536 research outputs found

    L1521E: A Starless Core in the Early Evolutionary Stage ?

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    We have studied the physical and chemical properties of a quiescent starless core L1521E with various molecular lines. It is found that there exists a compact dense core traced by the H^13CO^+, HN^13C, CCS, and HC_3N lines; their distributions have a single peak at the same position. The core radius is as small as 0.031 pc, whereas the H_2 density at the peak position is as high as (1.3-5.6)times10^5 cm^-3. Although the density is high enough to excite the inversion transitions of NH_3, these lines are found to be very faint in L1521E. The distributions of NH_3 and CCS seem to be different from those of well-studied starless cores, L1498 and L1544, where the distribution of CCS shows a shell-like structure while that of NH_3 is concentrated at the center of the core. Abundances of carbon-chain molecules are higher in L1521E than the other dark cloud cores, and especially those of sulfur-bearing molecules C_nS are comparable to the cyanopolyyne peak of TMC-1. Our results suggest that L1521E would be in a very early stage of physical and chemical evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 3 EPS figures, uses aaspp4.sty and epsf.sty, AAS LaTeX macros v4.0, The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Mapping Observations of DNC and HN^13C in Dark Cloud Cores

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    We present results of mapping observations of the DNC, HN^13C, and H^13CO^+ lines (J=1-0) toward 4 nearby dark cloud cores, TMC-1, L1512, L1544, and L63, along with observations of the DNC and HN^13C lines (J=2-1) toward selected positions. By use of statistical equilibrium calculations based on the LVG model, the H_2 densities are derived to be (1.4-5.5)*10^5 cm^-3, and the [DNC]/[HN^13C] ratios are derived to be 1.25-5.44 with a typical uncertainty by a factor of 2. The observed [DNC]/[HNC] ratios range from 0.02 to 0.09, assuming the [^12C]/[^13C] ratio of 60. Distributions of DNC and HN^13C are generally similar to each other, whereas the distribution of H^13CO^+ is more extended than those of DNC and HN^13C, indicating that they reside in an inner part of the cores than HCO^+. The [DNC]/[HN^13C] ratio is rather constant within each core, although a small systematic gradients are observed in TMC-1 and L63. Particularly, no such systematic gradient is found in L1512 and L1544, where a significant effect of depletion of molecules is reported toward the central part of the cores. This suggests that the [DNC]/[HNC] ratio would not be very sensitive to depletion factor, unlike the [DCO^+]/[HCO^+] ratio. On the other hand, the core to core variation of the [DNC]/[HNC] ratio, which range an order of magnitude, is more remarkable than the variation within each core. These results are interpreted qualitatively by a combination of three competing time-dependent processes; gas-phase deuterium fractionation, depletion of molecules onto grain surface, and dynamical evolution of a core.Comment: 22 pages, 8 EPS figures, aasLaTex 5.0, accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Quantum states and linear response in dc and electromagnetic fields for charge current and spin polarization of electrons at Bi/Si interface with giant spin-orbit coupling

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    An expansion of the nearly free-electron model constructed by Frantzeskakis, Pons and Grioni [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 82}, 085440 (2010)] describing quantum states at Bi/Si(111) interface with giant spin-orbit coupling is developed and applied for the band structure and spin polarization calculation, as well as for the linear response analysis for charge current and induced spin caused by dc field and by electromagnetic radiation. It is found that the large spin-orbit coupling in this system may allow resolving the spin-dependent properties even at room temperature and at realistic collision rate. The geometry of the atomic lattice combined with spin-orbit coupling leads to an anisotropic response both for current and spin components related to the orientation of the external field. The in-plane dc electric field produces only the in-plane components of spin in the sample while both the in-plane and out-of-plane spin components can be excited by normally propagating electromagnetic wave with different polarizations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    On the Influence of Uncertainties in Chemical Reaction Rates on Results of the Astrochemical Modelling

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    With the chemical reaction rate database UMIST95 (Millar et al. 1997) we analyze how uncertainties in rate constants of gas-phase chemical reactions influence the modelling of molecular abundances in the interstellar medium. Random variations are introduced into the rate constants to estimate the scatter in theoretical abundances. Calculations are performed for dark and translucent molecular clouds where gas phase chemistry is adequate. Similar approach was used by Pineau des Forets & Roueff (2000) for the study of chemical bistability. All the species are divided into 6 sensitivity groups according to the value of the scatter in their model abundances computed with varied rate constants. It is shown that the distribution of species within these groups depends on the number of atoms in a molecule and on the adopted physical conditions. The simple method is suggested which allows to single out reactions that are most important for the evolution of a given species.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn Zermatt Symposiu

