10,531 research outputs found

    The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XIX. A Chemical Tagging of the Multiple Stellar Populations Over the Chromosome Maps

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    The HST UV Survey of Globular Clusters (GCs) has investigated GCs and their stellar populations. In previous papers of this series we have introduced a pseudo two-color diagram, "chromosome map" (ChM), that maximises the separation between the multiple populations. We have identified two main classes of GCs: Type I (~83% of the objects) and Type II, both hosting two main groups of stars, referred to in this series as first (1G) and second generation (2G). Type II clusters exhibit two or more parallel sequences of 1G and 2G stars in their ChMs. We exploit elemental abundances from literature to assign the chemical composition to the distinct populations as identified on the ChMs of 29 GCs. We find that stars in different regions of the ChM have different composition: 1G stars share the same light-element content as field stars, while 2G stars are enhanced in N, Na and depleted in O. Stars enhanced in Al and depleted in Mg populate the extreme regions of the ChM. We investigate the color spread among 1G stars observed in many GCs, and find no evidence for variations in light elements, whereas either a 0.1 dex Fe spread or a variation in He remain to be verified. In the attempt of analysing the global properties of the multiple populations, we have constructed a universal ChM, which highlights that, though variegate, the phenomenon has some common pattern. The universal ChM reveals a tight connection with Na, for which we have provided an empirical relation. The additional ChM sequences typical of Type II GCs are enhanced in metallicity and, often, in s elements. Omega Cen can be classified as an extreme Type II GC, with a ChM displaying three main streams, each with its own variations in chemical abundances. One of the most noticeable differences is between the lower and upper streams, with the latter (associated with higher He) having higher Fe and lower Li. We publicly release ChMs.Comment: 35 pages, 28 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to MNRA

    A Generic Surface Sampler for Monte Carlo Simulations

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    We present an implementation of a Monte Carlo algorithm that generates points randomly and uniformly on a set of arbitrary surfaces. The algorithm is completely general and only requires the geometry modeling software to provide the intersection points of an arbitrary line with the surface being sampled. We demonstrate the algorithm using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. The efficiency of the sampling algorithm is discussed, along with various options in the implementation and example applications

    Charge pairing, superconducting transition and supersymmetry in high-temperature cuprate superconductors

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    We propose a model for high-Tc_{c} superconductors, valid for 0δδSC0\leq\delta\leq\delta_{SC}, that includes both the spin fluctuations of the Cu++^{++} magnetic ions and of the O^{--} doped holes. Spin-charge separation is taken into account with the charge of the doped holes being associated to quantum skyrmion excitations (holons) of the Cu++^{++} spin background. The holon effective interaction potential is evaluated as a function of doping, indicating that Cooper pair formation is determined by the competition between the spin fluctuations of the Cu++^{++} background and of spins of the O^{--} doped holes (spinons). The superconducting transition occurs when the spinon fluctuations dominate, thereby reversing the sign of the interaction. At this point (δ=δSC\delta = \delta_{SC}), the theory is supersymmetric at short distances and, as a consequence, the leading order results are not modified by radiative corrections. The critical doping parameter for the onset of superconductivity at T=0 is obtained and found to be a universal constant determined by the shape of the Fermi surface. Our theoretical values for δSC\delta_{SC} are in good agreement with the experiment for both LSCO and YBCO.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, no figure

    Exact Asymptotic Behaviour of Fermion Correlation Functions in the Massive Thirring Model

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    We obtain an exact asymptotic expression for the two-point fermion correlation functions in the massive Thirring model (MTM) and show that, for β2=8π\beta^2=8\pi, they reproduce the exactly known corresponding functions of the massless theory, explicitly confirming the irrelevance of the mass term at this point. This result is obtained by using the Coulomb gas representation of the fermionic MTM correlators in the bipolar coordinate system.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 12 page

    Global and non-global parameters of horizontal branch morphology of globular clusters

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    The horizontal branch (HB) morphology of globular clusters (GCs) is mainly determined by metallicity. However, the fact that GCs with almost the same metallicity exhibit different HB morphologies demonstrates that at least one more parameter is needed to explain the HB morphology. It has been suggested that one of these should be a global parameter that varies from GC to GC, and the other a non-global parameter that varies within the GC. In this study we provide empirical evidence corroborating this idea. We used the photometric catalogs obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and analyse the CMDs of 74 GCs. The HB morphology of our sample of GCs has been investigated on the basis of the two new parameters L1 and L2 that measure the distance between the RGB and the coolest part of the HB, and the color extension of the HB, respectively. We find that L1 correlates with both metallicity and age, whereas L2 most strongly correlates with the mass of the hosting GC. The range of helium abundance among the stars in a GC, characterised by Delta Y and associated with the presence of multiple stellar populations, has been estimated in a few GCs to date. In these GCs we find a close relationship among Delta Y, GC mass, and L2. We conclude that age and metallicity are the main global parameters while the range of helium abundance within a GC is the main non-global parameter defining the HB morphology of Galactic GCs.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Multiple stellar populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters. V. The split main sequence of the young cluster NGC1866

