulator transition, the conductance increased with electric field, whereas for films that were becoming superconducting it decreased. Application of magnetic fields to the latter, which reduce the transition temperature and ultimately quench superconductivity, changed the sign of the reponse of the conductance to electric field back to that found for insulators. We propose that this symmetric response to capacitive charging is a consequence of changes in the conductance of the a-Ge layer, and is not a fundamental property of the physics of the superconductor-insulator transition as previously suggested.Comment: 4 pages text, 4 figure

    Carbonized Jute Sorbent for Oil Cleanup

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    Over 90 million tons of textile waste is produced every year. A large share of waste comes from the goods made of cellulose fibers. Recently, special attention has been directed towards the use of textile cellulose waste for clean-up of oil spills. The major problem relies on their relatively small oil capacity and complex separation of individual cellulose fibers from the treated spills. In an attempt to overcome this drawback, a non-woven sorbent based on recycled jute fibers obtained from the carpet industry was manufactured. Improvement of porosity and hydrophobicity/oleophilicity of the sorbent was achieved by carbonization process in an inert atmosphere. FESEM analysis revealed the fiber reduction of almost 40% induced by fiber degradation while EDX analysis confirmed the increase in the carbon content by 75% after carbonization. Oil capacity in water medium, buoyancy, oil retention and reusability of non-carbonized and carbonized sorbents were evaluated by testing four different oils (crude oil, diesel oil, two motor oils). After carbonization process, the oil sorption capacity was doubled in comparison with noncarbonized sorbent independent of oil viscosity. Carbonized sorbent not only remained afloat after 24 h of staying in water, but it sorbed a negligible amount of water unlike non-carbonized sorbent. in addition to good buoyancy, oil retention on carbonized sorbents ranged from 64-80% after 30 min of draining. Larger uptake was achieved with oils of higher viscosity, but their retention was worse. Oil sorption capacity after 5 repeated sorption/desorption trials was significantly larger in the case of carbonized sorbent since it retained 80-88% of its initial oil sorption capacity depending on tested oil

    Neuropsychological constraints to human data production on a global scale

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    Which are the factors underlying human information production on a global level? In order to gain an insight into this question we study a corpus of 252-633 Million publicly available data files on the Internet corresponding to an overall storage volume of 284-675 Terabytes. Analyzing the file size distribution for several distinct data types we find indications that the neuropsychological capacity of the human brain to process and record information may constitute the dominant limiting factor for the overall growth of globally stored information, with real-world economic constraints having only a negligible influence. This supposition draws support from the observation that the files size distributions follow a power law for data without a time component, like images, and a log-normal distribution for multimedia files, for which time is a defining qualia.Comment: to be published in: European Physical Journal

    A contribution to the data on tench (Tinca tinca L., Cyprinidae, pisces) distribution in Serbia

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    The studies on the ichthyofauna of Serbia that have been conducted so far indicate the sporadic tench (Tinca tinca L.) presence in typical habitats. The hydroenvironmental conditions necessary for the survival of this fish species are highly variable and, generally, are more favourable in the northern part of the country (the Vojvodina Province). Although the tench presence has been registered at over 30 sites, there is a tendency of a decrease in population abundance. This is due to the reduction of the surface area of the macrophyte-covered flood zones induced by the damming and regulation of rivers, high water level fluctuations, and water amount reduction in the majority of watercourses, a massive increase in the number of allochthonous phytofagous species, reservoir sediment deposition, water quality deterioration and other factors. The tench conservation status in Serbia is officially designated as Low Risk - Least Concern. It may be transferred to a higher category if the tendency towards deterioration of survival conditions for the species should continue

    Classical stability and quantum instability of black-hole Cauchy horizons

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    For a certain region of the parameter space {M,e,Λ}\{M,e,\Lambda\}, the Cauchy horizon of a (charged) black hole residing in de Sitter space is classically stable to gravitational perturbations. This implies that, when left to its own devices, classical theory is unable to retain full predictive power: the evolution of physical fields beyond the Cauchy horizon is not uniquely determined by the initial conditions. In this paper we argue that the Cauchy horizon of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter black hole must always be unstable quantum mechanically.Comment: 4 pages; uses ReVTeX; figure available upon request to [email protected]

    Wind towers - design of flange ring connection

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    Today, wind power is second largest available renewable resource of energy, with 870 TW (terawatts). Large wind farms, with hundreds of wind towers are big opportunity for steel production industry. Designers and manufacturers of wind towers pay special attention on every single detail, always looking for some new solutions, trying to reduce price of wind towers. Some of the most interesting design and manufacturing details are connections used to assemble sections of tubular steel towers supporting wind turbins. There is traditional and actually more used flange ring connection and on the other side, as a new proposal which is used more and more, friction connection. In this paper theoretic basis of design of flange ring connection of wind towers is give

    Geotourism – a short introduction

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