952 research outputs found

    Agency Problem dalam Penerapan Pembiayaan Akad Mudharabah pada Perbankan Syariah

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    The purpose of writing this article is to describe the agency problems that arise in the application of the financing with mudharabah on Islamic banking. In this article the author describes the use of the theory of financing, asymetri information, agency problems inside of financing. The conclusion of this article is that the financing is asymmetric information problems will arise, both adverse selection and moral hazard. The high risk of prospective managers (mudharib) for their moral hazard and lack of readiness of human resources in Islamic banking is among the factors that make the composition of the distribution of funds to the public more in the form of financing. The limitations that can be done to optimize this financing is among other things; owners of capital supervision (monitoring) and the customers themselves place restrictions on its actions (bonding)

    Kebutuhan Energi Untuk Memproses (Ingot-wafer Sel- Modul) Kristal Silikon Dan Waktu Pengembalian Dalam Pemanfaatan Penerangan Rumah Tangga Fotovoltaik, Solar Home System

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    This paper is to review existing knowledge on energy requirements for manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) module and system. Estimate energy (primary energy) requirements for manufacturing PV module for scenario: Low* and High1. For multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si)a. Low is 4200 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 35 MJ/Wp = 3,395 kwh/Wpb. High is 11600 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 96 MJ/Wp = 9.312 kwh/Wp2. For a single –crystalline (sc-S)a. Low is 6000 MJ/ m2 or 47 MJ/Wp = 4,559 kwh/Wp.b. High is 13900 MJ/ m2 or 109 MJ/Wp = 10.573 kwh/WpEstimate energy production (final yield) for application SHS (50 Wp) multi – crystalline (mc-S) is 65 kwh/Wp/year (1 Wp produce 1,3 kwh/year. Estimate Energy Pay-back Time ,” take energy to save energy”. for Solar Home System Application for over 20 year system life (under 1900 kwh/ m2/year irradiation) are 3-4 years for low scenario and 8 years for high

    Urgensi Metodologi Takhrij Hadis dalam Studi Keislaman

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan sumber asli dari suatu hadis, menjelaskan sanad dan menerangkan nilai hadis merupakan cakupan yang dibahas dalam takhrij hadis. Ilmu ini sangat penting bagi seseorang yang selalu mengutip hadis Nabi sebagai dasar argumentasi, karena dengan ilmu ini seseorang bisa mengetahui keabsahan suatu hadis. Dan dengan ilmu ini pula seseorang dapat mengetahui secara mendalam tentang seluk beluk kitab-kitab hadis dengan berbagai sistem penyusunan dan penulisannya

    Evaluasi Tingkat Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik Oleh Pengusaha Menggunakan Metode Tecnology Acceptance Model (Tam)

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    Procurement efficient government is one important part in the improvement of public finance management. One of its manifestations is the implementation of the procurement process and electronic government services that further enhance andensure the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability in spending money. Due to the implementation of an internet-based auction / relate to technology, replacing what was once the auction is done manually, the service provider does not necessarily accept the new system is implemented. Thus arises the providers of goods and services that accept or reject the new system in the process of procuring goods and services. Therefore it is necessary in the evaluation to determine how per cent acceptance level information systems Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) by the users of the system so that it can be seen from the settlement of problems arising from the implementation of the system. The variables that were included in accordance with what is contained in the model of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and statistical tools

    Analisis Limit Momen Pipa Elbow Dengan Beban In-Plane Bending

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    Pipe bends or elbows are of important component in a piping system. In addition to its function for changing the direction of piping due to layout restriction, an elbow can accommodate expansion because it is more flexible than an equivalent straight pipe with the same material and dimension. However, and elbow can not be analyzed using the engineer theory of bending, because its cross-section become oval under bending. This paper reports a result of finite element study of bending behavior of a pipe elbow and its influence on limit moment. Limit moment was obtained using nonlinear analysis and Newton-Raphson algorithm was employed. Material behavior of pipe was treated as large strain, elastic-perfectly-plastic. The results show that a pipe elbow under in-plane opening bending is stiffer than those under in-plane closing bending, indicated by their limit load – 4.83 times yield stress for in-plane opening bending and 1.34 times the yield stress for in-plane closing bending

    Konsep dan Isu Gender dalam Islam

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep dan isu gender dalam islam, dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif penulis akan mendeskripsikan perbincangan dalam konsep gender yang terdapat dua isu utama. Isu yang pertama tentang ketimpangan gender dan isu yang kedua tentang kesetaraan gender. Penyebab terjadinya ketimpangan dan diskriminasi terhadap wanita ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain: bahwa konsep ini dianggap doktrin ajaran keagamaan, faktor budaya patriarki, amalan budaya masyarakat dan faktor hegemoni negara. Namun islam sebagai Rahmatan lil „alamin telah membawa kaum wanita kepada tempat yang sangat mulia sehingga wanita sama dalam bentuk ketaqwaan dan nilai ibadah di sisi Allah, walaupun terdapat beberapa perbedaan diantara laki-laki dan perempuan bukanlah atas faktor diskriminaisi akan tetapi suatu kemuliaan dan bersifat adil yang bermaksud menempatkan sesuatu pada tempatnya
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