531 research outputs found

    Exploring remote photoplethysmography signals for deepfake detection in facial videos

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    Abstract. With the advent of deep learning-based facial forgeries, also called "deepfakes", the feld of accurately detecting forged videos has become a quickly growing area of research. For this endeavor, remote photoplethysmography, the process of extracting biological signals such as the blood volume pulse and heart rate from facial videos, offers an interesting avenue for detecting fake videos that appear utterly authentic to the human eye. This thesis presents an end-to-end system for deepfake video classifcation using remote photoplethysmography. The minuscule facial pixel colour changes are used to extract the rPPG signal, from which various features are extracted and used to train an XGBoost classifer. The classifer is then tested using various colour-to-blood volume pulse methods (OMIT, POS, LGI and CHROM) and three feature extraction window lengths of two, four and eight seconds. The classifer was found effective at detecting deepfake videos with an accuracy of 85 %, with minimal performance difference found between the window lengths. The GREEN channel signal was found to be important for this classifcationEtäfotoplethysmografian hyödyntäminen syväväärennösten tunnistamiseen. Tiivistelmä. Syväväärennösten eli syväoppimiseen perustuvien kasvoväärennöksien yleistyessä väärennösten tarkasta tunnistamisesta koneellisesti on tullut nopeasti kasvava tutkimusalue. Etäfotoplethysmografa (rPPG) eli biologisten signaalien kuten veritilavuuspulssin tai sykkeen mittaaminen videokuvasta tarjoaa kiinnostavan keinon tunnistaa väärennöksiä, jotka vaikuttavat täysin aidoilta ihmissilmälle. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään etäfotoplethysmografaan perustuva syväväärennösten tunnistusmetodi. Kasvojen minimaalisia värimuutoksia hyväksikäyttämällä mitataan fotoplethysmografasignaali, josta lasketuilla ominaisuuksilla koulutetaan XGBoost-luokittelija. Luokittelijaa testataan usealla eri värisignaalista veritilavuussignaaliksi muuntavalla metodilla sekä kolmella eri ominaisuuksien ikkunapituudella. Luokittelija pystyy tunnistamaan väärennetyn videon aidosta 85 % tarkkuudella. Eri ikkunapituuksien välillä oli minimaalisia eroja, ja vihreän värin signaalin havaittiin olevan luokittelun suorituskyvyn kannalta merkittävä

    Non-local permittivity from a quasi-static model for a class of wire media

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    A simple quasi-static model applicable to a wide class of wire media is developed that explains strong non-locality in the dielectric response of wire media in clear physical terms of effective inductance and capacitance per unit length of a wire. The model is checked against known solutions and found to be in excellent agreement with the results obtained by much more sophisticated analytical and numerical methods. Special attention is given to suppression of the spatial dispersion effects in wire media.Comment: 22 pagees, 4 figure

    Effects of Spatial Dispersion on Reflection from Mushroom-type Artificial Impedance Surfaces

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    Several recent works have emphasized the role of spatial dispersion in wire media, and demonstrated that arrays of parallel metallic wires may behave very differently from a uniaxial local material with negative permittivity. Here, we investigate using local and non-local homogenization methods the effect of spatial dispersion on reflection from the mushroom structure introduced by Sievenpiper. The objective of the paper is to clarify the role of spatial dispersion in the mushroom structure and demonstrate that under some conditions it is suppressed. The metamaterial substrate, or metasurface, is modeled as a wire medium covered with an impedance surface. Surprisingly, it is found that in such configuration the effects of spatial dispersion may be nearly suppressed when the slab is electrically thin, and that the wire medium can be modeled very accurately using a local model. This result paves the way for the design of artificial surfaces that exploit the plasmonic-type response of the wire medium slab.Comment: submitted for publication, under revie

    A Thin Electromagnetic Absorber for Wide Incidence Angles and Both Polarizations

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    In this paper a planar electromagnetic absorber is introduced whose performance is maintained over a wide change of the incidence angle for both TE and TM polarization. The absorber comprises an array of patches over a grounded dielectric slab, with clear advantage in terms of manufacturability. It is shown that a high value of the relative permittivity of the substrate is essential for the operation of the absorber. The main contribution of the paper is to demonstrate and practically use the presence of an additional resonance of high-impedance surfaces when the plasma frequency of the wire medium comprising metallic vias in the dielectric substrate is close to the original resonance of the high-impedance surface. The presence of the vias between FSS and the ground plane is discussed both for the case of a high-permittivity absorber and for a low permittivity one. The radius of the vias influences the oblique incidence TM absorption, and when properly designed, the insertion of the vias result in bandwidth enlargement and higher absorption