    Low energy high angular resolution neutral atom detection by means of micro-shuttering techniques: the BepiColombo SERENA/ELENA sensor

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    The neutral sensor ELENA (Emitted Low-Energy Neutral Atoms) for the ESA cornerstone BepiColombo mission to Mercury (in the SERENA instrument package) is a new kind of low energetic neutral atoms instrument, mostly devoted to sputtering emission from planetary surfaces, from E ~20 eV up to E~5 keV, within 1-D (2x76 deg). ELENA is a Time-of-Flight (TOF) system, based on oscillating shutter (operated at frequencies up to a 100 kHz) and mechanical gratings: the incoming neutral particles directly impinge upon the entrance with a definite timing (START) and arrive to a STOP detector after a flight path. After a brief dissertation on the achievable scientific objectives, this paper describes the instrument, with the new design techniques approached for the neutral particles identification and the nano-techniques used for designing and manufacturing the nano-structure shuttering core of the ELENA sensor. The expected count-rates, based on the Hermean environment features, are shortly presented and discussed. Such design technologies could be fruitfully exported to different applications for planetary exploration.Comment: 11 page

    Hierarchically Porous ZSM-5 Synthesized by Nonionic- and Cationic-Templating Routes and Their Catalytic Activity in Liquid-Phase Esterification

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    Hierarchically porous MFI zeolites (ZSM-5) have been synthesized by hydrothermal treatment in the presence of trialkoxysilylated-derivatives of nonionic poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ether or alkyl quaternary ammonium cation as mesopore-generating agent, along with tetrapropylammonium cation as zeolite structure-directing agent. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed that zeolites have been crystallized, and scanning electron microscopy showed rugged surface morphology that was quite different from conventional ZSM-5. The mesoporosity was confirmed by nitrogen adsorption-desorption measurement showing type IV isotherms with narrow distribution of mesopore diameters. The catalytic activity of these mesoporous ZSM-5 was tested in liquid-phase esterification of benzyl alcohol with hexanoic acid. The conversion of benzyl alcohol on mesoporous ZSM-5 prepared via cationic-templating route was almost 100%, being much higher than on mesoporous ZSM-5 prepared with silylated nonionic surfactant as well as on conventional ZSM-5 with no mesopores. The presence of Brønsted acid sites, together with the mesopores, was responsible for this catalytic conversion, as confirmed by pyridine adsorption monitored by in situ infrared and 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Future evolution of an eddy rich ocean associated with enhanced east Atlantic storminess in a coupled model projection

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    Improved representation of air-sea fluxes afforded by eddy-rich oceans in high-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere models may modify the tracks and intensity of storms and their response to climate change. We examine changes in winter surface ocean conditions and storminess associated with moving from an eddy-permitting (1/4°, HM) to an eddy-rich (1/12°, HH) ocean in control and climate change (SSP585) simulations of the HadGEM3-GC3.1 model in which atmosphere resolution is kept at 25 km. Differences in North Atlantic climate in the control runs stem from a revised location of the Gulf Stream in the eddy-rich model. Projections reveal greater warming in the western Atlantic in HH than HM and a pronounced increase in eastern Atlantic storminess with changes six times greater than in the eddy-permitting model. This increase is associated with the distinctive long-term evolution of the North Atlantic warming hole and the Gulf Stream separation in the eddy-rich model

    Electronic transport, structure, and energetics of endohedral Gd@C82 metallofullerenes

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    Electronic structure and transport properties of the fullerene C82_{82} and the metallofullerene Gd@C82_{82} are investigated with density functional theory and the Landauer-Buttiker formalism. The ground state structure of Gd@C82_{82} is found to have the Gd atom below the C-C bond on the C2_2 molecular axis of C82_{82}. Insertion of Gd into C82_{82} deforms the carbon chain in the vicinity of the Gd atoms. Significant overlap of the electron distribution is found between Gd and the C82_{82} cage, with the transferred Gd electron density localized mainly on the nearest carbon atoms. This charge localization reduces some of the conducting channels for the transport, causing a reduction in the conductivity of the Gd@C82_{82} species relative to the empty C82_{82} molecule. The electron transport across the metallofullerene is found to be insensitive to the spin state of the Gd atom.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted Nano Let