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    One of the most unexpected results in the field of stellar populations of the last few years, is the discovery that some Magellanic-Cloud globular clusters younger than ~400 Myr, exhibit bimodal main sequences (MSs) in their color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Moreover, these young clusters host an extended main sequence turn off (eMSTO) in close analogy with what is observed in most ~1-2 Gyr old clusters of both Magellanic Clouds. We use high-precision Hubble-Space-Telescope photometry to study the young star cluster NGC1866 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We discover an eMSTO and a split MS. The analysis of the CMD reveals that (i) the blue MS is the less populous one, hosting about one-third of the total number of MS stars; (ii) red-MS stars are more centrally concentrated than blue-MS stars; (iii) the fraction of blue-MS stars with respect to the total number of MS stars drops by a factor of ~2 in the upper MS with F814W <~19.7. The comparison between the observed CMDs and stellar models reveals that the observations are consistent with ~200 Myr old highly-rotating stars on the red-MS, with rotation close to critical value, plus a non-rotating stellar population spanning an age interval between ~140 and 220 Myr, on the blue-MS. Noticeable, neither stellar populations with different ages only, nor coeval stellar models with different rotation rates, properly reproduce the observed split MS and eMSTO. We discuss these results in the context of the eMSTO and multiple MS phenomenon.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Probing the AGN Unification Model at redshift z \sim 3 with MUSE observations of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae

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    A prediction of the classic active galactic nuclei (AGN) unification model is the presence of ionisation cones with different orientations depending on the AGN type. Confirmations of this model exist for present times, but it is less clear in the early Universe. Here, we use the morphology of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae around AGNs at redshift z\sim3 to probe AGN emission and therefore the validity of the AGN unification model at this redshift. We compare the spatial morphology of 19 nebulae previously found around type I AGNs with a new sample of 4 Lyα\alpha nebulae detected around type II AGNs. Using two independent techniques, we find that nebulae around type II AGNs are more asymmetric than around type I, at least at radial distances r>30r>30~physical kpc (pkpc) from the ionizing source. We conclude that the type I and type II AGNs in our sample show evidence of different surrounding ionising geometries. This suggests that the classical AGN unification model is also valid for high-redshift sources. Finally, we discuss how the lack of asymmetry in the inner parts (r\lesssim30 pkpc) and the associated high values of the HeII to Lyα\alpha ratios in these regions could indicate additional sources of (hard) ionizing radiation originating within or in proximity of the AGN host galaxies. This work demonstrates that the morphologies of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae can be used to understand and study the geometry of high redshift AGNs on circum-nuclear scales and it lays the foundation for future studies using much larger statistical samples.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    First prototype of a silicon tracker using an artificial retina for fast track finding

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    We report on the R\&D for a first prototype of a silicon tracker based on an alternative approach for fast track finding. The working principle is inspired from neurobiology, in particular by the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature. It is based on extensive parallelisation of data distribution and pattern recognition. In this work we present the design of a practical device that consists of a telescope based on single-sided silicon detectors; we describe the data acquisition system and the implementation of the track finding algorithms using available digital logic of commercial FPGA devices. Tracking performance and trigger capabilities of the device are discussed along with perspectives for future applications.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 (TIPP 2014), conference proceeding

    A WFC3/HST view of the three stellar populations in the Globular Cluster NGC6752

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    Multi-band Hubble Space Telescope photometry reveals that the main sequence, sub-giant, and the red giant branch of the globular cluster NGC6752 splits into three main components in close analogy with the three distinct segments along its horizontal branch stars. These triple sequences are consistent with three stellar groups: a stellar population with a chemical composition similar to field halo stars (population a), a population (c) with enhanced sodium and nitrogen, depleted carbon and oxygen and enhanced helium abundance (Delta Y ~0.03), and a population (b) with an intermediate (between population a and c) chemical composition and slightly helium enhanced (Delta Y ~0.01). These components contain ~25% (population a), ~45% (population b), and ~30% (population c) of the stars. No radial gradient for the relative numbers of the three populations has been identified out to about 2.5 half mass radii.Comment: 42 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Simulation and performance of an artificial retina for 40 MHz track reconstruction

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    We present the results of a detailed simulation of the artificial retina pattern-recognition algorithm, designed to reconstruct events with hundreds of charged-particle tracks in pixel and silicon detectors at LHCb with LHC crossing frequency of 40MHz40\,\rm MHz. Performances of the artificial retina algorithm are assessed using the official Monte Carlo samples of the LHCb experiment. We found performances for the retina pattern-recognition algorithm comparable with the full LHCb reconstruction algorithm.Comment: Final draft of WIT proceedings modified according to JINST referee's comment