    Portmanteau tests for linearity of Stationary Time Series

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    This paper considers the problem of testing for linearity of stationary time series. Portmanteau tests are discussed which are based on generalized correlations of residuals from a linear model (that is, autocorrelations and cross-correlations of different powers of the residuals). The finite-sample properties of the tests are assessed by means of Monte Carlo experiments. The tests are applied to 100 time series of stock returns

    The rate of X-ray-induced DNA double-strand break repair in the embryonic mouse brain is unaff ected by exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fi elds

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    Following in utero exposure to low dose radiation (10 – 200 mGy), we recently observed a linear induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and activation of apoptosis in the embryonic neuronal stem/progenitor cell compartment. No signifi cant induction of DSB or apoptosis was observed following exposure to magnetic fi elds (MF). In the present study, we exploited this in vivo system to examine whether exposure to MF before and after exposure to 100 mGy X-rays impacts upon DSB repair rates. Materials and methods : 53BP1 foci were quantifi ed following combined exposure to radiation and MF in the embryonic neuronal stem/progenitor cell compartment. Embryos were exposed in utero to 50 Hz MF at 300 m T for 3 h before and up to 9 h after exposure to 100 mGy X-rays. Controls included embryos exposed to MF or X-rays alone plus sham exposures. Results : Exposure to MF before and after 100 mGy X-rays did not impact upon the rate of DSB repair in the embryonic neuronal stem cell compartment compared to repair rates following radiation exposure alone. Conclusions : We conclude that in this sensitive system MF do not exert any signifi cant level of DNA damage and do not impede the repair of X-ray induced damage

    Ihmisen ja robotin sanattoman kanssakäynnin haasteet sulautetussa järjestelmässä

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    Tiivistelmä. Robottien kehityksen myötä niitä voidaan hyödyntää tehtävissä, jotka vaativat robotilta jatkuvaa kanssakäymistä ihmisten kanssa. Ihmisten keskuudessa toimivien robottien pitää pystyä vuorovaikuttamaan sulavasti ja luonnollisesti käyttäjiensä kanssa. Sulava kanssakäynti vaatii robotilta kykyä lukea ihmisen sanatonta ja sanallista viestintää sekä kykyä tuottaa ihmisten ymmärtämää viestintää. Tässä työssä kehitettiin toimiva katsekontakti robotille. Työssä käytettiin pohjana InMoov-robotin päätä, jonka silmiä ohjattiin Raspberry PI:lle ja Arduino UNO:lle kehitetyillä ohjelmistoilla. Katsekontakti toteutettiin seuraavalla tavalla: Robotin silmään sijoitetulta kameralta tulevasta kuvasta tunnistetaan kasvot, jonka jälkeen silmät ohjataan kohti kuvassa olevia kasvoja.Challenges of nonverbal human-robot interaction within an embedded system. Abstract. Due to technological improvement of robots they can be utilized in tasks that require constant interaction with humans. Robots that work among humans need to be able to interact naturally and fluently with its users. Smooth interaction requires ability to read both non-verbal and verbal communication of humans and an ability to communicate in a way that can be easily understood. In this project a working eye contact application was built for a robot. The robot used is built on an InMoov robot head, with eyes controlled by software made for Raspberry Pi and Arduino UNO. The application was designed in the following way: A camera mounted in the eye of the robot takes pictures. A face recognition algorithm then finds the face and the eyes are turned towards it

    Pre-Exposure to 50 Hz Magnetic Fields Modifies Menadione-Induced Genotoxic Effects in Human SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) are generated by power lines and various electric appliances. They have been classified as possibly carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, but a mechanistic explanation for carcinogenic effects is lacking. A previous study in our laboratory showed that pre-exposure to ELF MF altered cancer-relevant cellular responses (cell cycle arrest, apoptosis) to menadione-induced DNA damage, but it did not include endpoints measuring actual genetic damage. In the present study, we examined whether pre-exposure to ELF MF affects chemically induced DNA damage level, DNA repair rate, or micronucleus frequency in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Exposure to 50 Hz MF was conducted at 100 µT for 24 hours, followed by chemical exposure for 3 hours. The chemicals used for inducing DNA damage and subsequent micronucleus formation were menadione and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS). Pre-treatment with MF enhanced menadione-induced DNA damage, DNA repair rate, and micronucleus formation in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Although the results with MMS indicated similar effects, the differences were not statistically significant. No effects were observed after MF exposure alone. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm our previous findings showing that pre-exposure to MFs as low as 100 µT alters cellular responses to menadione, and show that increased genotoxicity results from such interaction. The present findings also indicate that complementary data at several chronological points may be critical for understanding the MF effects on DNA damage, repair, and post-repair integrity of the genome
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