575 research outputs found

    Racial and Gender Implications in African Female Literature: an Afrocentric Feminist Reading of Emecheta’s Second Class Citizen

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    The paper analyzes and explains the racial and gender meanings in African female literature, particularly in Buchi Emecheta\u27s Second Class Citizen. The analysis is made from an Afrocentric -feminist perspective. Thus the research findings have shown how the social and ideological constructions of race and gender could engender networks of racism and sexism for both sexes. Through the experience of Adah, the paper describes the manner in which the colored woman could be double oppressed due to her gender and race. In spite of the obstacles placed before her due to racism and sexism, the findings have indicated that the heroine, Adah, thanks to her determination, and her strong desire to be independent, was able to integrate the English society by obtaining a first class job as librarian at North Finchley Library. She succeeded where many black men failed like her husband, Francis. Although the paper concludes that education and financial independence are efficient means for the empowerment of the African woman, it also reveals the Eurocentric attitude of the novelist. It is therefore found out that Emecheta reproduces some of the same Eurocentrists\u27 stereotypes about Africa by considering the African man and his culture as responsible for the marginalization of the African woman

    Representations sociales de la consommation de tramadol au Niger, perceptions et connaissances des communautes : enjeux pour les actions de lutte

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    Full article is FrenchLe chlorhydrate de Tramadol est un antalgique de palier II sur la classification de l’OMS des médicaments anti douleurs. Son trafic illicite et utilisation détournée et abusive sont devenus un problème social au Niger. L’objectif de cette étude était de décrire les représentations sociales du tramadol évaluées à travers les connaissances et les attitudes des communautés - représentées par les élus locaux, les vendeurs ambulants de produits pharmaceutiques et les administrateurs - et de mettre ces représentations en lien avec les pratiques de sa consommation. L’étude était qualitative, transversale et descriptive. Il ressort une dualité dans la dynamique représentationnelle du Tramadol passant du «Tramadol-médicament» au «Tramadol-drogue» responsable respectivement d’une consommation naïve et d’une consommation abusive et dépendante. Toute mesure de lutte contre ce phénomène doit promouvoir des connaissances et attitudes communautaires en lien avec les conséquences sociales et sanitaires de la consommation de cette substance.Mots clés: Représentations sociales, Tramadol, drogue, médicament, préventionTramadol hydrochloride is a Level II analgesic on the WHO classification of anti-pain medications. Its smuggling, diversion and abuse have become a social problem in Niger. The objective of this study was to describe the social representations of tramadol evaluated through the knowledge and attitudes of communities -- represented by the local officials, vendors of pharmaceuticals and administrators -- and to these representations in connection with practices of consumption. The study was qualitative, cross-sectional and descriptive. It follows a duality in the representational  dynamics of Tramadol from the “Tramadol-medication” to “Tramadol-drug” responsible for respectively naive consumption and abuse/dependent consumption. Any control measures against this phenomenon must promote community knowledge and attitudes in relation to the social and health consequences of the use of this substance.Key words: Social representations, Tramadol, drug, preventio

    Supporting sanitation and hygiene in prisons: WaterAid's support for Bolle detention centre in Mali

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    The Bolle detention centre in Bamako is a unique prison for women and girls in Mali with an average of 150 inmates. WaterAid’s intervention started in 2014 to improve the living conditions and health of women prisoners by providing water, hygiene and sanitation. The project involved constructing and rehabilitating sanitation facilities, and providing training and sensitisation for inmates and prison managers in improved hygiene behaviours and maintenance of the facilities. This is consistent with WaterAid’s principle of "equality, non-discrimination and inclusion" in the provision of WASH services. As a result of the intervention more than 130 women and girls now have access to improved toilets and live in a healthier environment. The Ministry of Justice as well as other stakeholders such as United Nations Mission for Mali inspired by the results, have committed themselves to extending the same action in other prisons in Mali


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    Renoval Charge Technic Applied To A Bifacial Solar Cell Under Constant Magnetic Field

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    An n+-p-p+ bifacial solar cell under constant magnetic field is placed in a fast-switch-interrupted circuit and submitted to a constant multi-spectral illumination. The transient decay occurs between two steady states throughoperating points depending on two variable resistors; this allows us to obtain a transient decay at any operating point of the I-V curve of the solar cell, from the short circuit to the open one. The influence of magnetic field on the transient photocurrent has been studied using Matlab Simulink simulations.These simulations lead to an equivalent circuit of the bifacial cell in transient state assuming that the photocurrent is the diffused

    Oxo-aglaiastatin-mediated inhibition of translation initiation

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    We thank Dr. Elias George (McGill University) for the kind gift of Pgp-1-expressing HeLa cells. RIM was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Cole Foundation. This research was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN-148366) to JP. J.A.P., Jr. is supported by NIH Grant R35 GM118173. Work at the Boston University Center for Molecular Discovery is supported by Grant R24 GM111625. (Cole Foundation; FDN-148366 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research; R35 GM118173 - NIH; R24 GM111625)Published versionSupporting documentatio

    Changing Ecotypes of Dengue Virus 2 Serotype in Nigeria and the Emergence of Cosmopolitan and Asian I Lineages, 1966–2019

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is a leading mosquito-borne virus with a wide geographical spread and a major public health concern. DENV serotype 1 (DENV-1) and serotype 2 (DENV-2) were first reported in Africa in 1964 in Ibadan, Nigeria. Although the burden of dengue is unknown in many African countries, DENV-2 is responsible for major epidemics. In this study, we investigated the activities of DENV-2 to determine the circulating strains and to appraise the changing dynamics in the epidemiology of the virus in Nigeria. Nineteen DENV-2 sequences from 1966–2019 in Nigeria were retrieved from the GenBank of the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). A DENV genotyping tool was used to identify the specific genotypes. The evolutionary history procedure was performed on 54 DENV-2 sequences using MEGA 7. There is a deviation from Sylvatic DENV-2 to other genotypes in Nigeria. In 2019, the Asian I genotype of DENV-2 was predominant in southern Edo State, located in the tropical rainforest region, with the first report of the DENV-2 Cosmopolitan strain. We confirmed the circulation of other non-assigned genotypes of DENV-2 in Nigeria. Collectively, this shows that DENV-2 dynamics have changed from Sylvatic transmission reported in the 1960s with the identification of the Cosmopolitan strain and Asian lineages. Sustained surveillance, including vectorial studies, is required to fully establish the trend and determine the role of these vectors

    Developing and maintaining national food safety control systems: Experiences from the WHO African region

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    The establishment of effective food safety systems is pivotal to ensuring the safety of the national food supply as well as food products for regional and international trade. The development, structure and implementation of modern food safety systems have been driven over the years by a number of developments. These developments include: a reorientation of quality assurance protocols; emphasis on the development of integrated and holistic food safety systems with a farm-to-table approach; increasedrecognition of the respective roles of the different stakeholders along the food chain; increased food trade coupled with obligations under trade agreements; and advances in the control of foodborne hazards. At its core, a modern food safety system includes enabling food laws, policies, regulations and standards; mechanisms for coordination; operational food inspection and laboratory services as well as national information,education and communication programmes. While progress has been made in some countries in the WHO African Region at modernizing their food safety systems, many others are still grappling with the basics for development of effective food control systems. The traditional food control systems in a number of African countries do not provide the concerned agencies with a clear mandate and authority to prevent food safety problems. Effective food control in a number of these countries is undermined by a number of challenges including limited awareness about food safety, inadequate enabling policy, outdated legislation and regulations; inadequate coordination; and inadequate capacity and resources for food safety. This paper reviews the components of a modern national food safety control system and examines efforts at strengthening national food safety control systems in the African Region. It includesexperiences from countries that have made efforts at strengthening their national food safety control systems in view of current developments. The paper further discusses some of the challenges of food control systems in the Region and prospects for improvements. It concludes by suggesting the way forward for improving national food safety control systems in the Region
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